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Simple, it's the defense.


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I'm starting to wonder if any of you actually know anything about football or if you just watch the games for the pretty colors.


our offense is fine. I'd even go so far as to call it good especially now that it's clicking pretty well. They put together solid drives, we're converting 3rd downs more often than not. When we HAVE to have a first down or a completion we're getting it. And yet we're not putting up any points. And that is because we're starting from our 5 yard line half the time.

How many drives have you seen push down field from deep in our territory passed midfield and just come up short of FG territory? And we do the smart thing and play "field position" and punt it. Then our defense comes out on to the field and promptly allows the other teams offense no matter how inept (see: Houston, Tennesee, Jacksonville, Minnesota) to drive back all the way down the field and either a) score, or B) put us behind our 20...again.

This offense can and is putting up points. It would put up more points if we could force a turnover or even a 3 and out more than once a game for a short field. Our offense tends to sit on the sidelines and watch the defense blow games more often than not since they can't get off the field.

Now I don't know whether it's coaching or the players. Because our defense seems to play well until crunch time. How many 3rd and longs have you seen and been completely disgusted because somefriggin'how our defense manages to allow them to get beyond the yard markers and make the first down? Is it poor tackling, poor play calling, or poor coverage? Or worst yet is it all three?

Our defense has two playmakers. Sean Taylor and Marcus Washington (Cornelius hasn't been the same this year or hasn't had time to). Archuleta spends his days blowing coverage and missing open field tackles. And our ends could try to rush Drew Bledsoe behind Houston's offensive line and not get a sack. I still think Rogers is going to turn out a good CB. He's just not shutdown right now. And I'm giving Wright the benefit of the doubt that it's a new system even though how in hell that would make a difference when you're watching one receiver man to man I don't know.

But I'm tired of seeing start Jason Campbell threads and our offense sucks when this is entirely not the case after Week 1 of the season. Our offense is producing. They're just doing it all by themselves.

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The only problem is if our defense continues to play poor and we drop the next couple of games then we should start campbell, why leave brunell in the games for the rest of year and not know if campbell can play in the nfl. Thats my only thing about the campbell threads but I mean of course I agree the defense is under performing badly.

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Just for fun let's do stats:

Washington is about middle to ahead of the pack in terms of plays run, yards a game, yards per play, 3rd down conversions, and our TOP is right in the middle at 30:00. Our one bad point at the moment has to be penalties.

Now if we go to defense we're behind the pack in yards given, first downs allowed, 3rd downs made against, we're 4 for 4 on allowing 4th down conversions and again we're probably the worst team as far as penalties right now. We're giving up a ton of yards through the air and as far as touchdowns and plays over 20 yards the only teams worse than us are San Francisco, Green Bay, and MAYBE Houston. Sadly we lead the league in 40+ yard plays against.

So yeah, let's fix the real problem please.

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I'm starting to wonder if any of you actually know anything about football or if you just watch the games for the pretty colors.


our offense is fine. I'd even go so far as to call it good especially now that it's clicking pretty well. They put together solid drives, we're converting 3rd downs more often than not. When we HAVE to have a first down or a completion we're getting it. And yet we're not putting up any points. And that is because we're starting from our 5 yard line half the time.

How many drives have you seen push down field from deep in our territory passed midfield and just come up short of FG territory? And we do the smart thing and play "field position" and punt it. Then our defense comes out on to the field and promptly allows the other teams offense no matter how inept (see: Houston, Tennesee, Jacksonville, Minnesota) to drive back all the way down the field and either a) score, or B) put us behind our 20...again.

This offense can and is putting up points. It would put up more points if we could force a turnover or even a 3 and out more than once a game for a short field. Our offense tends to sit on the sidelines and watch the defense blow games more often than not since they can't get off the field.

Now I don't know whether it's coaching or the players. Because our defense seems to play well until crunch time. How many 3rd and longs have you seen and been completely disgusted because somefriggin'how our defense manages to allow them to get beyond the yard markers and make the first down? Is it poor tackling, poor play calling, or poor coverage? Or worst yet is it all three?

Our defense has two playmakers. Sean Taylor and Marcus Washington (Cornelius hasn't been the same this year or hasn't had time to). Archuleta spends his days blowing coverage and missing open field tackles. And our ends could try to rush Drew Bledsoe behind Houston's offensive line and not get a sack. I still think Rogers is going to turn out a good CB. He's just not shutdown right now. And I'm giving Wright the benefit of the doubt that it's a new system even though how in hell that would make a difference when you're watching one receiver man to man I don't know.

But I'm tired of seeing start Jason Campbell threads and our offense sucks when this is entirely not the case after Week 1 of the season. Our offense is producing. They're just doing it all by themselves.

Let me give it to you in 5 words, your a dumbass brunell sucks

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No, it's not that simple. Yes, the defense has been inconsistent. Yes, the defense has given up multiple 3rd and long plays resulting in 1st downs thus extending drives for opponents. That makes it more critical that the offense go out on the field and sustain drives so the defense can rest. But that is not happening. If this is an offense 'clicking' then I'm afraid...

Against the Vikings with a lead at half time all the offense could muster the entire second half was 3 points. That's clicking. :doh:

Against the winless Titans they come out in the 3rd quarter and only get 2 yards. :doh:

I don't know about you, but to me that means the defense is spending way too much time on the field.

