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Jamal Mashburn sued over errant golf shot


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Normally, I would roll my eyes at this, but a detached retina is a serious injury, and at $15,000, he's not trying to milk him either. And come on, if you're at the 18th hole and you hit a guy teeing off on the 17th hole, you're not doing so hot. I hope the guy wins his case.

That was my thought about the money as well...if he is seriously blind in that eye now, $15k is quite the bargain I think for Mashburn.

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Normally, I would roll my eyes at this, but a detached retina is a serious injury, and at $15,000, he's not trying to milk him either. And come on, if you're at the 18th hole and you hit a guy teeing off on the 17th hole, you're not doing so hot. I hope the guy wins his case.

White men can't jump/Black men can't golf. :laugh: J/K I think the reason that the guy has a case against JMash is because there was no warning whatsoever that the ball was headed in his direction. The only problem will be, depending on if this will be a judge or jury case, making it convincing enough to warrant a monetary gain.

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This is an interesting situation. One the one hand, people assume a certain level of risk when they buy a greens fee for any golf course, just as fans who buy a ticket to a baseball game assume the risk of getting hit by foul balls.

However, if the golfer did not yell fore or give any warning, they might be liable.

In any case, it is just terrible - make that unexcusable - etiquette to not yell fore if your shot have even the slightest chance to land anywhere near another golfer. Even if you don't know if someone is near your where your ball looks like it might land, yell fore to be on the safe side.

And come on, if you're at the 18th hole and you hit a guy teeing off on the 17th hole, you're not doing so hot.

That doesn't matter. Bad golf shots happen, even to the pros. I've seen Tiger put his tee shot into another fairway. That's the type of risk you assume when you play a round of golf - you might get hit by a ball, and it could come from anywhere.

But you've got to yell fore if you hit an errant shot that could potentially put another golfer at risk. You've just got to, and there's no ifs, ands or buts about it.

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But you've got to yell fore if you hit an errant shot that could potentially put another golfer at risk. You've just got to, and there's no ifs, ands or buts about it.

Very true. When my game is off, I usually yell a pre-emptive "FORE!" :D

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should the case be brought against the course/club they were playing at?seems to me they would be the ones liable for the safety of thier patrons.in any event,$15k is something that should already be paid to make this thing go away before it gets really expensive to the liable party.

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should the case be brought against the course/club they were playing at?seems to me they would be the ones liable for the safety of thier patrons.

No. A totally safe environment cannot be created at a golf course. Unless the was gross negligence in the design of the course - i.e. the tee box is separated by about 5 feet from the 18th green with no trees in between - then maybe. But you never see that, certainly not in a Jack Nicklaus designed course.

The course opened in 1995, which means that insurance agents scoured it for risk potential, and gave it the ok. So there's no way the course is liable.

*** EDIT *** The course was redesigned by Nicklaus from '93-'95, not originally built by him. I can't find a diagram of the course online. I'd really like to know how close the 17th tee is to the 18th green.

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Ok, here's a photo of the 18th hole. As you can see, the 17th tee is not in sight. From what I could tell from looking at #17, the tee is on the other side of that pond.


So there's plenty of distance between green and tee. Definitely safe. No way the course is liable.

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White men can't jump/Black men can't golf. :laugh: J/K I think the reason that the guy has a case against JMash is because there was no warning whatsoever that the ball was headed in his direction. The only problem will be, depending on if this will be a judge or jury case, making it convincing enough to warrant a monetary gain.

true, i mean it would probably be hard to prove whether or not Mashburn yelled "fore" or not...it's a he said/he said type of deal. It seems to me that this should be settled out of court.

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If Mashburn could see the guy was in danger of getting hit, and didn't yell fore, he should pay the medical expenses. I'm not sure how the law will see it though. I'm surprised the guy that got hit isn't suing for more.

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Normally, I would roll my eyes at this, but a detached retina is a serious injury, and at $15,000, he's not trying to milk him either. And come on, if you're at the 18th hole and you hit a guy teeing off on the 17th hole, you're not doing so hot. I hope the guy wins his case.
The lawsuit was filed Monday in Miami-Dade Circuit Court and seeks an excess of $15,000 in damages.

He's definetly suing for more than $15k....

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Most golf courses have signs that release the legality from the club and infer that if you shank a ball and injure someone, it is your responsibility. That being said I am sure Mashburn will settle with this guy for at least $100k. Probably will be the last time he plays golf also.

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