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EA Sports: NFL Head Coach


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I tried searching with the search function and kept getting errors, so I manually searched for a while and didn't see anything related to this...

For those that don't know:


New game from EA sports due to ship on Tuesday - Best Buy will have it for sale on Wednesday. Target already has a place setup for when the game arrives -selling it for 39.99.

While it sounds like a pretty cool game, can't you do all this in Madden? I thought in Madden there was a coach only mode (or at least there was a long time ago) where you can call the plays and just watch. I know you can draft and trade and stuff in Madden now, so what does this new game offer that Madden doesn't?

I'd like to buy this game, but if I can do everything it can do (and also actually play) in Madden, why shouldn't I just buy Madden?

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i think this game will get old realyl quick.. i have a modded xbox, so i migth be tempted to burn it on my Hd and then sell it

I think I'm going to get a burned copy myself, I haven't seen it out yet.

This game could be neat, but I agree it will probably get old after a while, probably right when madden comes out.....

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I think I'm going to get a burned copy myself, I haven't seen it out yet.

This game could be neat, but I agree it will probably get old after a while, probably right when madden comes out.....

where do u get your burnedcopy from? when madden comes out, i usually buy it and resell it on ebay... last year i made a profit somehow.. i buy the game the first day and sell it the next?

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It doesn't look like this will be a glorified version of Madden Coach Mode- I think it's got plenty of tidbits included that you can't find in Madden that will make it worth having.

Personally, I love the franchise/coaching modes of Madden and get as much entertainment out of that as I do the actual game, so I'm going to be getting this game.

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Guest sith lord

OK, now they're really milking you guys. They might as well hold you guys upside down by your ankles until all your money falls out.

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there is a PC version I have been trying to figure out if it will work with my current crappy system (64mb graphics card) or do I need to upgrade at this time (I have an AGp GeForce FX 5600 256MB but I have not AGP card on this current computer, just PCIE)

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OK, now they're really milking you guys. They might as well hold you guys upside down by your ankles until all your money falls out.


The previews I have read so far make this game sound like playing a spreadsheet. Booooring.

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anyone get it and play it yet? I know that it isn't even noon but I want an ES review

I'll have it tomorrow, and will have a chance to play it tomorrow night. Will let everyone know how it is, if someone hasn't already. I love the strategic planning on/off the field and also, will love the excitement of calling a play and having no control. Seeing Portis break a 60 yard run off of a play I called and had no control over him or the any blockers will definitely be fun to watch.

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I got it last night, but I only played it for 1/2 an hour or so before my poker game started.

The game starts on 2/13/2006 (one week after the super bowl)

You are a "top coordinator" from the steelers who is in line for a new coaching position. You take an interview, then the teams that are interested give you offers. I got offers from the Jets, raiders, vikings, Chiefs, and Redskins(!)

Of course, I took the Redskins job, but the goals are harder than for the Jets or raiders. They just wanted you to win 8 games, show improvement, etc.

One of the redskins goals is to win the division, among other things.

Once the game starts, you talk to the owner (who is not Dan Snyder, BTW). Then you interview your current coaching staff & keep who you want.

For some reason, the Skins defensive coordinator only rates a 53. It is Gregg Williams, though, which somehow makes it worse. Al Saunders is a 95. The whole staff is there. Blache, Ernest Byner, etc.

After you hire your coach, then it's time to move on to re-signing your own players. That's as far as I got.

Just know, if you're waiting to coach a game, it's easily 15 hours of playtime first.

From what I've gathered, there's re-signing players, courting & signing free agents, going to the scouting combine, the NFL draft, mini camp(s), training camp, plus all the meetings & such before you can get to the first preseason game!

It does seem neat, though.

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Is there online play at all?

I have the game, and there is an option for "play online", not sure what it entails, because I wasn't connected at the time.

What about a freaking roster update! Why in the world would you put out a game with rosters before all the moves this year.

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I have the game, and there is an option for "play online", not sure what it entails, because I wasn't connected at the time.

What about a freaking roster update! Why in the world would you put out a game with rosters before all the moves this year.

I think that the rosters are deliberatly left undone. Remember you are taking over right after the super bowl, and you have to take your team through free agency, why would the free agents already be signed if they aren't on the team at the point of the game?

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I think that the rosters are deliberatly left undone. Remember you are taking over right after the super bowl, and you have to take your team through free agency, why would the free agents already be signed if they aren't on the team at the point of the game?

What they should have done is start the time period similar to the release date. Would have made a lot more sense. I would prefer to have all this year's rookies and FAs on the right teams, having it already happened.

Edit: Also, if I am doing something incorrectly. All the FAs that were actually FAs this year, aren't even FA in the game, so how is that gonna help!?

Edit again: O, I see you haven't played it yet......

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I just ordered the game as well as a Diamond Radeon 9250SB 256MB card to run it (yes I was running integrated graphics before). I will have it tomorrow. I am sooooo excited!

I hope that it is as good as I have heard. I love how in depth it is.

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Online play is actually kinda fun, but when I was on there on Sunday, there were only 3 other people online. (Not a big time experience)

I only played one game, and the guy quit on me in the first quarter after Springs ran back two straight Hasselbeck picks for TD's... lol

BTW- the game is very cool. The more you practice a play, the better the team performs that play in a game. If you try calling plays in a game that you haven't practiced, a result occurs that would be similar to the same scenario in real life.

How well your team knows the plays is indicated in the top right hand corner where it says, "Money" and has a % by each play. 100% = money play.

I thought that was pretty sweet.

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