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Lloyd lifts Santana = Excessive Celebration????


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Right after that one touchdown by Santana, Lloyd hugs him and lifts him up in the air and we get flagged for excessive celebration?? wtf is that? That has got to be the dumbest, lamest calling of that penalty I have ever seen. All SM does is hold his hands up in the air, all BL does is hug him and lift him. How the f*k is that excessive? I'm sorry but that really p'd me off.

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I really think you should be allowed to celebrate to a reasonable extent when it is spontaneous and fun and you don't do it in the face of the other team. I can understand why the league does not want people throwing the ball in an opponent's face or going through all the choreographed stuff, but come on, players have feelings and they should have fun playing, in part because it makes it more fun for fans. The league needs to back off, and I don't just say this with regard to Redskins' celebrations.

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I really don't understand the one man celebration rule. Scoring is always a team effort, everyone should be allowed their share of the glory.

Very good point. I hadn't thought of it that way but you're spot on.

its not a penalty in the nike football is everything commercial

Another good point.

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Yeah, I thought that was a petty call. But at least the refs called it on Jacksonville too with the turnover (was it the Lloyd fumble?). Those jokers didn't even score and they were dancing in the end zone when they were called, they were also still behind & losing - that was a good excessive celebration call.

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Yeah, I thought that was a petty call. But at least the refs called it on Jacksonville too with the turnover (was it the Lloyd fumble?). Those jokers didn't even score and they were dancing in the end zone when they were called, they were also still behind & losing - that was a good excessive celebration call.

For an interception? comon. Even if that was a touchdown I still would have put that as excessive.

Santana didnt do anything. Lloyed hugged and lifted him and Portis struck a pose....

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that's what I thought it was too, but at the same time, Portis was striking a pose to left of Moss

I never even noticed that. As long as they score, I'm not too dissapointed with the excessive celebration, thats a dumb rule anyway.

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It was spontanious. I was under the impression that that sort of celebration would not be penalized.

The league had to lock down. Thanks to showboaters, who have always claimed that they do it for the fans. Thats nonsense. Guys like Dieon, then T.O. Chad Johnson and Steve Smith, and wanna be's like Joe Horn. Have ruined it for the rest of the league.

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The NFL needs to review this BS. I mean they also need to realize without the fans (that love seeing this type of emotion) they have not market, game, league. Now like it was mentioned if they throw balls on the opposing team and the Chad Johnson/TO crap then maybe they have a point (all though again fans love it so what). But that one yesterday which caused a a TD trully sucked.

My question to you guys is this. Since we won the game on OT and Moss and the rest of the team went wild in the endzone etc etc we get an automatic 15 yarder in NY? hahahahahaha. I wouldn't put it past the league the way they hate us.

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My question to you guys is this. Since we won the game on OT and Moss and the rest of the team went wild in the endzone etc etc we get an automatic 15 yarder in NY? hahahahahaha. I wouldn't put it past the league the way they hate us.

Well one thing I noticed on the last play of OT- there WAS a flag on the field. I never heard an explanation of what it was about. It never came up as they were reviewing the play. Could it have been an excessive celebration flag?

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but when the dude of jacksonvile did that it wasnt called ..

Yeah, that was some bull**** on a stick. I was yelling at my tv when the one Jax guy lifted the other in the endzone. If you're gonna call one, you gotta call both. Actually, I'd rather them call neither. Its a game. Let them play it with a little emotion. I think its classy when someone scores and acts like its nothing, but to make it a rule is a little absurd.

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Yeah, that was some bull**** on a stick. I was yelling at my tv when the one Jax guy lifted the other in the endzone. If you're gonna call one, you gotta call both. Actually, I'd rather them call neither. Its a game. Let them play it with a little emotion. I think its classy when someone scores and acts like its nothing, but to make it a rule is a little absurd.

I thought the same thing initially. But I hadn't seen Portis. If Portis was posing too, then that's the penalty. Like it or not, it's in the rules and was a stupid move on Portis' part. Those 15 yards hurt.

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They called it on Jacksonville after our fumble but they did not call it on Jacksonville when Leftwich picked up Reggie Williams after their touchdown and ran with him over his shoulder... but it's over and we won the game...let's think about the giants game now

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