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Coughlin isn't a Hall of Fame coach that was supposed to bring the Giants back to glory.

So ... Coughlin's not supposed to bring the Giants glory? He's supposed to be a .500 coach? Explains a lot.

I think Coughlin also came in with less talent on his team.

Based on what? The fact that you were 4-12 and we were 5-11? Your team was one year out from a playoff appearance when Coughlin took over, while we hadn't seen the postseason in five years. I don't think Gibbs had a whole lot more to work with, if anything at all.

Throw in the fact that he came in with a rookie QB that was the future while Gibbs brought in a seasoned vet, and there's a big difference.

You brought in Kurt Warner. We brought in Brunell.

You drafted Eli. We drafted Campbell.

You've had one rebuilding year, one decent year and are currently 2-2.

We've had one rebuilding year, one decent year and are currently 2-3.

You can squabble about the details if you want, but in the end there's really no difference at all. If you are going to be so critical of Gibbs, you must be equally critical of Coughlin and Parcells ... moreso because of the three, only Gibbs has made it past the first round of the playoffs, which, by the way, is consistant with his past coaching credentials.

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Yes we shall definitely see - I am not saying they won't - they have in the past and very well could - they have in the past. But I should certainly hope they are close to the top 10 against the defenses they've faced.

However based on what we have seen, it is entirely too early to make any kind of predictions. Good or bad. This goes for the chest-thumping Iggles fans and the Doom and Gloom Skins fans.

Agreed :cheers:

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.....where's the happy medium?

I think it was left out in the dust when you all felt the need to come out and beat your chests with thread after thread.

Of course skins fans are going to be bitter right now, look what we are coming off of. Do you really expect to come to a REDSKINS board and expect a cheerful welcome to your crowing?

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Nothing better than hearing 18 year old kids talk about great seasons when they were still ****ting their pants and sucking their thumbs. :laugh:

It must suck that the entire time you have watched football, your team has been a huge disappointment.

nothing better than an eagles fan coming over here after 5 games acting like they just won the superbowl...

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I think it was left out in the dust when you all felt the need to come out and beat your chests with thread after thread.

Of course skins fans are going to be bitter right now, look what we are coming off of. Do you really expect to come to a REDSKINS board and expect a cheerful welcome to your crowing?

:laugh: :laugh:

When you all felt the need to beat your chests....what a tool!

We know where we are.....while some beat their chests, some are catching their breath from an exciting game. But I do understand the fact that you clumped us all together, its not like you have pprobably met a rational Eagles fan in your short life thus far...correct? :laugh:

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:laugh: :laugh:

When you all felt the need to beat your chests....what a tool!

We know where we are.....while some beat their chests, some are catching their breath from an exciting game. But I do understand the fact that you clumped us all together, its not like you have pprobably met a rational Eagles fan in your short life thus far...correct? :laugh:

your on a REDSKINS BOARD. of course there are going to be people beating their chests. What the hell do you expect?

Your on an opponents board. what the hell do you expect?

No ones holding a gun to your head keeping you here, if you dont like it when we beat our chests, then by all means leave.

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nothing better than an eagles fan coming over here after 5 games acting like they just won the superbowl...

Wait........do you even remember them winning their Super Bowls? I can see you having some memories of 1991, but do you remember the others? I'm an Eagles fan and I remember every single one.....especially 1987.....bad time to be an Eagles fan, but a great time to be a young Black QB.... :point2sky

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your on a REDSKINS BOARD. of course there are going to be people beating their chests. What the hell do you expect?

Your on an opponents board. what the hell do you expect?

No ones holding a gun to your head keeping you here, if you dont like it when we beat our chests, then by all means leave.

This makes no sense.....

Let me break down what I was saying so that you may understand a tad bit better....

Some Eagles fans are beating their chests.

Some Eagles fans are catching their breath.

Not once in the last post did I mention Redskins fans beating their chests....and if they did, who am I to say anything thing? I'm a welcomed guest on a Redskins site, as we all are....

