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Poll: Are you worried that the rain/flooding is caused by Global Warming?


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I think global warming is an issue that needs to be addressed. Over in Southern California (Whittier is a suburb of Los Angeles), we are experiencing warmer temperatures than usual. Over the last week, high temperatures were in the 90s! And in Southern California, temperatures usually don't hit the 90-100 degree mark until July and August! It was the warmest June I could remember.

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And my frustration stems from people that have no sense of care or responsibilty for their actions. Think of this way, if we contribute to a naturally occurring reaction that causes a large amount of devastation are we not responsible? Or because its "natural" we are somehow unaccountable for our actions.

A ball will roll down a hill naturally a kicked ball will roll down a hill faster.

Here is a more recent article on greenlands glaciers... This one is a little bit more unnerving.


More like this right?

You jump out of the plane at the same time and throw it down towards the earth does it matter?

There will be several thousand years of warmth and then the Ice Age will come...

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I thought this was all caused by the weather machine that the Russians have, thats what caused the Tsunami, Katrina, Al Gore is leasing it for Global warming, and you better believe when that ice age hits... it'll be because of the Russian weather machine.

No Bush has that weather machine No hurricanes ever destroyed cities before bush took over

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Another take on it. There's nothing unusual at all. Calm down. :)


Danger of Misinterpretation

The real problem Kukla sees is that the misinterpretation of Holocene climate as unprecedented could interfere with our ability to recognize future climate trends in evidence from the past.

"There is a tendency these days to focus on whatever agrees with global warming and the idea that we are living in an unusual climatic epoch," Kukla said. "Certainly the earth as a whole is warming right now. But you have to remember that the tropics and subtropics comprise about 50 percent of the total surface area, so conditions there dominate the average."

On the other hand, glaciation emanates from the polar regions, which together comprise only 14 percent of Earth's surface. And the preponderance of evidence suggests that ice ages begin building at the poles thousands of years before their effects are felt elsewhere, he said. Thus, the important indicator of impending glaciation may not be global mean temperature so much as the temperature difference between the poles and the equator. Theoretically, the larger the difference the stronger the probable flow of water vapor from the tropics toward the poles, where it would fall as snow to feed the growing ice fields.

The ultimate significance of human-induced global warming may therefore depend more on how it affects water-vapor transport, than its influence on average global temperature or any effect on the underlying glacial cycle, Kukla said. It is conceivable that greenhouse warming could even hasten the transition to glacial conditions by exacerbating the polar/equatorial temperature difference and increasing the rate of water transport poleward.

Based on the record revealed in ocean and lake sediments, the most likely scenario over the next few thousand years is for the volume of ice in the polar regions to slowly grow, gradually dropping sea level and increasing the polar/equatorial temperature differential. Except near the poles, oceans and continents will remain relatively warm, although the climate will become increasingly unstable. Ultimately, a surge of built-up polar ice into the mid-latitude oceans will plunge the continents into ice-age conditions.

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I'm no scientist KAO but that article is dated and doesn't seem true to current trends. I'd like to see evidence that the polar regions are dropping in temperature.

I guess I was little too subtle with my sarcasm there. :) My bad. I was only trying to point out that there are scientist who promote almost every postion you could think of with regards to GW. I don't subscribe to that particular view. And neither do the folks at Columbia anymore. I wonder if the guy who wrote that paper still has a job?


They have indeed changed their take on it. There are some really cool reports on this site.

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