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Santana Moss chat complete.


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The chats are going well this year. The guys seem to be having more fun with them :). Enjoy.



You And The Redskins Rock!!!!!!!!!!!

Do You Think The Redskins Will Be Able To Overcome Criticisms, And Make It To The Playoffs This Year?

Santana Moss

Yes I do. I think every team needs a little criticism. It’s not always going to be a smooth slate through any season but with criticism it doesn’t do nothing but help you find yourself sometimes. Everything ain’t true what’s said or read. You have to take it for what it is and just push on and be aware of the main goal…that’s to get to that main point without worrying about what someone’s saying about you.



First I would like to thank you for bring the excitement back to the Washington Redskins recieving core!!! My question for you is, which cornerback in the league gives you the hardest time?

Santana Moss

Like I said before, these days you can’t really say one particular cornerback is going to give you a hard time. The coverage I hate for corners to be in when it comes to trying to do what I do is I hate Cover-2 corners. When you have a man-to-man on any cornerback it should be a great day for you. It might not be the best day when it comes to certain different kind of cornerbacks, but you should have a pretty good day. The one corner I can say I went against that gave me the best matchup and I felt like anything I did that he was there or he could have been there was Champ Bailey. I was young. It was his last year here. I found myself going against him. It helped me out throughout because there are things I take from that experience and I use against other corners.


Hey Santana,

what is your favorite moment as a washington redskin?

Santana Moss

(Breathless as if really remembering all of them with a deep, happy sigh) I got so many man in a year and a half to tell you the truth. I think my favorite moment has to be, right now…(pause, really thinking about all the moments here) I have so many of them, but I’m going to give you one. My favorite moment is beating the Cowboys. That shocker on Monday Night Football. That has to be my favorite right now.



Antwaan was talking trash about you last wek. He said that he beats you every time when you two race. I think his exact words were, "Tana's got nothing on me."

Your response?


Santana Moss

Ah, nah. He had to be playing when he said that because we never raced. I don’t know. I don’t get into all that – who’s fast and who’s not. I just try to get the job done when it’s time to get it done. That’s what I do. I’ve never been the fastest guy anyway so I never had it on my repertoire as I’m the fastest. I just know I have some good speed on myself and I just try to use it my best.


Santana (or should I say Mr. Moss), ;)

Have you noticed any differences yet in the way you are being covered this year as opposed to last year? And thanks for taking time to answer our questions.


Santana Moss

This year as a total we’re being covered in a lot of Cover-2 which is trying to hinder both me and the other two receivers that we have. It’s not a big difference, it’s just more of it. Last year early in the year they didn’t know what to do with us. They just kind of let me terrorize them a couple of games, but then they started putting brackets and Cover-2 but now they’re not wasting their time. I think the whole pattern this year in the league is every team that has a pretty good receiver, every team is going out there and at least playing Cover-2 to his side.


'Tana Man,

When is this offense going to become consistent?

Santana Moss

It takes a while for you to really get on that level. I think right now we’re heading in the right direction. You can’t just come out here the first year (of a new offense) and think you’re going to be able to be that offense every week and put up the same kind of numbers, which we would like to. It takes time. As long as we keep striking and keep doing what we’re doing, it’ll be sooner before later.


How's it going Santana? Just wondering what you think of Jason Campbell as a QB? Do you think he is ready to lead this team?

Santana Moss

I think Jason Campbell has, when it comes to what a quarterback needs to bring to this level, I think he has it all. What he’s doing now is he’s developing himself to be that guy when his time comes. It’s hard to say he’s ready right now because he hasn’t had that chance to be in with the first group in a game situation, so I can’t say yeah or no to that answer. But, he will be that guy when he gets the chance I think.



Do you ever go to extremeskins site or any other fan related site? If so, what is a thread about yourself that really stood out, good or bad? If not, why not?

Santana Moss

Not that I know of. My family does, but not that I know of.



How would you describe your teammates and what is your favorite thing about being a Redskin?

Santana Moss

My teammates, man, we have a lot of sense of humor on this team. My favorite thing about being a Redskin is just being over here in the organization. Being part of this history. When you leave this game and you was a Redskin, it means a lot. But, you can’t just say you was a Redskin. You want to be a Redskin that helps this team go back to where they’ve been before and that’s the Super Bowl. Being part of it is great, but I would love to be a part of it and have the Super Bowl under my belt to go with it.


