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2-2 1st quarter in the book, 2nd quarter on the boards


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Well, in hind site it makes sence. With the Sanders new offense being installed the 2 things (players) we could least afford to have out were out so things looked real bad the first 2 games. The players were Portis and Springs.

We needed a good running game while the new offense we installed and we needed a great D to cover for them while they adjust. Will both them playing, we would have won the MN game at a min and would be 3-1.

Brunell is a good QB but not a QB that can carry a team on his own so having Portis out was the one player we could not afford to loss on offense as we installed this new offense.


Now Portis is back and the systems is progressing. First we established Portis and he has shown to be 100%. The running game looks great with Portis and Betts. Last week we took the next step by getting Moss and Coley involved. Now we have a balanced offensive attach. We even got Sellers, Floyld and Christian involved some. This offense still has room to grow by getting Floyd, Patton, El, Sellers and more involved. We are ranked #3 after 4 weeks and are looking good. Brunell will get it done as long as we have all these weapons. The O line also looks great as long as we can run and we have all these weapons.

Special Teams.

Hall looks productive and healthy. KO are good. FG are accurate. Frost still shanks one here and there but he is doing a fine job. I love Rock on KO returns and we have El on PR. We are solid on teams.


The 2nd of the 2 players we couldnt afford to loose was Springs. Loosing him has the D off balance. Wright and Rumph came to camp late and weren't ready. Rogers is good but not ready to be the #1 CB. Carter also needed a few games to adjust from being a LB last year. After 4 games, Carter has progressed nicely and the CBs are getting better but the missing piece is still Springs. I expect the D to make some progress but the Skins wont be an elite team until after the bye when we get Springs back. Once he returns, Williams can run his total package. Wright and Rumph will play in nichel and dime packages.

That is whats missing. We are top 3 against the run but its our pass coverage that is hurting.

We can still do what we expected this year but it is a work in progress. We need Springs to take the next step.

Lets keep our eye on the ball. We need to make the playoffs and be ready to make some noise. I think Gibbs knows this so dont expect to see Spring until he can go a week in practice without any fear of injury. So we may not see him till after the bye.

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I think it's pretty apparent that we will have missed Shawn Springs for half of the season when it is all said and done. You're right and the results are undeniable. We need him in order to be the dominant defense that we all anticipated this season.

You have to be encouraged with the progression of the Offense. It looks good. Once we utilize ARE and Lloyd, it will be a well oiled machine.

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I really think that the Minnesota game should have been our's. Besides the injuries to Portis and Springs I believe Saunders was trying too hard to involve every weapon we have in the opener to prove the preseason was more about hiding the playbook than schemes. Brunell was hesitant to take chances -- which was a bad combo and so the O was never comfortable. They are comfortable now. I really think we should average 30 a game this season, I said it in the offseason and I am repeating it now.

Our schedule is tough, but we can outscore anybody, and D is improving, even w/o Springs. Yes, we gave up some big plays against the Jags when we blitzed, but we had fewer missed tackles (their first TD excluded, that was bad), penalites, or third down surrenders where we couldn't get off the field. Rumph played a good game, Rogers tackled in run support - especially that reverse late, and Wright had two chances at pics. We got pressure and we made them very one dimensional. It could be that the D needs some time to work with one another, just as the offense. Carter and Archuletta, the new pieces, were the ones most out of position the first three weeks.

The Division is OVERRATED. The Cowboys will not do better than 9 wins if they keep Bledsoe at QB, and they have no other feasible option. Owens has not been worth the headache to date, checkout the #s. Though Glenn has clearly benefitted from the acquisition. Here's Dallas' problem. They won't win many shootouts with that O-line and QB, and yet their D will be a middle of the pack D when all is said and done. They are a middle of the pack team, who will just miss the playoffs. The Giants are tough at home, and they have Tiki Barber, but I will say this until I am proved wrong... Eli Manning is not the franchise QB people want him to be. He locks on to big receivers, he has an average arm, he completes 50% of his passes, he throws off his back foot Everett style when pressured. He is decent, but he is not his brother. He is better than 1/2 the QBs in the league, but he is not top 10 IMO. Their D has major issues, they will revolt against the Nazi during the tough part of their schedule, be out of any serious contention by Thanksgiving, and calling for his head when the team quits on him. Guys who rule with an iron fist like that get the fist shoved-up their arse when things go bad. I see a train wreck coming, and I hope we bury them this week. No one in the media has said it, but the Eagles wiins have come agains arguably the three worst teams in football. Granted McNabb is the only offensive player other than Tiki Barber that I would put in Portis or Moss's class, however does Donte Stallworth and Reggie Brown scare you? I know Westbrook is a dual threat, but he is always one slip down the steps from missing the season. W/O him they still can't run the ball. 10 wins takes the division. and I still expect 11 or 12 from the Skins when all is said and done.

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2-2 is bad. That translates to an 8-8 finish and that game against the Vikings bugs me because with our schedule letting a win get away is dangerous. We need some 3-1 and 4-0 Qtrs and here is what they look like:

2nd Qtr






I'm hoping for 2 wins out of this. The Titans and Dallas at home. I think we can beat the Giants but away division games in the NFCE are difficult.

3rd Qtr





I think we can beat the Bucs, Panthers, and Falcons. None of these teams look great this year and Vick doesn't scare me in Washington. This could be the start of a good finish.

4th Qtr





Strong finish anyone? All these games look at this point to be winnable

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Im thinking that we will start off 5 - 3 like last year and im hoping that we dont lose three in a row again. I dont think we will simply because this year we know what we are good at and thats running the football, it wasnt til we found that out last year that we started really rolling.

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2-2 is bad. That translates to an 8-8 finish and that game against the Vikings bugs me because with our schedule letting a win get away is dangerous. We need some 3-1 and 4-0 Qtrs and here is what they look like:

2nd Qtr






I'm hoping for 2 wins out of this. The Titans and Dallas at home. I think we can beat the Giants but away division games in the NFCE are difficult.

3rd Qtr





I think we can beat the Bucs, Panthers, and Falcons. None of these teams look great this year and Vick doesn't scare me in Washington. This could be the start of a good finish.

4th Qtr





Strong finish anyone? All these games look at this point to be winnable

Well, these last quarter game are to far away to really worry about. Injuries will likely happen between now and then.

As for this 2nd set of 4 games. Im looking at 3-1 as most likely. We should have Shawn Spring back after the bye for the Dallas game. There is a good chance we win in NY, most likely we beat the Titans here, then a tough game in Indi, then the bye, then we will crush Dallas here. 5-3

Dallas should be 4-4 at this point. Losing to Phili, Beating Houston and NY and losing in Carolina and DC.

Phili is 3-1. They most likely beat Dallas in Phili, Loss to NO in NO, Win in Tampa, Loss in JAX. 5-3.

It should come to us and Phili. We play twice down the stretch. This will determine the winner of the Division. We should be in full swing with all our tools. If we can take both, we should win the division.

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We don't want to be in that position as we were last year having to win 5 straight!

2-2 in the first Quarter is good, but we really should've been 3-1

We have to make up for the first Quarter by winning 3 in the second quarter.

It starts on Sunday against the Giants!

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