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It's Official: Prioleau To Miss Rest Of Season


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That you don't see my logic in this matter is both understandable and not unusual. I have a very different way of looking at sports and my rooting interests. I always have. It comes from any number of different influences in my youth and childhood. That you can accept them without major complaint IS a little unusual though, and I'm glad to see it for a change.

You are interesting. I must admit when redkns56 responded "you're a dick" he took the words out of my mouth!:cheers:

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Damn... :( That's not good news, either for him or for the team.

Btw, why do people insist on acknowledging MassSkinsFan? If you want him and his posts (as well as others on here like him) to truly look as foolish as we all know he does, don't respond to him. Nothing more pathetic than someone talking to themselves over and over again, begging for attention that they'll never get.

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Damn... :( That's not good news, either for him or for the team.

Btw, why do people insist on acknowledging MassSkinsFan? If you want him and his posts (as well as others on here like him) to truly look as foolish as we all know he does, don't respond to him. Nothing more pathetic than someone talking to themselves over and over again, begging for attention that they'll never get.

Spot on! :applause: It amazes me how so many people can be baited into a meaningless conversation. :doh:

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Nope. You get my wonderful vision of doom and gloom for another 16 weeks. At the end of the season, if the team hasn't lived up to my expectations and doesn't appear to be headed that way, I WILL be gone, permanently.

Your expectations? :rolleyes: I will be sure to get Gibbs on the phone and make sure he has this team winning from here on out.

You will be gone? Give up on the Skins? You are a prime example of a fairweather fan. Just like you gave up on the Red Sox.. you will give up on the Skins. :doh:

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Your expectations? :rolleyes: I will be sure to get Gibbs on the phone and make sure he has this team winning from here on out.

Yes, MY expectations. I understand that the Redskins don't give a **** about whether or not I'm happy as a fan, or if I like the way they do things. I've known that for years. I also know that I'm not going to waste my time following a team that doesn't give me some return on my investment of time and energy.

You will be gone? Give up on the Skins? You are a prime example of a fairweather fan. Just like you gave up on the Red Sox.. you will give up on the Skins. :doh:

Yes, I will be gone as a Redskins fan. If walking away after watching this team consistantly lose and disappoint me with their performances for 15 years makes me a "fairweather fan", I'll wear the moniker with honor. I've given this team a decade and a half to get itself in order. They haven't been able to do it. I'm tired of it. I have no more forgiveness to continuously dole out to this team.

Yes, like my former following of the Red Sox, I WILL walk away from the Redskins without ever looking back. It's a very similar situation. I expect a certain amount of return on my investment of time and energy. I expect a certain vision from the team as well. Neither that investment nor that vision are apparant from the Redskins at this point in time. I'm hoping to see both before the end of the year. If not I'll walk away from the team and never look back. The entire NFL will cease to exist so far as I'm concerned.

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It's true, we could go into every team and see their 15 year record. Cowboys, inconsistent, Panthers, 1-15 a few years ago, Patriots, dead for a while in between 97 and 2001. I'd say maybe the Steelers have been consistent, and the Broncos.

You are just very demanding as a fan if that is how you feel about the team. Sure, I really don't have anything to cheer about on this team, im only 22, and I was 7 when we won the super bowl last. I still get excited to see the team play, and for football season in general. I guess that is where we differ. Part of being a fan is to stick through your team in losses. I was at the game monday night, I was probably the only one who didn't leave my seat until the clock said 0:00. That's just my resolve of being a fan.

Anyways, Prioleau will be missed, heavily. He was a solid backup/nickle/dime back, and now he's gone. It is not fair for him either to have happened on special teams. What sucks more is that now I doubt he will return next year with a spot on the roster, and that will make him more missed.

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PP, big loss, I'm sorry he's out for the year. He seems to make big plays when it counts. I hope he makes it back next year.

Mass_SkinsFan bye bye! :ciao: :ciao: Good Riddance! Glad you're gone... Even if you continue to post so what?! I stopped reading you at your second post (2 too many). You have nothing to say that I feel is important enough to waste my time reading.