Hey Santana, can you set the record straight on your 40 yard dash time? You seem to be steps faster than anyone else on the field. Inquiring minds want to know :D

Thanks for all that you do for this team, and I hope you are a Redskin for a long long time.


Santana Moss

Last time I ran a 40 was at the Combine. I ran my first 40 at 4.35, that was the first one out the gate. My second one I ran it at 4.26. They round it off to like a 4.3. I have run a 4.2 consistently when it comes to running the 40. Right now I couldn’t tell you where I be at because that’s 6 years later, but when I was coming out of college I ran a 4.2, low 4.3.


What football team were you a fan of growing up and which player did you idolize?

Santana Moss

I was a fan of San Fran because of Jerry Rice. I kind of kept it on and said since I was a fan of his I’d just be a fan of the team. I also liked the Mark brothers, Mark Clayton and Mark Duper from Miami. Those two receivers I feel like if I had to pick any receiver that made me think of myself it would be those two guys. Especially Clayton. He was a guy that wore 83. That was a big influence on me wearing 83 in high school, then I wore it in the league my first four years.


Sup Santana,

How does it feel to be able to play with Portis and Taylor, guys like you who were stars at the U? Also, speaking of the U, whom I am a fan of, why do they stink so bad this year?

Santana Moss

It feels great to be on this team with the guys that played there. I didn’t get a chance to play with Taylor at the U but I played with Portis and it’s great to be here with him. I think we kind of thrive off each other a lot in the game especially on offense. I couldn’t give you the answer why they aren’t playing up to their abilities this year. I feel like the preparation was there. I was there with them in the offseason so I know they prepared themselves. It’s just right now they aren’t the best team out there. They’re not as good as they can be. We have to see what will be the outcome to this season and then we’ll know if they are really bad or just alright.


Santana, recently you've had to learn a new 700 page play book. Which play is your favorite? (You know, the one you grin inside when you hear Brunell call it in the huddle :)

Santana Moss

(Laughing about the size of the playbook) Not at all man. When it comes to plays there’s a lot of them. As long as there’s something I feel like I can run that’ll be my favorite. I don’t want to give you one because I think anything I feel like I can be productive is my favorite.

ES Staff

We couldn’t get to all the questions, only a handful of the 160, so, anything you’d like to say to us.

Santana Moss Closing Statement

I appreciate you fans once again coming through asking me these questions. I think it’s great for you any time you want to give us a holler and try to see what’s going on in my head and see what’s going on with this team. Thanks again and keep rooting Redskins.
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Great selection from the questions we submitted I would have been highly disappointed had you not asked about JC. I think the answer is exactly what I had expected that JC is ready, although it seems Moss was trying to stick with the party line of "JC will get his chance...etc." HTTR keep em coming..... Can we get Washington next ?

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It feels great to be on this team with the guys that played there. I didn’t get a chance to play with Taylor at the U but I played with Portis and it’s great to be here with him. I think we kind of thrive off each other a lot in the game especially on offense. I couldn’t give you the answer why they aren’t playing up to their abilities this year. I feel like the preparation was there. I was there with them in the offseason so I know they prepared themselves. It’s just right now they aren’t the best team out there. They’re not as good as they can be. We have to see what will be the outcome to this season and then we’ll know if they are really bad or just alright.

We're going to assume he's talking about the U here, and not his current U teammates. ;)

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(Breathless as if really remembering all of them with a deep, happy sigh) I got so many man in a year and a half to tell you the truth. I think my favorite moment has to be, right now…(pause, really thinking about all the moments here) I have so many of them, but I’m going to give you one. My favorite moment is beating the Cowboys. That shocker on Monday Night Football. That has to be my favorite right now

He definitely picked the right moment here!..At least for me anyways..I'll never forget that win!..man...it was so friggen sweet!...

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Santana was great, but why does it seem that the defense is moving in slow motion giving up points like a buy one get one free give away? When the team gets behind they don't even seem to want to hurry to catch up, is this just my perception? :( :logo: :helmet:

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