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Roy Williams fined


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They need to sit him out a few games before he hurts somebody AGAIN...


Safety Roy Williams was fined $10,000 by the NFL for unnecessary roughness in the Oct. 23 game against the New York Giants. Williams was fined for using a "horse collar" tackle on Tiki Barber on a run play. No penalty was called on the play. The league has fined Williams three times this season. The other infractions were for impermissible use of a helmet.

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Roy Williams: Best hitter* in the league!

*Said player leads with his helmet and likes to take people down by their collar.

I think safeties almost like getting fined a couple times a year. It adds to the intimidation factor, and can help get into their opponents head before they even get on the field. Look at Rodney Harrison. He sets aside about 75k a year just for fines because he knows it will happen. It's become just part of his game as a big hitter and has made him one of the most feared safeties in NFL history.

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I think safeties almost like getting fined a couple times a year. It adds to the intimidation factor, and can help get into their opponents head before they even get on the field. Look at Rodney Harrison. He sets aside about 75k a year just for fines because he knows it will happen. It's become just part of his game as a big hitter and has made him one of the most feared safeties in NFL history.

Leading with the helmet and getting a fine to cause 'fear' in players is understandable. Tackling the dude by the collar because you allowed said player to get behind you and that is all you have left to bring him down and getting a fine is foolish. It just makes you seem like less of a player.

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Leading with the helmet and getting a fine to cause 'fear' in players is understandable. Tackling the dude by the collar because you allowed said player to get behind you and that is all you have left to bring him down and getting a fine is foolish. It just makes you seem like less of a player.

You don't think some guys 'fear' being brought down from behind by Roy and breaking a leg or something?

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You don't think some guys 'fear' being brought down from behind by Roy and breaking a leg or something?

I'm obviously not an NFL RB or WR but I'd set aside money if Roy Williams was on MY schedule. The guy's a cheap shot artist, did you see him DRAG down Tiki by the collar and NOT get flagged for it---f-in ridiculous. If I was Tiki, I would've gotten up and kicked him scare in the nuts ripped his helmet off by his facemask, spit in his face and poked him in the eye.


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Is it worse to tackle someone from the back of their jersey or tackle someone by their facemask?

Neither. That is my point TEK. All illegal hits are illegal because they ALL have the potential to end someone's career or at least seriously hurt them. When I said that some safeties use illegal hits as to help their game/reputation/intimidation, I meant all types of illegal hits.

I'd also like to add that, nowhere in this thread did I say I approve or disapprove of it. I just think that it goes on in the league, especially among safeties. So calling my posts pathetic or insensitive or whatever are not warranted, since I am not endorsing or denouncing this type of behavior.

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In Roy's 5 years in the league, he's been fined a total of 4 times.

When NFL players were asked who the dirtiest player in the league was, Roy Williams didn't even get a vote.


No, he only gets NFL rules made because of him... :laugh:

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The head of refs needs to send out a bulletin reminding the officials of the rule and to start enforcing it!!! Attached should be pictures of Williams disregard for the rule which was created because of him.

Honestly, I think if the league really wanted to stop him, they would just fine him more and more money. That will hurt him more than a 15 yard penalty if you ask me.

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