I hope this clears things up for you young man..... :2cents:

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Wait........do you even remember them winning their Super Bowls? I can see you having some memories of 1991, but do you remember the others? I'm an Eagles fan and I remember every single one.....especially 1987.....bad time to be an Eagles fan, but a great time to be a young Black QB.... :point2sky

Part of being a fan is to be able to be part of the history of the organization. I cant help it if the skins actually did something with their past. So what if I was too young not to be a part of it. its still a part of the organization. They still have something in their throphy case dont they? If everyone was to just live on their own expiriences, and throw the past out the window, what the hell would we be? Nothing. We would have no basis for life.

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Part of being a fan is to be able to be part of the history of the organization. I cant help it if the skins actually did something with their past. So what if I was too young not to be a part of it. its still a part of the organization. They still have something in their throphy case dont they? If everyone was to just live on their own expiriences, and throw the past out the window, what the hell would we be? Nothing. We would have no basis for life.

Janet Jackson once said.... "What have you done for me lately" It was a Top 10 song back in the 80's off her Control LP.

The reason I bring that up is because for someone who stated in an earlier thread, that they would rather have a HOF coach then Reid, it seems odd because in recent history, Reid has won plenty of games in the current NFL with the exception of last season which is looking more and more like a mulligan while Gibbs seems at times and I stress at times seems as if the game has passed him by.

While Gibbs might have trophies, Reid does have a ring (GB) and is creditted by several people as a key in the development of this eras Johnny Unitas aka Brett Favre. Reid has also developed what many people feel is this eras Brett Favre aka D McNabb. With his track record, as well as his current string of success thus far this season, to say that you wuld want Gibbs right now over Reid right now is a tad bit of a stretch. Now if the arguement was Gibbs back then against Reid right now, then I can see a more compelling chat.


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its not like you have pprobably met a rational Eagles fan in your short life thus far...correct? :laugh:

I've met more than a few,

but Westbrook claiming to have the number one offense after 5 games and how can you stop this D line?!!? OMG, Theo calling the skins the Dolphins in his trolling manner we've come to expect, Pocono with his stats of how and why the running attack is just fine, Alabama man claiming that DC isn't a football town?.

And that's just on this board. In real life I have to endure the McNabb is better than Peyton and here's why discussions, the complete apology of how the Eagles FO is the Gold Standard even though they didn't make upgrades that could have propelled them to a super bowl, Reid apologists for his absolutely horrible playcalling (makes some of the redskins playcalling as of late look good), all the while my Redskins are playing mediorce ball. I've got enough problems being a fan of this team that is playing like they'll win 6 games this year.

Anyway, I'm just kidding around. It's all good. Eagle fans can crow right now, they're winning.

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I've met more than a few,

but Westbrook claiming to have the number one offense after 5 games and how can you stop this D line?!!? OMG, Theo calling the skins the Dolphins in his trolling manner we've come to expect, Pocono with his stats of how and why the running attack is just fine, Alabama man claiming that DC isn't a football town?.

And that's just on this board. In real life I have to endure the McNabb is better than Peyton and here's why discussions, the complete apology of how the Eagles FO is the Gold Standard even though they didn't make upgrades that could have propelled them to a super bowl, Reid apologists for his absolutely horrible playcalling (makes some of the redskins playcalling as of late look good), all the while my Redskins are playing mediorce ball. I've got enough problems being a fan of this team that is playing like they'll win 6 games this year.

Anyway, I'm just kidding around. It's all good. Eagle fans can crow right now, they're winning.

Whats up Dock? I sold my tickets and made a boat load of money. I'm looking to come down for our game against you guys. Send me where you are sitting and I'll try to reserve tickets next to or near you.....

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I've met more than a few,

but Westbrook claiming to have the number one offense after 5 games and how can you stop this D line?!!? OMG, Theo calling the skins the Dolphins in his

Anyway, I'm just kidding around. It's all good. Eagle fans can crow right now, they're winning.

Seemed like a pretty good comparision to me... :silly:

But like you said, it's all good. It's definitely gonna be a fun season in our division. And with all the lumps the Birds were taking here before the season started, you had to know we wouldn't forget....just like I'm sure you won't forget if things turn around and the Skins start winning and the Birds start losing.

