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Question Regarding Conflicting Enlistment Reports I've Recieved


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I originally had no problem getting into the army when I was a senior, though in that same year I was hit by a Toyota pickup and impailed onto the edge of a carlift while the truck continued to hit me snapping my femur. I have since had a titanium rod stuck in my leg. I have continued trying to get into the army but I've had several different responses. One recruiter told me they would have to evaluate my leg to see if I would be able to withold the daily reutine of an army recruit as well as boot camp. I've also heard that they would be unable to take me due to the titanium rod in my femur. If anyone has any insight into what I can do or should do please let me know.

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Sounds like your tough enough for the Army anyway. Sorry to hear about that accident

Anyway, not sure of Army standards, but you will have to be medically evaluated before they let you enlist, that much is for sure

Good luck with it

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My little bro had a titanium rod in his lower leg from a skydiving accident. His leg was never the same, he couldn't really run much without hurting a lot. You are one tough kid if you can really do all that physical activity with your condition.

Best of luck to you.

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I originally had no problem getting into the army when I was a senior, though in that same year I was hit by a Toyota pickup and impailed onto the edge of a carlift while the truck continued to hit me snapping my femur. I have since had a titanium rod stuck in my leg. I have continued trying to get into the army but I've had several different responses. One recruiter told me they would have to evaluate my leg to see if I would be able to withold the daily reutine of an army recruit as well as boot camp. I've also heard that they would be unable to take me due to the titanium rod in my femur. If anyone has any insight into what I can do or should do please let me know.

I had that same injury only it was from football! Got a titanium rod put in my femur length-wise almost 10 years ago and it's still there. Two pins to hold it in place-one throught the knee and another up near my hip. You can feel the hip screw through my skin. I rehabbed it and now I can run faster than ever. Amazing doctors these days. If your leg is doing as well as mine is, there is certainly no reason why you would be unable to serve.

Question: where did you have your surgery and if it was at Fairfax hospital what was your surgeon's name?

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Sounds like your tough enough for the Army anyway. Sorry to hear about that accident

Anyway, not sure of Army standards, but you will have to be medically evaluated before they let you enlist, that much is for sure

Good luck with it

Thanks Sarge,

Being a part of the Army is something I've wanted to do since the end of my sophmore year in High School. It was something I trained non-stop for. I feel great pride for all those that serve, and I personally feel within my heart that there is no greater honor than to serve the country that so many take for granted.

I'm sorry to hear about your bro Coooley, it's deffinately not a great experience rehabing it. It's not that I'm not capable of lasting on my leg that has the rod, but the fact that I have the titanium rod in general.

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I originally had no problem getting into the army when I was a senior, though in that same year I was hit by a Toyota pickup and impailed onto the edge of a carlift while the truck continued to hit me snapping my femur. I have since had a titanium rod stuck in my leg. I have continued trying to get into the army but I've had several different responses. One recruiter told me they would have to evaluate my leg to see if I would be able to withold the daily reutine of an army recruit as well as boot camp. I've also heard that they would be unable to take me due to the titanium rod in my femur. If anyone has any insight into what I can do or should do please let me know.

Sounds nasty, I had open heart surgery to repair a torn aorta due to an car accident when I was 18, so I know the stuff you are going through. It sucks now, but in a little while you will be back to normal, and everything will be fine. The settlement will help, I got nothing from my accident, but I have my life so I was happy.

As for the Army, I know they have laxed their recruitment reqs as of late, so I don't think you should have a problem. I would in all serioousness wait until your court case is over though, because you will end up using all of your leave time on trial dates. . .

Best of luck with everything man, and I hope things work out for you :cheers:

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As for the Army, I know they have laxed their recruitment reqs as of late, so I don't think you should have a problem.

He's going to have to be medically evaluated. I guarantee it. Now whether they let him in is another story.

THey'll schedule you for a medical exam for enlistment and at the same time have a specialist on hand to evaluate your injury. It'll take a little while to get your results back, but hang in there

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I had that same injury only it was from football! Got a titanium rod put in my femur length-wise almost 10 years ago and it's still there. Two pins to hold it in place-one throught the knee and another up near my hip. You can feel the hip screw through my skin. I rehabbed it and now I can run faster than ever. Amazing doctors these days. If your leg is doing as well as mine is, there is certainly no reason why you would be unable to serve.

Question: where did you have your surgery and if it was at Fairfax hospital what was your surgeon's name?

That's actually how my femur runs as well MJ, except the rod runs a bit further into the hip area. I actually had my surgery at Prince William, and my surgeon was Dr. Lotfi, I believe he does surgeries at Fairfax as well.

