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Do Any of You Wish You Had Been Older In 1991?


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I feel bad for anyone not old enough to enjoy the Redskins back then. As a high school kid, it was nice to know that you could talk a little smack because your team was THE team. Only SF could come close to us then.

I remember the 88 Super Bowl with my gym coaches talking about how Denver would roll on us. I'm very fortunate to have sat through the greatest quarter in football history!

Now, 15 years after our last seriously good season, I'm completely embarressed when I see what this great franchise has become. We died the day JKC died. I hope we will be the same again someday, but I'm not holding out any hope.

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Hell, I dont wish I was older. I wish that we could make some new history and not have to rely on something that happened 15 years ago.

I don't want to look to the past I want to look to the future, I want to see something positive being built on something positive. I have yet to see that. I've seen two playoff berths that I can remember, I've seen two (so far) sub par years after those playoff berths. I want to see consistency and new history.


I agree 100%. Well said.

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Oh I won't doubt that you don't appreciate those years, but all that I'm saying is that you had the bad and then the good. We had some good that's barely on the cusp of memory and then everything else that we've seen is crap save for two seasons. You know what I mean? It's like going from being absolutely filthy rich to being dirt poor, while you went from dirt poor to filthy rich, three times! I just want my turn. I really felt that this year would be it, but now we'll have to wait until at least 2008's season to see it, and that's if Gibbs stays.

No really, I hear ya. When I first started watching the skins in 76 it took 6 years to win their first SB. I know this may not help, but remember the old saying...You can't miss what you never had. Unfortunately I've had it and sometimes it hurts a little more because this used to be one of the proudest franchises around. Now all they look at us as is worth the most. I hope you and the others and all of us can experience it again soon. I thought it was our year too.

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I was 10 years old at the time and the luckiest kid around...I had season tickets in a time when tickets truly were impossible to get. I remember my dad telling me at the time to enjoy that season because I'd probably never see a team that good again.

There were a lot of games that season where Gibbs had to lay off the accelarator to "only" beat a team by 20 points. A forgotten fact about how good that defense was - they pitched shutouts the first 3 home games and just about single-handidly got rid of the run-and-shoot offense.

I haven't seen a team since then that compared to the '91 Redskins.

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The '91 season was when I first started watching football/became a Redskins fan. My grandma is a huge Redskins fan, and she got me into it. (My grandfather also loved the 'Skins, but he died when I was 6, just before the season when they won the '88 Super Bowl.) I've never lived in the Washington area, so I've never had regular news/TV coverage. Anyway, it seems like the Redskins got a lot of games covered nationally that year since they were so good, and I remember my grandma explaining the rules of football to me and talking about her favorite players, like Art Monk and Darrell Green, while we watched the games. Of course I was excited when we won the Super Bowl, but I definitely didn't understand enough to really appreciate it. By the time I did, we were of course into the Norv Turner years. :( After now waiting for over half my life, I will REALLY appreciate our next Super Bowl.

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