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Do you refrigerate your ketchup?


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Someone I know does not refrigerate their ketchup.

I had a hamburger recently at his house and was offered the warm ketchup.

I thought I was going to get sick just thinking about it.

So who here uses warm ketchup?

This is a fascinating thread. I have often thought about this, not just with ketchup, but with all condiments.

A good friend of mine and his wife do not refrigerate any of their condinments - ketchup, mustard, A-1 sauce, BBQ sauce, Heinz 57, you name it. I was always under the impression that this stuff would go bad. Apparently not. What I did find is that left un-refrigerated, these condiments have a different taste. The ketchup looks a lot darker too and so does the mustard. I have never said anything to them about it, but I do find it odd.

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This is a fascinating thread. I have often thought about this, not just with ketchup, but with all condiments.

A good friend of mine and his wife do not refrigerate any of their condinments - ketchup, mustard, A-1 sauce, BBQ sauce, Heinz 57, you name it. I was always under the impression that this stuff would go bad. Apparently not. What I did find is that left un-refrigerated, these condiments have a different taste. The ketchup looks a lot darker too and so does the mustard. I have never said anything to them about it, but I do find it odd.

A tomato goes rotten if left on the counter too long. I just do not see how leaving '"tomato" ketchup would be any different.

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You guys drink warm soda as well.

Do you leave a bottle of bbq sauce out on the counter for two months?

Warm soda = undrinkable. But I'm wierd, cold or not, I only like soda with ice. I don't like warm ketchup that's been opened and left out forever, but I think it tastes best right when you open and it's warm or from warm ketcup packets.

As far as it going bad because it's like a tomato, all that high fructose corn syrup goes a long, long way in preserving it. I think there's also vinegar in it which would also help.

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I usually keep my ketchup in the fridge, but I do it out at times, and I think it actually, for some dishes, taste better at that temperature. A lot of restaurants do not keep their ketchup in a fridge as well, which lends that "restaurants" taste to the condiment. BTW, ketchup would not go bad because of the extra additives and preservatives in the condiment; most tomato products will not go bad at a fast rate.

I like my sodas cold, but I also like room temperature soda (and beer) as well.

BTW, does anyone else put ketchup on their mashed taters?

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I'm shocked that so many of you refridgerate your ketchup! You can leave it out on the counter for a looooooong time before anything goes bad. Plus, cold ketchup is nasty and the stuff that gets under the cap just hardens like mad and is impossible to get off.

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I like my sodas cold, but I also like room temperature soda (and beer) as well.

BTW, does anyone else put ketchup on their mashed taters?

Sometimes but ketchup is good on anything. I definitely use ketchup with a baked potato, though.

No, that seems like an odd combination. I put mayonnaise on my hotdogs. Does anyone else do that or is that weird?

That's just wierd :silly: I know people who eat french fries with mayo, though. How about a steak and cheese sub? Anyone else like ketchup on that?

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If you put ketchup on fries, then you may like it on mashed tasters, especially combined with the butter. It just takes really good for some reason.

My nephew puts mayo on his hot dogs - I don't think it is so weird, since it is one of the basic condiments.

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Sometimes but ketchup is good on anything. I definitely use ketchup with a baked potato, though.

I also like ketchup on a baked potato, along with sour cream and grated chedder cheese. That is a meal unto itself!

I used to like ketchup on a steak and cheese; that would be the only condiment I used to put on those type of subs.

Mayo and ketchup is actually a pretty good combination with meals - for example, mayo on the sandwich and ketchup on fries.

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I'm shocked that so many of you refridgerate your ketchup! You can leave it out on the counter for a looooooong time before anything goes bad. Plus, cold ketchup is nasty and the stuff that gets under the cap just hardens like mad and is impossible to get off.

Thats why you CLEAN the excess off after each use, lazy butt :silly:

Fridge user here lol

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No, that seems like an odd combination. I put mayonnaise on my hotdogs. Does anyone else do that or is that weird?

I love mayo on hot dogs, usually open faced though.

You want wierd?...grape jelly on spaghetti :hungry:

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anything with vinager resists bacteria, that's why a real deli will put a slice of

dill pickle rapped up in you sub sandwich

exactly....Tomato and Ketchup are not synonymous :laugh:

It's probably the same reason that you can make Tira Misu with raw eggs in it and not get sick, because the alchohol in the Brandy kills the bacteria.

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