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Jason Campbell and the "It" factor?


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I posted a response in which I refferred to JC as having the "it" factor that coaches and commentators alike talk about. So I began to ask myself what exactly is the "it" factor? I mean, I know it when I see it in an athlete (or at least as a fan I like to think I do), but how can we describe it?

  1. What is it about QB's or other position that makes us sense that "it"?
  2. Madden mentioned it when talking about JC and I heard it again earlier today.
  3. How can you describe that certain fatcor that seems to follow the greats of the past present, and in JC case last night, the future?

I know it was the preseason, against reserves etc. but what the hell is that "it" factor?

How do we as fans recognize (at least we think) players that seem to just have what it takes (aside from obvious production factor)?

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It's like when you meet a girl and you know she is the one. Really can't explain it, you just know.

Yeah I guess it is like that. I don't know exactly what it was but I was optimistic last night watching JC and to be honest with you I seemed to feel at ease with his play.

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Its not arm strength, its not smart throws, its something uncoachable.

Its that sense of what to do in extreme circumstances. Its what Tom Brady and Ben Roth have. Manning (both), do not have it as they fold under pressure. Peyton is smart in normal circumstances, but not in the heat of the moment. Thats why he fails in tough games esp in the playoffs.

I cant say Campbell has it yet, but he has something that is starting to resemble that. Thats what seperates the elite from the rest. Its what SB victories are won off of. I hope JC has it, but we need to see mroe of him to say he does.

He has the tangibles, now its all about the intangiables we are waiting for.

I see it in Carson, Brady, Roth, Vince Young (based off college), Hasselbeck and thats prob it.

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Its not arm strength, its not smart throws, its something uncoachable.

Its that sense of what to do in extreme circumstances. Its what Tom Brady and Ben Roth have. Manning (both), do not have it as they fold under pressure. Peyton is smart in normal circumstances, but not in the heat of the moment. Thats why he fails in tough games esp in the playoffs.

I cant say Campbell has it yet, but he has something that is starting to resemble that. Thats what seperates the elite from the rest. Its what SB victories are won off of. I hope JC has it, but we need to see mroe of him to say he does.

He has the tangibles, now its all about the intangiables we are waiting for.

I see it in Carson, Brady, Roth, Vince Young (based off college), Hasselbeck and thats prob it.

I agree. I'm not crowning JC to be the best thing since Gibbs but there is something about this kid that I think we as Skins fans might be able to enjoy for years to come.

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I saw the game 3 times last night..yeah I'm a freak so what!

1. Campbell has great pocket awareness..knows when to sidestep pressure but his release has to get quicker

2. Good vision down the field - Even when he knows he's going to get hit, he stands in there and throws a beautiful ball - Negative - Sometimes locks into a reciever too long

3. Beautfull touch on the long and intermediate throws. This guy is good but only expereince will he get better.

I think all of us forgot he played a good game yesterday. Know I want to see him progress in his weakness areas and also play against a better defence.

His accuracy is really good also!

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Campbell really looked cool back in the pocket. He definitely has an air of confidence about him when he drops back. There is definitely something about his poise that is much different than the other quarterbacks on the roster.

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I saw the game 3 times last night..yeah I'm a freak so what!

1. Campbell has great pocket awareness..knows when to sidestep pressure but his release has to get quicker

2. Good vision down the field - Even when he knows he's going to get hit, he stands in there and throws a beautiful ball - Negative - Sometimes locks into a reciever too long

3. Beautfull touch on the long and intermediate throws. This guy is good but only expereince will he get better.

I think all of us forgot he played a good game yesterday. Know I want to see him progress in his weakness areas and also play against a better defence.

His accuracy is really good also!

Yeah some of that will come with time for sure. He definitley handled himself well when you consider he's learning a new offense and still getting used to the pro game. I think they mentioned last night that he's had 6 coordinators in the last 8 yrs? Thats insane.

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Not to say "I told you so", but I came over on these boards when JC was drafted. I watched this kid for 4 years. He got a lot of undeserved criticism in his first 3 years -- I knew he was a star. Then came his senior year when he out performed every quarterback in the country, going undefeated in the toughest conference college football.

The "IT" factor in college was knewing what it took to win. When it was 3rd down and he was facing getting sacked or throwing the ball, he knew it would be better to take the sack, punt and hopefully live to see another series. He knew when to use his feet (which was hardly ever -- people try to label him as a running QB and it couldn't be further from what he is. He has that ability, but only uses it when all other possibilties have been eliminated). He went through his progression, but never in a panic. He had a "deliver the ball at any cost" mentality -- meaning that he was going to throw that ball as perfectly as he could, even when knowing he was about to get crushed by a defender. He's a winner, and winners just have "IT".

Last night, watching the game, I watched in disbelief that Todd Collins is listed ahead of JC on the depth chart. He doesn't have "IT" and it was not surprising when I watched Jason have success. Those beautiful balls he threw last night -- that's what we saw during his career at Auburn. I knew it was just a matter of getting an opportunity. And that INT he thew last night? Rest assured that he lost sleep over that one. He doesn't make the same mistake twice. A true student of the game.

Mark Brunell may be the answer in the short run, but look out folks. The more snaps JC gets, the more you will realize he was the best QB in the '05 draft.

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i remember at one point during the game, madden said that as a QB you have to keep your eyes down the field and not at a defender that's coming. even though you may feel a defender breathing down your neck, you keep looking at your reciever and make that throw. and they showed a really good replay of campbell doing just that. i'm confident in JC and his abilities as long as he continues to play hard and learn.

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I don't know if some of you folks saw Jason during his senior season.

Here, for example, is just about every passing play he had in the SEC Championship Game against Tennessee.



You can see the same things you're starting to see now: deadly accuracy (short, intermediate, or deep), patience, poise in the pocket, and the ability to take off when necessary.

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The IT factor is simple. 2 QBs can have the same size, arm-strength, footwork, ie all the tangibles. But the 1 with the IT makes things happen more often.....the right decision at the right time and making the wrong decision look like the right decision via a pin point pass. Additionally, everyone on the field responds to him differently, in that everyone knows he's going to make something happen. It's a matter of putting everything together (the tangibles) at one time on every play. Yes, JC has that IT.

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In Madden video games they call it "awareness", or in other words the ability to have a sixth sense or almost extra sensory perception of the field and your surroundings.

All the greats had it like Montana, where he could feel pressure and knew when to get rid of the ball or get out of harms way.

But in JC Campbell's we haven't yet seen his "it" evolve into Montana's "it", but it very well could.

For now, JC's "it" is just he looks very poised and calm under pressure, and very smooth. He doesn't look like a deer caught in headlights ala Collins did last night.

I look forward to seeing JC develop his "it".


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I'm going to say that not only did Campbell move well, he does it without seeming panicked. Every move on the field looks confident. I heard Michaels comment on his "pretty ball." I always thought Doug Williams had the "prettiest" ball I'd ever seen. Not comparing him to Williams because of his race or his jersey number, but his deep throw looks identical to Williams'. It is so tight and the release is so fluid. It really is nice. His heigth can't hurt. He had zip on the short passes and he is obviously intelligent. I hope he gets a lot more work over the next three weeks. moreso than Collins. The coaches wearing shoulder pads (Woefull and Collins) should wear clipboards.

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