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Quarterback Controversy


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Being a Season ticket holder has no bearing on how big of a fan you are. I am also a ticket holder, at the games 4 hours before, and all that just like you. I know people who have redskins season tickets who are Steeler fans and Packer fans just because they love football. How can you say there is no way we aren't going to win more games than we lose? Can you predict the future?

Any given game anything can happen and the redskins can run the table on the rest of the season if they tried hard enough and had enough heart.

i like how when i say i'm a big fan, you just say i'm not with nothing to back it up. but when i give evidence of my support, you just dismiss it.

you point out that i cant predict the future, but seem to think that you can? all of my opinions are at least rooted in some fact. as in, we are 2-5 right now. fact. if we want to make the playoffs we probably have to go 8-1. we play at philly, carolina, dallas, philly again, atlanta and the giants. if we lose two of those games, we are done. but more importantly, at 2-5 we do not look like a team that can win 4 of those games.

point is, i can be a loyal fan and be pessimistic. you can be optimistic and smart about it. or you can be optimistic and dumb about it, and insulting to other people and just generally a jerk. apparently you chose the latter.

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Personally I'd like to see what Collins can do in a real game before going to Campbell. He would know where look downfield for open receivers before dumping it off underneath.

Hehe, I think he knows the offense enough to run the offense like Peyton Manning. Can he execute? I would like to know. :)

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Boonell's problem besides "a noodle" for an arm? 3rd down and anything over 3 yds.

He throws short on any 3rd down play. Man, against Indy, he threw short 3 consecutive times. Dang.

3rd and 10 is not a time to throw to your RB who is 8 yds short of the 1st down marker. What a waste of time!!!

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When will the Brunell Lovers and Apologists get it through their thick heads that we don't care about his stats or mediocre performance, or the fact that the team's record isn't entirely his fault. The D sucks, yes, we know, and that's fine. The bottom line is that this team isn't going anywhere WITH or WITHOUT Brunell, so we might as well get Campbell a TON of EXPERIENCE if we're going to end up with the same record anyway. At least that will help next year. Playing Brunell now does not help next year.


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Shouldn't Brunells passes be called shuffle passes anyway?? I mean they usually only go for less than 10 yards anyway. Anyone can push the ball 5-10 yards and get good stats. That's why we have the number 10 ranked quarterback on a 2-5 team. This team has to have the ugliest passing game in the NFL. It may have a low interception rate, but it is because the ball never gets down field.

After 3 seasons, I have determined that Brunell cannot pretend to be a big time quarterback, running a big time offfense. It doesn't matter how many adjustments you attempt, he ends up right back where he started from. LOSING. This team needs a change at the quarterback position. Joe Gibbs knew this when Ramsey couldn't handle it, he should know it when Brunell can't handle it as well. Come on Joe, snap out of it, get someone in there who can throw the damn ball. PLEASE.

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Man do the Brunell supporters ever stop, Im sick of hearing that MB is the 10th rated QB in the leaugue, who cares let him be the the 10th rated Qb on the bench. We are 2-5 and a shot at making the playoffs are bascically all but done. With Brunell in their we have no chance, let the kid play lets see what he can do. I'm tired of the excuses for Brunell

Exucuse #1 The OL is playing horrible. Well we have only given up 11 sacks which is good for 12th in the league, 10th if you go by sacks per game. Now thats not to bad, our line is given up less sacks then 2/3 of the other teams in the leaugue, how is it that the line is playing so bad.Usually what I see on sundays when I watch the game is that Brunell is given ample time to throw looks down field to his first option, then dumps it off to Betts for 4 yards. Second if the line is so horrible wouldn't it be better to do what the Cowboys did, and bring in the more mobile QB. Campbell is more mobile and has a much quicker realease. Have you seen Brunell drop back and pass, first it takes him too long to do his 7 step drop, then to throw the ball with any zip on it he has to windup and use his entire body in this slow throwing motion. Campbell would do this much quicker.

Excuse #2 Brunell is not the Problem, look at his QB rating 90.4 11th in the leaugue. This is why I say that QB rating is the most overrated statistic in Football. Look at the ratings of Hassleback, Brady, Delhomme, and Vick all worse then Brunell, but they all have winning records and will probably be in the playoffs. Why are their ratings lower then Brunell's? Because they throw the ball downfield and sometimes they throw interceptions or incomplete passes, but more often then not they make plays to help their team win. Two huge factors in calculating a QB rating is Comp%, and Ints/att. Well Brunell is going to have a high comp% because he throws 25 dumpoffs, Wr screens and Shovel passes a game. And he doesn't throw a lot of INT's because he never takes chances to throw the ball down field. Therefore you have a high rating.

I say stop the excuses, lets play Campbell now.

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Saw this on Fox Sports today. I know it doesn't mean anything since he hasnt played a snap but still good to hear.

"The good news for Washington fans is that backup Jason Campbell does very well in our rookie quarterback projection system. You can predict the NFL performance of first- and second-round quarterbacks with astonishing accuracy using just two college stats: games started and completion percentage. No other recent high draft pick ranks above Campbell in both categories."

Here is the link if you think Im making it up. still good to hear.


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there is no real controversy.

except for Joe Gibbs' loyalty to Brunell.

that's it. there is no objective reason for Brunell to complete the season if the team is out of contention. no other team in the league in a similar situation is going to continue to start a player whose career is ticking down rather quickly.

by the comments of all, Brunell himself is still 'getting used to the system'.

so that means he doesn't have it down yet. if the team is 2-5 and the 36 year old veteran quarterback is not comfortable in the offense, then what is the reason not to truncate things somewhat, start Campbell and give him a wristband of plays to start with in Game 1 and grow from there.

now, if Brunell had the system down and the offense was very productive and still the defense was struggling there would be an argument to be made that the bye week with a chance to recoup some injured players was enough to keep Mark in the starter's job for the balance of the season to try and get back into the race.

but no one seems to have much hope that this is the case.

most agree the problems are deeper and most likely won't be fixed in a single offseason.

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