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Remaining schedules of NFCE teams


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Home - Washington, Jacksonville, Tennessee, Carolina, Atlanta

Away - Washington, New York, Dallas, Tampa Bay, New Orleans, Indy


Home - Tennessee, Dallas, Carolina, Atlanta, Philly, New York

Away - Philly, Indy, New Orleans, Tampa Bay, St. Louis


Home - Philly, New York, Houston, Indy, Tampa Bay, New Orleans, Detroit

Away - Carolina, Washington, Arizona, New york, Atlanta


Home - Philly, Dallas, New Orleans, Chicago, Houston, Tampa Bay

Away - Atlanta, Dallas, Jacksonville, Tennessee, Carolina, Washington

Where is this huge difference in difficulty between the Eagles' schedule and the rest of the teams in the NFC East that I keep hearing?

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Where is this huge difference in difficulty between the Eagles' schedule and the rest of the teams in the NFC East that I keep hearing?

it was the first 5 games.... NOW the Eagles have to play a tougher schedule like the rest of the NFCE

good luck, your Nebraska like div. AA part of the schedule is over

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bubba, the skin's schedule thus far has been nothing to crow about.

You've played nothing but patsies...and your toughest opponents have been at home.

Life is about to change for you guys....well, after you get to 7-1.

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You've played nothing but patsies...and your toughest opponents have been at home.

Life is about to change for you guys....well, after you get to 7-1.

I've already broken down what you think to be a tough schedule for you, but I'll do it again.:)

Minnesota: They beat you at home. And oh yes, they almost lost to the Lions at home this past Sunday.

Dallas: You've already stated you think Dallas is a bad team with a bad defense. A defense Washington put 3 points up on.

Houston: You call it a cupcake game for us, I call it a cupcake game for you guys.

Jacksonville: Nice win. Although don't forget the false fumble call before halftime that led to 3 points for the Skins.

New York: This "patsy" beat you soundly while your offense looked dead.

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I've already broken down what you think to be a tough schedule for you, but I'll do it again.:)

Minnesota: They beat you at home. And oh yes, they almost lost to the Lions at home this past Sunday.

Dallas: You've already stated you think Dallas is a bad team with a bad defense. A defense Washington put 3 points up on.

Houston: You call it a cupcake game for us, I call it a cupcake game for you guys.

Jacksonville: Nice win. Although don't forget the false fumble call before halftime that led to 3 points for the Skins.

New York: This "patsy" beat you soundly while your offense looked dead.

Minnesota: Almost beat Chicago if they held on to the ball in the end of the game they would've beaten Chicago, the best team in the league.

Dallas:They have a good defense and were angry after we owned them last year.

Houston:Cupcake game for BOTH teams.

Jacksonville:Great win.

New York: We NEVER play well in the Meadowlands.

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Dallas:They have a good defense and were angry after we owned them last year.

I'm basically just assessing the schedule for tr1. Before we played Dallas, all I heard from him was, "wait until the Eagles play a good defense." Dallas' defense was ranked in the top 5 before the game, yet now according to tr1, they suck.
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I'm basically just assessing the schedule for tr1. Before we played Dallas, all I heard from him was, "wait until the Eagles play a good defense." Dallas' defense was ranked in the top 5 before the game, yet now according to tr1, they suck.

eagles78, you must have me confused for someone else.

I've said I see all of the NFCE teams splitting this year, winning their games at home.

So far, only the Eagles have failed to cover me....damned Eagles.

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eagles78, you must have me confused for someone else.

I've said I see all of the NFCE teams splitting this year, winning their games at home.

So far, only the Eagles have failed to cover me....damned Eagles.

I'm really going to have to start cutting and pasting every thing you post into a Microsoft Word document.:laugh:
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The Cowboys have 5 games left with teams that currently have losing records and the Giants and Eagles have 4 games left with teams who currently have losing records and the Skins have 2 games left with teams that currently have losing records.

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pocono, they need to stop worrying about the eagles and see they have a coaching problem. starting with the owner all the way down. that team is a mess.

