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Ask a Semi Buzzed guy.........


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So the wife has gone to spend a week with her folks and I've got the house to me-self!

What to do?? Call Roxy and Bambi?

Throw in Underworld and turn up the home theater crazy loud?

Pick up the Strat and jam w/Judas Priest a la British Steel?

Or sit at the comp. and field questions from my fellow skins fans??

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Roxy and Bambi will have nothing to do with you.

I think you should go get Underworld 2 and watch them both. More Kate Beckinsale = more gooder :D

Roxi LOVES me!!!

I luv underworld 1.... Undrwrld 2.....overdone....

I LOVE KATE!!!!!!!!!!!

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The wife's out of town ?

Kool !! Round up all the guys and head straight to -

OH WAIT, you live in Wilmington, NC.

Just stay home and watch the A/C flow out of the vent, it's more exciting

OMG!! FU MICK worthless thread starter sob!!!!!!!


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OH WAIT, you live in Wilmington, NC.

Just stay home and watch the A/C flow out of the vent, it's more exciting

I actually like it here better than Tampa. Not as big as a town, yet there is PLENTY to do. Most of the clubs are in moped driving distance also. :silly:

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Infinite without a doubt :notworthy

Sorry' date=' didn't mean to hijack the thread, but I qualify as "Ask a Semi Buzzed guy". :cool:[/quote']

WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!

I'm listening to 10CC rite now

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I actually like it here better than Tampa. Not as big as a town, yet there is PLENTY to do. Most of the clubs are in moped driving distance also. :silly:


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I actually like it here better than Tampa. Not as big as a town, yet there is PLENTY to do. Most of the clubs are in moped driving distance also. :silly:

If your moped has good enough handling to dodge all those passed-out UNC-Wilm students in the street (and passed-out 21KO as well)

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