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It's true, we could go into every team and see their 15 year record. Cowboys, inconsistent, Panthers, 1-15 a few years ago, Patriots, dead for a while in between 97 and 2001. I'd say maybe the Steelers have been consistent, and the Broncos.

You are just very demanding as a fan if that is how you feel about the team. Sure, I really don't have anything to cheer about on this team, im only 22, and I was 7 when we won the super bowl last. I still get excited to see the team play, and for football season in general. I guess that is where we differ. Part of being a fan is to stick through your team in losses. I was at the game monday night, I was probably the only one who didn't leave my seat until the clock said 0:00. That's just my resolve of being a fan.

It's not about the team winning every year, though that would definitely be nice. Every team has ups and downs over a period of time. The problem is that with the Redskins the last 14 years it's been pretty much ALL downs. 3 playoff appearances and 4 winning seasons in 14 years is a pretty lousy record. Especially when you consider that there haven't been 2 consecutive winning seasons anywhere in that stretch. It's also about Winning and building the team the right way. It's about gameday philosophy, player acquisition strategy, and just the way the franchise is being run too.

I've stuck with this team through 14 seasons of disasters and disappointments, and it looks like we're working on season 15 of the same thing. I'm neither a masochist, nor a flagelate (a person who beats themselves bloody trying to prove to God their worthyness of inclusion in Heaven). I don't see the point in either of those philosophies, and being a Redskins fan is getting very close to being BOTH of those things so far as I am concerned. That's why I'm likely moving on to better things at the end of the season.

Anyways, Prioleau will be missed, heavily. He was a solid backup/nickle/dime back, and now he's gone. It is not fair for him either to have happened on special teams. What sucks more is that now I doubt he will return next year with a spot on the roster, and that will make him more missed.

Yes, he will definitely be missed. We really could have used him on Monday night. He's a significant loss for this team. I hope his surgery is 100% successful and that he can come back next season, either with the Redskins or another team, and be a contriutor to whatever team he's on.

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well, unlike you, I still have faith in my team. I think you will be around this year in the end as we have another playoff appearance. I am also sure this thread will turn up again...

As I've said SEVERAL TIMES recently, this is their last chance. They have this entire season to change my mind on what they are and where they are headed. If they can do that, GREAT I'll be around for at least another year. If not, then too bad. They have the opportunity to change my mind, now let's see if they have the talent and philosophy to do it.

I don't believe in Faith. I believe in Provable Results.

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Tough loss any way you look at it, now a already thin group is thinner!

We need to make a move @ safety and solidify the back field!

Why do we still have all these RB's that do virtually nothing? I know we got rid of Broughton, next a couple of other fodder can be jettisoned to get a few more players.......especially ST players....good ones!!! :logo:

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Something like that, praise.

Apparantly I missed the sarcasm in your prior post.

That wouldn't shock me, that you missed the sarcasm.

You are an alright guy, Mass. You seem like someone who has been through a lot and act it out in your everyday life. You bring your 'problems' and 'troubles' with you instead of accepting the past and moving forth. How much is a performance and how much is the reality? No clue but, IMO any 'extreme acts' are clearly out of performance, to gain attention. Everybody tries to gain attention in some way. Though, those acts can be acted out in a different manner, the result is always the same. Some people may make sigs on ES, some may start a billion threads ( I am not just singling you out Mick, or am I?... :paranoid: ). Some people just may say things in a negative way to get a rise out of the crowd. No matter your flavor, we are all the same. Perhaps, you as a human being would be interpreted differently if you tried to get along with others? Not be so dry on the sense of humor? Join in the fun that is Washington Redskins football? Continue to go through the tough times as a Skins fan with the rest of us, just to have that excitement of a won game and/or season? I do not care what anyone says, having 15 BAD, BAD years is well worth it when your team hoists that Lombardi Trophy. If anyone says differently, they are full of ****ing crap!

Your perspective seems narrow, your attitude is rash.. but, you still make your way online to check out extremeskins. Something as such, just shows that you may perhaps think and act a bit differentely then you present yourself to be? Giving up shows impudence and weakness. If you want to be a quitter, then by all means cower in shame.

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