Gibbs 3 Superbowls title

Reid 0 Superbowls title

Gibbs last season swept eagles, made playoffs

Reid swepted by Redskins, no playoffs

and unless the NFL changed the season to 5 games, I wouldn't count my chickens before they hatch :laugh:

you better worry about the Saints, on the Road, this game has all the makings of an upset loss.

Coming off an emotional win, bound for a letdown

on the road, against a good team with a pretty good pass defense( first team Philly will play with a pass D ranked in the top 10), and team speed. Brees isn't going to give you those gift Ints, like Bledsoe did.

The Saints have some good mojo right now, and playing good football, and the Dome will be rocking, not an easy place to play this season... ask Atlanta

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After the Eagles roll up tons of yards and points against the Saints, their defensive ranking will drop and this will be thought of as yet another patsie the Eagles beat....

What are they feeding you over there in Iraq? :doh:

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what ever it is he is full of it! :laugh:

the last time he went on a bragging spree the giant came from 17 down in the fourth to win in philly

I was temp-banned until AFTER the Giants game and made my first thread this season AFTER that game.

Don't let facts get in the way....you normally never do. :cheers:

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Giants Fan here...

green bay, san francisco

I know how the scheduling works in the nfl and thats why the birds got san fran and green bay but these teams are clearly a lot worse than seattle and chicago who the giants had/have to play

bingo, bang ...end of thread.

Those 2 games are huge.

Those 2 games for the Eagles and the Redskins get the Upstart Vikings and New and Improved 4-1 Rams on the road......

I'd take Pack and 49ers anyway. Those are 2 GUARANTEED WINS....essentially two more Titans or two more Texans. The difference between division championship and sitting at home in the playoffs...2 games in the NFL are GIGANTIC. Its not baseball.

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bubba, the skin's schedule thus far has been nothing to crow about.


We've played two home games: Viking, Jaguars.

We've played three road games: Texans, Dallas, NYG

You've played three home games: Dallas, NYG, Green Bay

You've played two road games: San Fran, Texans.

Against common opponents (Dallas, NYG, Texans) we are 1-2 and you are 2-1. The difference is we've played all three of them on the road, whereas you played two of them at home.

Concerning our uncommon opponents, the Redskins have played two 3-2 teams (and are 1-1 against them), while the Eagles have played a 2-3 team and a 1-4 team (and are 2-0).

You guys have played an easier schedule so far.

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All of this whinging and crying over the schedule is crazy. The Eagles...as of right now, are showing to be the best team in the division. And the Skins aren't.

And as of right now at this point of the 06 season, that's what matters.

What was it Parcells said....'you are what you are' or 'it is what it is'??? Something like that....Well, that's it...

Eagles, first place

Skins, last place....Will it stay that way? We will all find out soon enough.

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All of this whinging and crying over the schedule is crazy. The Eagles...as of right now, are showing to be the best team in the division. And the Skins aren't.

And as of right now at this point of the 06 season, that's what matters.

What was it Parcells said....'you are what you are' or 'it is what it is'??? Something like that....Well, that's it...

Eagles, first place

Skins, last place....Will it stay that way? We will all find out soon enough.

True..your dead on. Your last place finish schedule got you cake this time around...so you should and will take advantage of it. Two little sisters of the poor will only help the Eagles get higher in the standings....it will and could be the difference.

Take your schedule for what it is compared to everyone else in the division. When its all said and done WE ALL would take GB and SF on our schedule before..

Skins = STL & MIN

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What was it Parcells said....'you are what you are' or 'it is what it is'??? Something like that....Well, that's it...

Heh heh. Do you remember when he said that and why? And what happened the season he said it?

Here's a clue: That season the Cowboys started out 4-1 and were in first place in the division after 5 weeks.

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pocono, they need to stop worrying about the eagles and see they have a coaching problem. starting with the owner all the way down. that team is a mess.

I would take a hall of famer over that fat lard any day of the week.

Like someone said:

Gibbs 3 super bowl titles

Reid 0

reid has done nothing but show he can produce a choke team in this league. Ill take all of our coaches over yours, except for MAYBE tim lewis over GW. and with a healthy defense, i just might take GW...

the fact is, you have played all of the "harder" games on your schedule at home. And then taken the cupcake games on the road. Pretty easy.

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