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Stop Jumping Ship: warning, rant time


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Come on my Redskins faithful. What is wrong with you guys?? Jumping ships on the coaches, on the players, do you forget they are REDSKINS?! We played one of the top contenders for the NFC who is coming off a bye week with something to prove, and they did their damn homework, that is all to blame. We got out played, we got beat, bottom line. I too believe we could have done better but you cant pin this on anyone except the Giants prepared better then we did.

We have a whole season, we are 2 - 3. Funny thing is if you think back a couple years ago, givin this same schedule we could easily be 1 - 4, or 0 - 5. We all know Gibbs does his magic in the second half of the season, if we are .500 at week 8 we have a very possible chance at a playoff berth. How can you guys just give up? Look at the name of this board....EXTREMESKINS.COM! BE EXTREME DAMNIT!!! you want jump ship on this team, you jump ship on this board. You want to discuss things, give your opinion on what we could fix, do it with respect.

There are people i know that have faith in this team, and understand that win or lose, they will still love this team and everything associated with it. They dont jump ship, they are what i call "TRUE FANS" and i am one of them. Sure there are things that bother me but bottom line when i go to bed tonight i believe that Gibbs & co. is making a decision that is best for the team. This is why i dont get on this board the same day of a loss because i cant stand people degrading something that i've grown up loving. This teams/board/organization is like family, and there are a lot of TRUE Skins fans that feel the same way i do. I wish more people on this board felt that way.


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Come on my Redskins faithful. What is wrong with you guys?? Jumping ships on the coaches, on the players, do you forget they are REDSKINS?!

Sorry but after 13 or so years of dissappointments and mismanagement it gets a little frustrating.


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Sorry mods, if you need to merge, please feel free.....

We played one of the top contenders for the NFC who is coming off a bye week with something to prove, and they did their damn homework, that is all to blame. We got out played, we got beat, bottom line. I too believe we could have done better but you cant pin this on anyone except the Giants prepared better then we did.

There's your "realism" I'm not playin any role, i'm looking at the game for what it's worth.

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Sorry but after 13 or so years of dissappointments and mismanagement it gets a little frustrating.


im 22 and the first shirt i ever wore had a redskins symbol on it. i spend 2300 a season to go to all the home games, i have a 3 bed room appartment where 2 of the rooms are bedrooms and 1 of them is nothing but a REDSKINS ROOM. you dont need to talk to me about frustration....i'm not tryin to be a jerk to anyone, i'm just frustrated how all these people can praise the skins one min. and then call for heads the next. Last week everyone was saying "we were wrong, i eat crow, the Redskins are unbeatable, we will be fine....this week, the speech has changed, they have "Sports Analyst Syndrome"

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This team sucks. We still love them, but they suck. They don't look ready, physically or mentally, and that's on them and the coaches. As fans we should expect more than to be steered like blind cattle. No one on the team, or in the organization, is infallible. We fund the team, we make noise in the stands, we have a right to expect some effort from the players and intelligent prepration on behalf of the coaches. And if we don't get it, we have a right to complain about it and demand changes. That's all anyone on here is doing.

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There's your "realism" I'm not playin any role, i'm looking at the game for what it's worth.

Well--i don't see the optimism you do. I see a coach bringing out an injured kicker to go for a fg to make the score 19-6 when we have a back (duckett) who we gave up a 3rd round pick for...it's stuff like that that makes me pessimistic.

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Sorry but after 13 or so years of dissappointments and mismanagement it gets a little frustrating.


how do you think the younger generations feel? Last year was the first time i EVER tasted victory with this organization.

Im not about to jump off here just because of a rocky start. After being 5-6 last year, I have learned my lesson.

It is a long season, and im not about to give up on them now

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how do you think the younger generations feel? Last year was the first time i EVER tasted victory with this organization.

Im not about to jump off here just because of a rocky start. After being 5-6 last year, I have learned my lesson.

It is a long season, and im not about to give up on them now

thank you.. thank you.. im 20 and i didnt experience the glory years and last year was magical in my opinion..

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