By the way, the defense did step up in the 4th when needed to so the offense had an opportunity to take the lead. Oh yeah, 3 & out, bad punt, good field position for the Titans and a go ahead field goal. That's how I like to see an offense click.

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The problem is when the D DOES make a stop, the offense can't respond when it counts (aside from one game.)

To blame the D exclusively when they often can't rely on the O to give them a rest seems silly to me.

More importantly, our O isn't missing people. The D is. Maybe it's the O's job to carry the D after 2 years of the D trying it's best to carry the O (and still failing because the offense has generally been inept when it mattered most.)

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We have lost so many key players with additions that haven't mounted up.

1. Clark was a great safety and we choose the bigger name of Archuleta.

2. Smoot wanted money so we let him go and drafted Rogers, but the thing we forget is that Smoot was mentored by Green, Sanders, and Bailey.

3. Pierce, we let him go instead of giving him a payday. In return we got our coaches favorite guy in Holdman, of course Marshall moved over to the middle and Dale Lindsey put his boy Holdman in place of Marshall/LaVar's spot. So basically it was Pierce for Holdman. Holdman can't contain on the outside cause he is always sticking his nose on the inside.

4. Carter for Wynn, well this still needs to pan out, but maybe we should put Wynn in on guaranteed running downs cause we need someone up there to be stout and make a tackle.

5. Start Rocky for God's sake we need somebody besides Warrick Holdman on the field.

6. LaVar might have played out of place in the Defense, but at least he had emotion. I don't think he is a top tier LB, and never was able to reach his potiential, but his emotion is missed by the players, we need some people on the field to step up and be the leader...

Griffen was seriously missed on Sunday, and big Joe too...

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I'm starting to wonder if any of you actually know anything about football or if you just watch the games for the pretty colors.

Archuleta spends his days blowing coverage and missing open field tackles.

To start: I wonder the same thing about some of these people, myself. :doh:

I highlighted that one statement for a reason. I think you don't give Archuleta enough credit as a tackler. His coverage is certainly a big problem, but thats not why we signed him. We were going to use Prioleau as a cover safety, something he does well, until he got hurt on the opening kickoff of the season. As such, AA is forced to cover more and looks worse than he has actually played on the whole. When you consider the number of guys that are getting to Arch to begin with and the number of tackles he does make, you can't fault him for a few bad angles (ST, for example, has been worse as a tackler so far). Other guys need to step up because AA is a bit overextended.

I'm not entirely hooked on the idea that our offense doesn't deserve equal blame, but I see your point on pretty much everything else.

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Colts score 17 on them in indianapolis! and still won. Our D is really the worst in the entire NFL. When we go up 14-3 you know what the D was suppossed to do? Sack his arse time and time again. Make them one dimensional. Maybe get a turnover and give our O great field position. This game should have been over before it started. No O can score 30 every single game, get real. We need D players that have HEART and PRIDE!!!!

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I'm starting to wonder if any of you actually know anything about football or if you just watch the games for the pretty colors.


our offense is fine...

OK, S-T-O-P!

Let me ask you a few simple questions:

Q: How many points could the D allow in the Giants came for us to win? How many in the Cowboys game if ST's didn't score?

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Thank you! I didn't even read the post; the title says enough. Everyone wants to blame Brunell, but it's the defense that sucks! We would have killed to have this offensive production either of the last two seasons. But when times are bad, blame the QB; well, that's what the uninformed, fairweather fan who doesn't have a clue about football or the make-up of a team thinks.

Our defense is failing us.

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how do explain numerous 3 and outs on our side of the field that give the opposing team excellent field position? the game winning fg from tennessee, they only had to move the ball like 15-20 yards to get into field goal range, the whole team is a mess and the offense giving the defense no time to rest and crappy field position from not being able to move the ball is a big part of it

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Its not to say that we can be proud of the offense at this point. It can improve dramatically. I will continue to say that the offense ( regardless of who is behind the center ) will be a top 5 offense this year! Its frustrating to us all because we have had so much hopium. we are addicted to the hope and possibilities. We know what can be possible on the offensive side. But the offense is not the reason we are losing games!

Any objective person looking at our schedule would have hoped for a 4-3 record at the break. You can not objectively look at that schedule and expect a win at Dallas, at NY or at Indy. You hope you can sneek a win in one of them. The Jax game you had to expect a tough game that could have gone either way. I prayed for 4-3.

So lets look at the games we should have won and lost. Minnesota and Tennessee. I think we beat up on the offense because it has been the inconsistent part of our team. The Defense has been incredible and carried this team. It was not the case in the two games I question. This defense allowed two pedestrian running backs to control the game and the clock. Those two teams were nearly one dimension and the defense could not stop them!

When the defense solidifiies we will beat the teams we are supposed to. If we can sneek one out in Indy. A tough test indeed we will get back where we need to be!


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if you wouldnt have made the thread, i would have. its not the O folks its teh D come on now. 22 points is enough to win a game, especially at home

And 28 would have won it if that pass to Cooley near the endzone wasn't so ridiculously ovethrown. Or should we say the Titans would have had to go for a TD instead of the game winning FG. Damn that D for not getting the numbers under our botched opportunities.

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