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For Those Freaking Out


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I'm freaking out because we still have three long weeks to go until the regular season. I was psyched to go back to the stadium again, but once the game started I just couldn't get into it. The Ravens game will be worse, as the starters won't play much and I expect the crowd to be lighter, as it'll be the Thursday before the long weekend.

Bring on September 11th and the Vikings!! Can't get here fast enough!!

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I think the '99 preseason was the most Jekyll and Hyde thing I'd ever seen in this matter.

That preseason, the offense was just putrid. The defense was swarming and really punishing opposing offenses. So what happened? Once the regular season started, the offense was just tearing through opposing defenses, scoring points like it was pinball and gobbling up huge chunks of yardage. The defense, however, was getting used like a cheap whore. Making any sort of extrapolation from preseason just isn't worth the time.

The only time you panic is when the first units are just getting stoned, where the other team is clearly superior. This isn't even remotely happening to the Redskins. The only time preseason made me worried was in Marty's year. Turns out that worry was entirely justified.

Conversely, the only time you would get excited is if your starters are just fundamentally dominant over the opposition. The best example I can think of for this is when the Cowboys were in their heyday in the 90s. Their starting offense would play 2 series. When they left the game, they would have either 10 or 14 points, just marching straight down the field. They made it look easy - no big plays and rarely a third down.

If the Redskins come out looking like that, I'll be very happy. If they look helpless against the Patriot starters, I'll be worried. If neither, it don't mean nuttin'.

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Guest sith lord
It's not wins and losses I look at in preseason games. It's consistency and continuity. I saw neither of those two things tonight. Our offense isn't in rhythm... it's a good pass play and then two poorly executed plays.... followed by a punt.

On defense we look tenacious.... but tonight I believe the unit looked tired and lethargic. This team needs to get serious and stop reading the paper clippings. This team has the talent to be a superbowl contender.... but the offense is out of sync (probably expected) and the defense appears vulnerable to big plays because it appears tired.

That's what I'm saying. We've looked dreadful 2 weeks in a row and it being preseason is no excuse. They need to start playing better, preseason or not. Everyone is just assuming we're gonna look better when the season starts. I hope those people are right, but no one knows for sure.

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That's what I'm saying. We've looked dreadful 2 weeks in a row and it being preseason is no excuse. They need to start playing better, preseason or not. Everyone is just assuming we're gonna look better when the season starts. I hope those people are right, but no one knows for sure.

I agree. Its not about winning or losing but about playing good football. I guarantee the coaches aren't saying to themselves "oh, its just preseason, he can go ahead and miss that block". I wouldn't say I'm worried but I'm dissappointed that two teams we've faced have seemed better prepared than us. Hopefully things start to click soon.

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I really don't think people are too concerned with the win and loss column in preseason. But, as someone said, it's exhibition. They are trying to exhibit their skill while being vanilla. The jets, with their first year head coach, were quite vanilla also. So what did the first team exhibit, exluding the score?

A couple of nice pass plays to ARE but other than that not too effective. The defense looked great at times but was giving up some nice yards straight up tha gut(I think the jets had 34 yds. rushing 1st qtr.). Special teams stunk it up.

I'm not worrying. I know they will fix these things, however, I don't think you can just brush it off as "it's just preseason."

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