Bring on the Saints!!

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bingo, bang ...end of thread.

Those 2 games are huge.

Those 2 games for the Eagles and the Redskins get the Upstart Vikings and New and Improved 4-1 Rams on the road......

I'd take Pack and 49ers anyway. Those are 2 GUARANTEED WINS....essentially two more Titans or two more Texans. The difference between division championship and sitting at home in the playoffs...2 games in the NFL are GIGANTIC. Its not baseball.

Yes it's a guaranteed when the Refs, make bad calls


var sitedomain="channel.aol.com";var siteState="http%3a%2f%2fsports%2eaol%2ecom%2f";

Yes Guaranteed when the Refs help

49ers to Refs: Thank You Sir, May I Have Another

Posted Sep 30th 2006 8:27AM by Chad Erickson

Filed under: 49ers, NFC West

You know that scene in the movie Animal House, where Kevin Bacon is on all fours and getting spanked by the Omegas for his initiation and after every spanking he tells the heads of the Omegas, "Thank you sir, may I have another?" Well after learning that the NFL has come out and told the 49ers that the refs blew a few calls during their game against the Eagles, it kind of reminds me of that. I could live with the refs blowing maybe one call, hey it happens all the time, but to find out that the refs blew three calls which resulted in a total of 207 yards in the second half, now that is a little difficult to swallow.

The first call that the refs blew, which everyone but Eagle fans will agree with, was the 98 yard fumble recovery for a touchdown by Mike Patterson. Apparently replays showed that Patterson had both knees down and was in contact with 49ers Kwame Harris. I'd say that a proctology exam is less painful.

The second call that the refs blew was the play where Eagles TE Matt Schobel caught a pass from Donovan McNabb and rumbled down the field for 60 yards, which setup a touchdown that basically put the game away. Well come to find out that the refs didn't notice the illegal pick that WR Reggie Brown threw was in fact illegal.

The final call that the refs blew, which resulted in the callback of the 49-yard pass to Antonio Bryant, was the phantom chop block on RB Michael Robinson. After further review Robinson didn't chop block. A chop block is basically a defender that blocks another defender below the waist. I'll let head coach Mike Nolan explain what he saw for you.

"On that play, Michael is chopping, and after he's chopping him, then Jonas (Jennings) falls on top of the guy," Nolan said. "That's not a chop, from my understanding. So, I'm going to get the rule explained to me."

Of course these calls didn't lose the game for the 49ers, the defense did, but to have three plays that could have changed the outcome greatly screwed up by the refs.


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Colts of the NFC...ok, that's fair. They've come up short. So can we call you guys the Dolphins of the NFC....a team that looks good on paper, but can't seem to make it work. But every once every so many years they might make a playoff appearance?



There are comparisons between Indy and Philly vs. Miami and Washington, traditionally and historically at least.

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I've met more than a few,

but Westbrook claiming to have the number one offense after 5 games and how can you stop this D line?!!?

The Eagles offense is like 30-40 yards better PER GAME, then the number 2 offense in the NFL.

The Eagles D is on a pace to set the single season sack record and is like 6-7 sacks ahead of the number 2 D in the NFL in regards to sacks.

Facts are facts, as much as they may disappoint you, dock.

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There are comparisons between Indy and Philly vs. Miami and Washington, traditionally and historically at least.

Yep..Miami and the Skins comapre pretty well not only in the past with tradition and history and all...but also in the 06 season, both very overrated.

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The next 3 game stretch is going to decide the season for the Skins.


At Indy


They HAVE TO GO 2-1 to have a chance, in my estimation, for the playoffs. Right after Dallas, they have Philly at Philly, who will be coming off a bye.

The more I look at it, the more I honestly think the Skins really have little or no chance WITH EVERYTHING WE KNOW NOW. I can seriously see them being 3-6 after 9 games.

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The next 3 game stretch is going to decide the season for the Skins.


At Indy


They HAVE TO GO 2-1 to have a chance, in my estimation, for the playoffs. Right after Dallas, they have Philly at Philly, who will be coming off a bye.

