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The official smack talk thread.


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Step right up Ladies and Gentlemen, its Dallas week once again, and this is the Official Smack Talk thread of Cowboys and Skins fans.

I'm going to start by telling you why you simply cannot win this game.....

1. Tony Romo sits to pee. Unfortunetely for you, he is the REAL deal. No more Drew Bledsoe behind center. Someone send a memo to GW......Please Blitz.

2. Brunell will be Boo'd so loudly, he won't be able to concentrate on the game.

3. We are 6-3 in your home since Fed Ex field opened. A nice little "home away from home" for us.

4. Your defense is a sieve. I blame Archuleta.

5. This is my favorite part......You ripped out hearts out last year, ending our season. Isn't it ironic that with a win this week, the cowboys will be ending your season? Ahhhh Poetic Justice.

Seriously though guys, there is one thing that worries me about this game, it is the fact that it is a MUST WIN for you, and your team ALWAYS gets up for ours in your house. I'm sure it is just the electricity in the air because you can literally taste the hatred you fans have for us. Dallas will need to get up early in the game to take the crowd out of it, and make them turn on Brunell. If we can get up 14-0 in the first quarter, the game will be over.

However, if you guy get up early, and the crowd gets into it, it could be a dogfight, and the crowd will be going crazy.

Final Score.

America's Team 31

Underachievers 10

Let the smack talk begin..........................

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I agree 100%! I hope all the players with the Redskins are healthy. I do not want to hear any excuses!

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You've got it flipped. You must have seen my prediction in the OFFICIAL prediction thread :silly:

31 Redskins

10 Pukes

You won't win this game. Its a completely different stage for Romo sits to pee in our house. I'm sure everyone in my section and everywhere around the stadium will do their part. Brunell won't be booed...I hope not, at least :paranoid:

Chalk it up as a loss!

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Step right up Ladies and Gentlemen, its Dallas week once again, and this is the Official Smack Talk thread of Cowboys and Skins fans.

Let the smack talk begin..........................

Instead of talking smack I would prefer to smack your punk ass all over Fed Ex field just like the Skins are going to smack your team all over the stadium.

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In response to WeOwnU:

1. Romo sits to pee has played one good game, not ready to call him a star QB yet.

2. I dont think Brunell would be booed, or at least he should not.

3. 35-7.

4. Defense has been bad.

5. We will be ripping your hearts out yet again.

Just some friendly smack talk back. :dallasuck

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You want my smack talk, your a dallas cowboys fan enough said..... haha just having my fun, but seriously I am very worried about this game, if we do not get to Romo sits to pee and make him uncomfortalbe and make mistakes it will be a long day. If we can't shut down your running game, long day. If our offense stalls and you guys go up early like you said the crowd will turn on Brunell. Do I think we can win this game yes, do I think we can loose this game, yes. No matter what will I still hate the cowboys if we win or lose, YES. GO SKINS BEAT DALLAS :dallasuck

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Its a completely different stage for Romo sits to pee in our house. I'm sure everyone in my section and everywhere around the stadium will do their part. Brunell won't be booed...I hope not, at least :paranoid:

Chalk it up as a loss!

The entire club level will be a sea of empty yellow seats....like it usually is. Skins fans are always willing to sell their tickets...so there will be plenty of Boys fans there, and it will only get loud in the stadium after the skins go 3 and out.

I think Romo sits to pee will be fine under those circumstances. :D

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"Famous for Ribs" comes back to earth this week.

Against who? You're D line??? We just smoked the Panthers. You know, Peppers company? You think Romo sits to pee is afraid of Carter? Hell, I'm not afraid of Carter.

I'm guessing we own the time of possesion this week. We'll probably have the ball close to 40 minutes. You're D will be gasping for air in the 4th quarter.

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The entire club level will be a sea of empty yellow seats....like it usually is. Skins fans are always willing to sell their tickets...so there will be plenty of Boys fans there, and it will only get loud in the stadium after the skins go 3 and out.

I think Romo sits to pee will be fine under those circumstances. :D

I'll be there! I know a lot of my coworkers have moved their tickets, a lot of them to Dallas fans. We'll get the Dallas chant going once the Skin fans clear out when their team is getting blown out. :silly:

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For the record, Dallas did not beat Carolina with Tony Homo.

Carolina beat Carolina.


You see the Steelers/Raiders game this week? Pittsburgh beat Pittsburgh.

Carolina did not beat Carolina.

The time of possesion says it all.

Dallas 40 minutes

Panthers 20 minutes

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Against who? You're D line??? We just smoked the Panthers. You know, Peppers company? You think Romo sits to pee is afraid of Carter? Hell, I'm not afraid of Carter.

I'm guessing we own the time of possesion this week. We'll probably have the ball close to 40 minutes. You're D will be gasping for air in the 4th quarter.

Tony Homo will probably have both balls from the T-bag Sean Taylor is gonna give him....

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The Cowboys will never do it with all the clowns they have on the sideline this year, No true character, even parcells is suffering from the poor atmosphere down there. After one bad thing happens, the entire dallas sideline turns into a soap opera. It's hilarious to watch, can't wait until it all crashes and burns. God I hope we see Campbell or Collins this week, then we have a shot.

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You see the Steelers/Raiders game this week? Pittsburgh beat Pittsburgh.

Carolina did not beat Carolina.

The time of possesion says it all.

Dallas 40 minutes

Panthers 20 minutes

Two fumbles and that feeble Delhomme INT didn't help with the TOP?

The Panthers clearly contributed to their own demise.

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I'll be there! I know a lot of my coworkers have moved their tickets, a lot of them to Dallas fans. We'll get the Dallas chant going once the Skin fans clear out when their team is getting blown out. :silly:

God Bless You Cowboy in DC.

I'm counting on you. And make sure you boo Brunell too.

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