Thanks for the best wishes Chrom. I am scheduled to meet with my 5 recruitment officer about what I'm able to do tomorrow. Hopefully we can have the medical exam scheduled.

Please...please...please don't let this thread get derailed with a conservative/liberal everything's easier to get in the military arguement. Please?

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That's actually how my femur runs as well MJ, except the rod runs a bit further into the hip area. I actually had my surgery at Prince William, and my surgeon was Dr. Lotfi, I believe he does surgeries at Fairfax as well.

Thanks for the best wishes Chrom. I am scheduled to meet with my 5 recruitment officer about what I'm able to do tomorrow. Hopefully we can have the medical exam scheduled.

Please...please...please don't let this thread get derailed with a conservative/liberal everything's easier to get in the military arguement. Please?

Chommie can't help himself

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how about you meeting with Navy and Air Force recruiters as well- they are less physically intensive and with your leg issues it might be a better fit.

you should meet with as many recruiters as possible. Try this number for

Military One Source: call the number at the top of the page..


Damn good advice. I know you're set on the Army for some reason, but see who offers you the best deal.

What is it you want to join up for anyway? What do you wnat to do? If you just want to go places and break things, think about the Jarheads as well

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I imagine the recruiter will process you through as far as he/she can. There is nothing more appealing to a recruiter than someone that is sure they want to sign up.

You will go through a physical exam, anyone that signs up does. You will go over your physical history with a Doc and then will most likely be referred to an orthopaedic regarding your specific situation. Your whole file will go to a medical review board to determine if you are "fit for service".

Do not take no as the answer from the first recruiter. Talk to one until they get you to the review board. I do not know if there is a specific policy on rods or if they are all evaluated on a case by case basis

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that is why it makes sense to attack this in as many avenues as possible- there might be a special program in the Navy for communications where you don't have to have a medical profile as high as you would for Army infantry.

you should be speaking with several recruiters from the Army and at least one from the other services. even the Guard and Reserve units..

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I can't really tell you why I've placed such a higher rank to my desires for being in the Army above the navy and airforce. I've spoken with all the recruiters pre-injury and knew I wanted to go Army. And to this day I would still prefer to go Army if it's possiable. Though I will deffinately make the phone call to speak again to the other recruiters in case I'm unable to perform to the Army standards. Thanks for the link AFC. In reflection though to who would give the best deal, if we're talking benifets I don't want in for most of the reasons kids my age join. Which leads me to this:

What is it you want to join up for anyway? What do you wnat to do? If you just want to go places and break things, think about the Jarheads as well.

If they took away the benifets or the money, my heart would still be to serve and protect my country, the country I take pride in being a part of. My reasons for going have nothing to do with wanting adventure because frankly my life is full of enough of it. It's not about traveling, I have already told my recruiters that I want to go to one place after BT if I'm able to go and that's straight to Iraq, I wouldn't want to travel. My desires come from believing that my country is so valuable to me, that I would do anything to protect the freedoms everyone and I enjoy as well as making sure no harm comes to all those that live here even if that includes laying down my life. I treasure this country, so much that I would be willing to lay down my life if the time need be to make sure it remains in tact. That's my reasons for going Sarge.

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I can't really tell you why I've placed such a higher rank to my desires for being in the Army above the navy and airforce. I've spoken with all the recruiters pre-injury and knew I wanted to go Army. And to this day I would still prefer to go Army if it's possiable. Though I will deffinately make the phone call to speak again to the other recruiters in case I'm unable to perform to the Army standards. Thanks for the link AFC. In reflection though to who would give the best deal, if we're talking benifets I don't want in for most of the reasons kids my age join. Which leads me to this:

If they took away the benifets or the money, my heart would still be to serve and protect my country, the country I take pride in being a part of. My reasons for going have nothing to do with wanting adventure because frankly my life is full of enough of it. It's not about traveling, I have already told my recruiters that I want to go to one place after BT if I'm able to go and that's straight to Iraq, I wouldn't want to travel. My desires come from believing that my country is so valuable to me, that I would do anything to protect the freedoms everyone and I enjoy as well as making sure no harm comes to all those that live here even if that includes laying down my life. I treasure this country, so much that I would be willing to lay down my life if the time need be to make sure it remains in tact. That's my reasons for going Sarge.

Hope things work out for you. There are alot of people just like you that have already joined. Unfortunately a lot of society doesn't think that way. Best of luck to you.

