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What Gibbs should do


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Sit every starter on O and D for the first half next week. I don't care what the score turns out to be. That was the most emotionless, gutless, and embarassing jobs I have ever seen from the Skins.....it was easier to watch all these last several years when we had no talent, but with the guys we have, there are no excuses. I wish Joe would let me put on a Drill Sergeant hat and take care of these b!tches, because they would never for get the ***** I would put thenm through after a game like this. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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What he should do? Simple. Talk to his coaches and findout if the performace today was because of a letdown or because the players are not executing. If its a letdown get on this F-ing team hard. Then he also has to evaluate where we are headed with our QB situation. For example if Al tells him hey look Joe we have open receivers but Brunell is not pulling the trigger bench him. I mean have you guys seen our schedule? To you really think with this type of iffy QB production and a D average at best we will be in contention for the playoffs? We have got to findout what QB Campbell is because if he sucks we need to trade for one

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I remember our DEFENSE getting us into the playoffs last year yes.

Do you also remembe the defense BLOWING several big passes today...my gosh, it's one game...LAst week everyone wanted Gibbs to run for president...we are not going to win every game...All you guys who are down on Gibbs should really stop it and see how the season goes....it 's one game

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i saw another thread talkin about flat play. my best friend showed up right before halftime and that was the first thing that isaid to him was that we looked very very flat today!! WTF??!! if i was JG i would work these guys to death all week. our defense needs to seriously do some tackling drills. i made this statement last week as well that our D seems to not like to wrap tackle. oh yeah and if the bus that is transporting our O to the game happens to show up..... tellem the game is already over.

oh yeah and my best friend..... he is a giants fan from new york!! today sucked!!

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Do you also remembe the defense BLOWING several big passes today...my gosh, it's one game...LAst week everyone wanted Gibbs to run for president...we are not going to win every game...All you guys who are down on Gibbs should really stop it and see how the season goes....it 's one game

No, we aren't going to win every game, we're just going to lose all the important ones (like the divisional games).

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