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If JC Starts: Given up or Playoff bound?


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Considering all the talk on these boards about a QB switch and so little about all of the other problems we have i'm curious:

If Jason Campbell starts does that mean...

You've given up on this season?


You truly believe a change at QB will change the direction this season is heading in?

All I see is "Brunell....BAD, Campbell....GOOD" and it seems everybody has forgot we have half a season left. I'm not saying I disagree but i'm curious as to what everybody expects once a change is made.

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ive been saying this in a couple of places...and i was wrong....its actually worse

at the end of the week we will be 14th in the NFC...out of 16....

we are only ahead of the lions and cardinals....we are behind all the other 2-4 teams (buccaneers, 49ers, packers) because they have conference wins...

we are 3 games out of the NFC east...behind whomever wins the Giants/Cowboys game....

i know we arent "mathematically" eliminated....

i guess I could win the lottery too

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If JC played the first 7 games we would be 4-3.Now hear me out look at Rivers.He is not a all pro QB,but he has a winning record.Why LT he is a beast and we have a beast at the running back position.If we played JC we would be giving the ball to CP like 30 times a game.That would then keep the Defense off the field.We would also being doing what we should be doing running the ball.Now im not saying we would be a playoff team.Im just saying we would be looking alot better than we do now.Give CP the ball 30 times a game.We would have won last week for sure .Throw in another game and we would be 4-3 not 2-5.

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ive been saying this in a couple of places...and i was wrong....its actually worse

at the end of the week we will be 14th in the NFC...out of 16....

we are only ahead of the lions and cardinals....we are behind all the other 2-4 teams (buccaneers, 49ers, packers) because they have conference wins...

we are 3 games out of the NFC east...behind whomever wins the Giants/Cowboys game....

i know we arent "mathematically" eliminated....

i guess I could win the lottery too

All true but we still have an opportunity to win the East. If we can somehow beat Philly and Dallas we are right with them and you can't forget about the Giants schedule.

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sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree....

LT also has an offensive line that is playing...ours isnt....

Defenses are shutting down Portis...part of that is because they dont respect our downfield game...but a lot of it we just arent blocking

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I don't know if this has been posted, but Ben Ro took over the Steelers in week 3. Not only that, but he had a DOMINANT defense behind him. All he had to do was manage the game. Our team is no where near that level. Now with 5 losses, it's not looking any easier.

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If JC played the first 7 games we would be 4-3.Now hear me out look at Rivers.He is not a all pro QB,but he has a winning record.Why LT he is a beast and we have a beast at the running back position.If we played JC we would be giving the ball to CP like 30 times a game.That would then keep the Defense off the field.We would also being doing what we should be doing running the ball.Now im not saying we would be a playoff team.Im just saying we would be looking alot better than we do now.Give CP the ball 30 times a game.We would have won last week for sure .Throw in another game and we would be 4-3 not 2-5.

Clinton is a good runner... But, not a great runner or a game breaker. He is nowhere near the class of LT! He is not that strong, durable, or fast ...

CP is most effective running on the perimeter, and not up the middle. When it counts, he has not been able to plough through the middle and grind out the tough yards. :mad:

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The season is basically done at this point, and I really don't think it's Brunell's fault. I don't think it's necessarily anybody's fault, to be honest. We had some injuries to key guys, and nobody stepped up.

We may as well put Campbell in, because it would be almost impossible to win 8 of the next 9 games (and even that probably won't get us into the playoffs this year the way the NFC is going). Put a fork in us, and put Campbell in while you're at it.


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Considering all the talk on these boards about a QB switch and so little about all of the other problems we have i'm curious:

If Jason Campbell starts does that mean...

You've given up on this season?


You truly believe a change at QB will change the direction this season is heading in?

All I see is "Brunell....BAD, Campbell....GOOD" and it seems everybody has forgot we have half a season left. I'm not saying I disagree but i'm curious as to what everybody expects once a change is made.

Actually neither. If we put in campbell now, we are not going to make the playoffs. However saying that we are giving up is also the wrong way to put it. If we put Campbell in it is simply just a step in the right direction. We are starting our "rebuilding mode" and we are planning for the future.

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Clinton is a good runner... But, not a great runner or a game breaker. He is nowhere near the class of LT! He is not that strong, durable, or fast ...

CP is most effective running on the perimeter, and not up the middle. When it counts, he has not been able to plough through the middle and grind out the tough yards. :mad:

I disagree with just about every word of this post. See last year's "when it counts" playing at the end of the season for details.
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Unfortunately Joe Gibbs waited to long to figure out that Mark Brunell cannot throw the ball further than 10-15 yards with any consistency. The oposing teams defense has figured this out before Joe Gibbs. Thus, they have been able to whip our ass by simply bringing 8 in the box to defend the dink and dunk screen pass we are so well known for. I honestly think Jason Campbell could bring some life to this offense by simply trying to throw the ball downfield with some regularity. This would force defenses to respect that fact, and allow the offense to open up a little.

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I have given up, not because of Brunell, but because of our defense. But there are way too many problems on defense to fix right now.

I seriously doubt we can fix all of our defensive problems and win a Super Bowl after going 2-5 and watching all the problems we are seeing.

Do you?

What is the point of just making the playoffs? (and we will need a miracle and win out to do it)

Do you see Brunell playing next year? Do you suggest making a Super Bowl run with Brunell next year?

I would rather see Campbell in to get some experience while fixing our defense next year and see if we have a shot at a championship before Gibbs goes back into retirement.

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I have given up, not because of Brunell, but because of our defense. But there are way too many problems on defense to fix right now.

I seriously doubt we can fix all of our defensive problems and win a Super Bowl after going 2-5 and watching all the problems we are seeing.

Do you?

What is the point of just making the playoffs? (and we will need a miracle and win out to do it)

Do you see Brunell playing next year? Do you suggest making a Super Bowl run with Brunell next year?

I would rather see Campbell in to get some experience while fixing our defense next year and see if we have a shot at a championship before Gibbs goes back into retirement.

That's exactly why I asked the question. It's seems everybody thinks Campbell will solve all the problems we have as a team if he starts. Poor Brunell is getting all the bashing when in years past we would have won most of these games if the D was playing well.

What's the point of making the playoffs? Come on man. I don't care who is playing next year I still wanna see my team make the playoffs no matter what. I don't care if we got crushed in the first round it would at least be better than what we've got now....a last place team.

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