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I can't really tell you why I've placed such a higher rank to my desires for being in the Army above the navy and airforce. I've spoken with all the recruiters pre-injury and knew I wanted to go Army. And to this day I would still prefer to go Army if it's possiable. Though I will deffinately make the phone call to speak again to the other recruiters in case I'm unable to perform to the Army standards. Thanks for the link AFC. In reflection though to who would give the best deal, if we're talking benifets I don't want in for most of the reasons kids my age join. Which leads me to this:

If they took away the benifets or the money, my heart would still be to serve and protect my country, the country I take pride in being a part of. My reasons for going have nothing to do with wanting adventure because frankly my life is full of enough of it. It's not about traveling, I have already told my recruiters that I want to go to one place after BT if I'm able to go and that's straight to Iraq, I wouldn't want to travel. My desires come from believing that my country is so valuable to me, that I would do anything to protect the freedoms everyone and I enjoy as well as making sure no harm comes to all those that live here even if that includes laying down my life. I treasure this country, so much that I would be willing to lay down my life if the time need be to make sure it remains in tact. That's my reasons for going Sarge.

God Bless ya kid. I wish there were a million more like you

Come back and talk to us when you find something out. THere's more than a few vets here that can tell you if the recruiter is being square with you or feeding you crap

Recruiters are good for that sometimes ;)

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All the honor to you Longest Breath..

I hope that everything works out for you. Your love of country is impressive in this day and age. Thank g-d for men like you and some of the other guys on here.

We only have a country due to your efforts.

If the USA was filled only with most of the "men" on this site they would be speaking Arabic in another generation.

And those of us in the military would be dead and our families enslaved.

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Hope things work out for you. There are alot of people just like you that have already joined. Unfortunately a lot of society doesn't think that way. Best of luck to you.
God Bless ya kid. I wish there were a million more like you

Come back and talk to us when you find something out. THere's more than a few vets here that can tell you if the recruiter is being square with you or feeding you crap

Recruiters are good for that sometimes

All the honor to you Longest Breath..

I hope that everything works out for you. Your love of country is impressive in this day and age. Thank g-d for men like you and some of the other guys on here.

We only have a country due to your efforts.

If the USA was filled only with most of the "men" on this site they would be speaking Arabic in another generation.

And those of us in the military would be dead and our families enslaved.

Edited since the refresh: I appreciate all the well wishes, and thanks. I really do appreciate all the help and can't wait to tell you what I find out. But please place no honor on me, I'm just a man doing what any straight headed person should be able to do in wanting to protect his beliefs, his family(ones I know and don't), and his home. Anyone that would refuse those tasks are sad to say have not met their full potential. And as you think of me, please remember the thousands that have given their lives over the years, remember those that are out there knowing that chance may arrive, remember those that have served and arrived home and keep them and their families in your prayers, your thoughts, your rememberance for without those that have served we wouldn't be here today.

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He's going to have to be medically evaluated. I guarantee it. Now whether they let him in is another story.

THey'll schedule you for a medical exam for enlistment and at the same time have a specialist on hand to evaluate your injury. It'll take a little while to get your results back, but hang in there

I agree, but he should wait until he is 100% back to normal before being evaluated. That will give him the best chance. Personally, i don't think it will be an issue. . .maybe if you wanted to fly jets or something in the Navy or Airforce, but I see no reason why the Army would hold you back because of the injury.

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One last bit of advice.

Get a military job that translates well to the civilian world

And get it in writing:laugh:

Haha, thanks Sarge. I just called the local enlistment office near my house that houses recruiters for the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and National Gaurd. I have scheduled meetings with the Navy, Air Force, and National Gaurd on Monday. I would have tried the Marines but I'm absolutely positive they would say no with my leg...unless someone can provide insight to that enlistment oppertunity.

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If they took away the benifets or the money, my heart would still be to serve and protect my country, the country I take pride in being a part of. My reasons for going have nothing to do with wanting adventure because frankly my life is full of enough of it. It's not about traveling, I have already told my recruiters that I want to go to one place after BT if I'm able to go and that's straight to Iraq, I wouldn't want to travel. My desires come from believing that my country is so valuable to me, that I would do anything to protect the freedoms everyone and I enjoy as well as making sure no harm comes to all those that live here even if that includes laying down my life. I treasure this country, so much that I would be willing to lay down my life if the time need be to make sure it remains in tact. That's my reasons for going Sarge.

:applause: Bravo man, best of luck in your future, and you do have a good head on your shoulders. The military is about people like you, people who are willing to put their life on the line for everyone else, and it is part of why our country is so great. I applaud you in your efforts, and I hope everything works out well for you.

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