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ES Official Weight Lifting Thread


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sorry I haven't shown face around here for a couple of days; life has been hectic but never fear for I have been keeping with my workouts. I did cheat however last night and went to Glorydays where I had some wings and a diet coke while watching the Broncos play the Raiders. I'll be hitting the gym tonight after work to work that off though.

It's okay to "cheat" once in a while bud. It's good for your sanity. Don't forget that grip method when doing the bench press and let me know what you think. Remember lie on the bench, grab the bar as if you were getting ready to press and squeeze as hard as you can for five seconds. Than release for five seconds and than start your bench press.

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It's okay to "cheat" once in a while bud. It's good for your sanity. Don't forget that grip method when doing the bench press and let me know what you think. Remember lie on the bench, grab the bar as if you were getting ready to press and squeeze as hard as you can for five seconds. Than release for five seconds and than start your bench press.

I'll give it a shot tonight, it's upper body day!!! Hey KG, with the injury to my leg, and I know you told me about your arm...is there anything you use to try and get rid of the pain and soreness where it's injured? My femur was snapped basically near the kneecap, so it's pretty close to one of your key leg joints haha. I've tried icy hot and have taken some tylenol but both only give a couple hours relief.

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I'll give it a shot tonight, it's upper body day!!! Hey KG, with the injury to my leg, and I know you told me about your arm...is there anything you use to try and get rid of the pain and soreness where it's injured? My femur was snapped basically near the kneecap, so it's pretty close to one of your key leg joints haha. I've tried icy hot and have taken some tylenol but both only give a couple hours relief.

Unfortunately bud it sounds like it might be chronic. There are some days my shoulder(s) feel great and there are days that it hurts so bad I almost want to cry. Eventually your pain tolerance gets stronger, mine does anyway. The only other thing i can suggest is increase your stretching.

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My leg is the same way, some days I can go out and play a 3 hour pick-up game of football and the next day I feel great all around. Then there's days where my leg just locks up on, not so much a painful lock but it stiffens to where it's hard to walk on it. I'm hoping it's just one of the bad days in my leg or maybe the extreme changes in weather throughout the day. But this one is actually a very painful tightening feeling near the kneecap area. I'd hate for this to actually end up being something serious but I'll stay optomistic.

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K_G, I tried your benching method and yes it does actually help, you can truely feel the differance. I will again be at Freedom Aquatic tonight if anyone is going to be there.

It amazes me how much of a difference it actually makes. Keep doing it and you'll see your bench press increase.

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  • 2 months later...
Alright, i need a new program.

Anyone got anything they are doing/have done that they have really liked?

Post it or PM me, i'd really appreciate it.

I've got quite a few........I dunno if I would want any of you to do it but I suppose if you have some training age you'll be fine........

I've got stuff all the way from High school backs and line to reggie bushes USC regimen. IMO that one is WAYyyyyy too much for non-college football players.....it took me 3 days to realize again WHY I didn't make it past my freshman season in college ball:laugh:........I couldn't move the day after his regimen yet it calls for FOUR leg days in a 5 day period and of course some running :mad: .....geeeezzzzz......

PB lemmie know your dimensions and what machnes you have around and I prolly can work something fresh up for ya tonight......

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  • 2 months later...

Just thought I would give this thread a bump and offer to you a recomendation for using the Total Gym.

I have been constricted on time due to work and it allowed very little time to get to the gym as much as I'd like, and living in an apartment you can't have a lot of equipment to do everything you would like. I saw an infomercial on the television for the Total Gym(I'm sure you've all seen it the equipment supported by Chuck Norris), but yet I was unsure if it would work. What infomercial item actually works like they make it out to be? Well I walked into Wal-Mart and they had one on sale for 199.99 (which by the way is only 160 now) and gave it a shot. Well this piece of equipment actually does what they say. I've been working on the T.G. for 2 1/2 months and dropped 3 inches in my waist, it's helped rid me of love handles which I've never been able to get rid of, and has over all given me better shaping to the muscle structers in my body.

It's a great buy and for those that love to work out but cant find the time to go to the gym, doesn't have the space for a lot of gym equipment or something that just hit me, for those with injuries that makes it hard to workout with out un-easy pain(I broke my femur and have had issues with my right arm) pick this up!

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Never, never underestimate the effect rest can have on your lifting and exercize in general. Little over 3 weeks ago I walked out of the gym because it was a miserable first few sets. Strength wasn't there and just felt tired. Hit the wall time. Kind of knew it was coming. So I lowered the set/rep work load and didn't lift heavy for 2 weeks. Just worked on some lighter sets and such. Once a week. Decided to get off my butt last night, (near 6, which is late for me), and go work out. Heavy. Short of the long, all weight increased from 10-30 lb.'s depending on what I was doing. I've done this for years. I shouldn't have been surprised. Remember, rest, not more work sometimes, will get you past some of those walls imho.

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It's okay to "cheat" once in a while bud. It's good for your sanity. Don't forget that grip method when doing the bench press and let me know what you think. Remember lie on the bench, grab the bar as if you were getting ready to press and squeeze as hard as you can for five seconds. Than release for five seconds and than start your bench press.

interesting...i sorta do that naturally as i try to find a comfortable grip but i'm going to concentrate on it this week.

does it work for other exercises?

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Ive been lifting for about 8 years, coming off about a month break. I just joined a gym and was looking at some workouts on bodybuilding.com. I know everyone is different, but Im deciding which body parts to break my workout into. I figure I will go Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri.

For upper body, is it better to do chest/shoulders and triceps one day and back/biceps the other day, or should I switch tris and bis.

Maybe even chest/back and tris/bis?

Also, should I even do shoulders and chest together?

Im looking at you big time lifters. ;)

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I lift, shoulders/back/biceps one day and tris/chest a different day, both of those days I do abdominals.

PCS is right, sometimes the best thing you can do is rest, there's times when I just can't go anymore and I'll take a day or two off and go back. You'll be suprised what it will do for you. And if you refuse to rest when it comes to workouts, include a couple of days of aerobic workouts such as bikeing, jogging, or running; you'll still get the rest you need from heavy lifting but you'll also feel better once it's done.

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