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Luca Brasi

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I've always considered Redskins' fans a cut above the rest. I believe that we have a sense of pride for our team that brings us to extreme highs when we win and short-term depression when we lose. I think of us as being very knowledgeable of the game, and while many of us carry the inevitable "homer" tag, it's because we truly believe that our team can defeat anyone. But more than anything I think of loyalty. I always have, and always will defend my team, it's coaches, and it's owner as long as I'm able to watch the game. When I hear fans of other teams bashing their own coaches and owner, it's music to my ears. I think of them as cowards or traders. And I think, God forbid that I ever speak of the organization that I support in that manner.

But it's now 3 games into the season, and the bandwagoners are starting to edge themselves to the back of the wagon, and the pesimists are posting their "I have officially switched sides" threads. These are the same people who praised Dan Snyder for bringing in Jeff George, Bruce Smith, Mark Carrier, etc., until they saw the results, and then proclaimed Snyder as the worst owner in the NFL. These are the same people that bashed Marty at 0-5 and sucked his d*ck at 5-5. These are the same people who heralded the arrival of Marvin Lewis, and now are saying he's the worst DC in the league. And these are the same people that will be back on the bandwagon once we get the ball rolling in a couple weeks.

All I can say is you are a bunch of pathetic, heartless cowards. Show some respect for our organization and stop believing everything the media tells you. You are the ones that had unrealistic expectations, and since they haven't been met in week 3, you're the ones who are an embarrassment to the rest of us.

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I don't think there are that many fans who've totally lost heart.

Sure, some people are bashing Lewis, but he kinda deserves it. I think everyone knows we'll need a little patience (and some pass rush) before he can really make it work, but we are seeing progress already.

And some people are bashing Snyder, but I think that's just a little temper tantrum after a loss. Snyder has been totally invisible.

And some people have bashed the OL or QBs (guilty), but those were always recognized as weaknesses.

We really haven't seem much Spurrier bashing. That'll be your sign that the rats are truly jumping ship.

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Sdub gets a pass because at the worst its a personel thing if not just a matter of executing while the honey moon with Marv came to an abrubt end when it appeared that he was forcing square pegs into round holes and refusing to adapt to the players.

I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden Lavar sucks or that Champ and Smoot cant coer and have to play 15 yards off.

What really gets me mad is champ playing up on the receiver and peeking for running plays

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I think all of us had that sinking realisation during the 3rd quarter that it was truly going to be a struggle this season, and that we as fans were going to have to suck it up and support SS/ML. Think your overall assessment is dead-on, but most of us 'pathetic losers' probably made this self-assessment and adjusted our attitudes about an hour before the thread occured to you. Personally I don't see a lot of 'sunshine supporters' posting here...they're just die hard, ripped from the womb skins fans who have been put through the wringer for years and may have hoped for a little too much this year. Pathetic? nahhhhhh

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I think that you're confusing passion for loyalty, skins56. I've leveled criticism at both Spurrier and Lewis, as well as a number of players.

I wouldn't bother doing that unless I was a fan. I don't get paid for posting here.

My criticisms here are not signs that my loyalty is dissipating. Rather, it's should be (and is by most) interpreted as a devoted fan venting his frustration over the continued mediocrity (growing pains?) of the team he loves.

Don't panic. I and others will be here tomorrow.

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Loyalty to a team should not included blind faith in an owner who clearly doesn't know what he is doing...

Money-spent does not equal a Super Bowl. If I were a Skins fan I would have been ****ing and moaning for the past few years... I still would have supported my team without question, but I would have doubted Snyder. The two CAN be independent of each other...


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Originally posted by StinkNugget

Loyalty to a team should not included blind faith in an owner who clearly doesn't know what he is doing...

Money-spent does not equal a Super Bowl. If I were a Skins fan I would have been ****ing and moaning for the past few years... I still would have supported my team without question, but I would have doubted Snyder. The two CAN be independent of each other...


how is Washington's 1-2 record Snyder's fault? how does signing quality free agents make Snyder at fault? when we made these acquisitions, everyone and their mother was thrilled... now, because of 2 bad games, it's Snyder's fault? please... i understand that you are a resident of Northern VA, but that doesn't qualify you to know jack about the Skins... if i was a fan of another team, especially the Iggles, i'd hate Snyder too... envy is a seven deadly sin and with that cheap owner Filthy has, one can hardly blame you...

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cowboykilla -- I will never have a change of heart and anyone who wears burgundy and gold is a brother of mine.

OK..I am your brother. The one who wears silk undies!!

:laugh: :laugh:

I do believe in loyalty. To the REDSKINS. It is not a pick and choose with me.


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Originally posted by redman

I think that you're confusing passion for loyalty, skins56. I've leveled criticism at both Spurrier and Lewis, as well as a number of players.

I wouldn't bother doing that unless I was a fan. I don't get paid for posting here.

My criticisms here are not signs that my loyalty is dissipating. Rather, it's should be (and is by most) interpreted as a devoted fan venting his frustration over the continued mediocrity (growing pains?) of the team he loves.

Don't panic. I and others will be here tomorrow.

Redman, we're all passionate about the Redskins. Anyone who spends a couple minutes on this board can see that. I'm not in any way discounting anyone's passion towards the Skins. And I do understand that every year it seems to be the same thing. High expectations and no results. But I don't think that's cause to bash our owner or our coaches. We all have the right to voice our opinions, but I don't see how consistently bashing our owner and coaches show's any more passion than supporting them and their decisions, whether you agree or not.

I'd have to say that Dan Snyder is the most passionate and loyal Redskins' fan in the world. I'd say the guys that are getting the $'s to coach are probably pretty close in line. It's really dishearting to log onto the NFL's best team message board (without question), and read countless negative posts about our coaches, owner and players.

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skins56- You da man! I agree wholeheartedly with you except where you said we're not meeting expectations. I don't think 1-2 was out of the realm of possibility after 3 games. Philly and SF are teams that are predicted to go a long way this year and certainly there's no shame in losing to those teams. Some people act like we just got beat by the Bungles or something.

Sure, the Skins aren't playing well right now, but the opposition has certainly had something to do with that. Donovan McNabb, Terrell Owens, Garrison Hearst: these cats get pizaid too (i'm trying hard to act black). :D

We're not overachieving but I don't think we're the huge underachievers some people are making us out to be either.

Anyway, i'm just like you as i'll always give the Skins the benefit of the doubt unless it's something extremely obvious that nobody can defend. Then i'd just probably keep my mouth shut.

There's always going to be village idiots ready to jump of the ledge at every little whim everywhere you look(probably less traitors in Redskin land than just about anywhere else outside of Green Bay). I wouldn't let them get to you, but that's easier said than done.


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