The more I look at it, the more I honestly think the Skins really have little or no chance WITH EVERYTHING WE KNOW NOW. I can seriously see them being 3-6 after 9 games.

3-6? Are you serious? If Springs is healthy - they beat Indy. Indy is smoke and mirrors. They will rack up 250 rushing yards against that defense.

Unlike the Iggles the Redskins can actually run the ball against good defenses, and not just against the likes of the San Fran, Houston and Green Bay. Oh wait, scratch that last one, they struggled to run the ball against them too.

Philly will finish 1-5.

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Manning will throw for about 500 yards against a Defensive Backfield which features:

-Springs coming off injury

-Rogers who has been burnt toast all year

-AA, don't even have to say the obvious

Seriously, smarten up. You think you'll go into Indy and beat them with your defense? Not with what we know now.

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Manning will throw for about 500 yards against a Defensive Backfield which features:

-Springs coming off injury

-Rogers who has been burnt toast all year

-AA, don't even have to say the obvious

Seriously, smarten up. You think you'll go into Indy and beat them with your defense? Not with what we know now.

Yet you think you've proven something facing the worst defenses in the league. Yet have the 11th ranked rushing offense.

The Redskins are #6 rushing offense - while facing the nos 4, 5, 9, 12, and 25 ranked Ds.

The Iggles are #11 while facing the - 5, 9, 15, 24, 25

The Colts are 31st against the run. Tennesee is 32nd. Get ready for Portis to have over 300 yards the next 2 weeks.

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The next 3 game stretch is going to decide the season for the Skins.


At Indy


They HAVE TO GO 2-1 to have a chance, in my estimation, for the playoffs. Right after Dallas, they have Philly at Philly, who will be coming off a bye.

The more I look at it, the more I honestly think the Skins really have little or no chance WITH EVERYTHING WE KNOW NOW. I can seriously see them being 3-6 after 9 games.

That's not unreasonable, actually. I completely agree with the first part. We HAVE to go 2-1 in my opinion. Further, one of those two wins has to be the Cowboys at home. 4-4 with an 0-3 division record will be practically insurmountable in this division.

Where I don't necessarily agree with you is the 'everything we know now' bit. All we know now is that the Redskins play like crap on the road. The one home game we lost was by 3 points to a decent team. With 2 home games ahead of us in the next three weeks, 'everything we know now' does not logically equate to 'little to no chance' for two wins.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

EDIT: Anyone else notice we had to play the Giants coming off a bye in NY, then we play the Colts coming off a bye in Indy, and then the Eagles coming off a bye in Philly. How many teams face three teams coming off a bye week at home? I'm not one who subscribes to conspiracy theories or complains about the refs, but that seems a bit rough to me.

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Nothing better than hearing 18 year old kids talk about great seasons when they were still ****ting their pants and sucking their thumbs. :laugh:

It must suck that the entire time you have watched football, your team has been a huge disappointment.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: This is the funniest quote I've read, I'm here a day late so you probably won't even read this but I'm a Redskins fan and as my screen name shows I'm stuck here in Philly.

You say, "It must suck that the entire time you have watched football your team has been a huge disappointment"!!!!!!!! That's f-in hilarious coming from an Eagles fan...HA HA, what have the Eagles done for you in your 30 years on the planet??? They might have the best record in this Century but let me remind you of....

St. Louis- one drive away from SB.

Tampa Bay- last game at the Vet, Joe J tore your heart out.

Carolina- we need a receiver, they ran wrong routes and caused McNabb to throw pics.

Patriots- we got there but McNabb was dry heaving in the huddle on that last drive to win or tie (whatever)

So close but yet oh so very far away, he man....SORRY ABOUT YOUR LUCK!!!!

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EDIT: Anyone else notice we had to play the Giants coming off a bye in NY, then we play the Colts coming off a bye in Indy, and then the Eagles coming off a bye in Philly. How many teams face three teams coming off a bye week at home? I'm not one who subscribes to conspiracy theories or complains about the refs, but that seems a bit rough to me.

I did notice that and bring it up. It's definitely a kick in the dinger.

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