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Henry and Om,

Of course most of my posts have been smack-talk. No denials here. I've fessed up to being an instigator on a number of occations. If you want to ignore my other, more thoughtful, posts simply because I come around a talk trash about the Eagles, fine. But don't deny their existence and claim that I do nothing but talk trash.

And with that, I'm done with this thread...


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Originally posted by StinkNugget

Henry and Om,

Of course most of my posts have been smack-talk. No denials here. I've fessed up to being an instigator on a number of occations. If you want to ignore my other, more thoughtful, posts simply because I come around a talk trash about the Eagles, fine. But don't deny their existence and claim that I do nothing but talk trash.

And with that, I'm done with this thread...


Is that a promise???????????????????

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Originally posted by StinkNugget

Henry and Om,

Of course most of my posts have been smack-talk. No denials here. I've fessed up to being an instigator on a number of occations. If you want to ignore my other, more thoughtful, posts simply because I come around a talk trash about the Eagles, fine. But don't deny their existence and claim that I do nothing but talk trash.

And with that, I'm done with this thread...



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A few questions. How could you say that anyone that spends any amount of significant time on a website talking about their team is not loyal? A little negative maybe, but definitely loyal. If they dissappeared after a few bad losses, then they would be disloyal, but if they are on here posting about the Skins (negative or postive) they're true fans. I've been following the Skins since '80, and I think DW sucks and is a third stringer at best. Does that make me disloyal? Another question. Why do you Philly fans hang around in here all the time? You guys really need a hobby or something. That Philthyfatmatt loser put a post on here last week titled "bye bye suckas", but he's still here looking for someone to argue with. Last question. If Lewis jumps ship next year to take a head coaching job, who is more loyal to the Skins him or the fans that criticized him?

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Originally posted by StinkNugget

Henry and Om,

Of course most of my posts have been smack-talk. No denials here. I've fessed up to being an instigator on a number of occations. If you want to ignore my other, more thoughtful, posts simply because I come around a talk trash about the Eagles, fine. But don't deny their existence and claim that I do nothing but talk trash.

And with that, I'm done with this thread...


Whatever. I didn't say you never attempted to make the occasional thoughtful statement. But don't expect anyone to wade through your endless posts of bullsh!t to find it. You decided to be the mindless smack-talker you are. Revel in your station, but don't whine when we don't think of you as any more than that.

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What I find aggravating, and Skins56 and others alluded to this, are the "I knew it would happen" in hindsight posts that some like to leave. These people may or may not be disloyal, but their thing is to get all upset and holler about what a stupid move it was to do (or get) such and such. Of course, there wasn't a peep out of these people when the move was consummated.

The classic one is the "FA spending spree of 2000". The only one of these moves, at the time, that seemed like a bad idea was the SIZE of Deion's bonus. And, really, being as those moves were mostly on the defensive side of the ball, it may have worked out very well if the offense and kicking game hadn't gone into the tank.

Sham, of course, is the King Naysayer. His elation at each move that might not work out (even if the jury is still out) for the team is truly baffling. I honestly believe that he is a fan of the team, so my only logical conclusion is that he is a masochist. He just takes a perverted delight in the team's misfortunes. The Gibbs era must have been an awful time for him. His statement that he would laud any good effort by the team is pure chutzpah. I'll bet he complained and dwelled long and hard about the last two TDs scored by the Bills in SB 26, completely forgetting about the actual outcome of the game.

Basically, the key is to be consistent (actually, you can't accuse Sham of being inconsistent). It's OK to get upset over sloppy playing or baffling coaching decisions. But, it IS ridiculous to say the FO eff'ed up by acquiring the player or coach in question, unless that has been your stated belief all along (barring unknown revelations). In other words, as an example, don't start saying the FO has rocks in their head for bringing in Renaldo Wynn, unless you've been saying from the get-go that you questioned the wisdom of that decision. Your complaint rings hollow and reeks of a knee-jerk reaction.

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Skins56 - I think you're missing a key distinction here. You can love somebody and still call them all kinds of names when the fukk up. If your kid gets into a car crash, you call him a dumbass, but you still love him. It's called overreaction, tough love, etc.

I can call Marvin Lewis a complete dumbass in the heat of the moment. Hell, when his mug popped up on the TV during the game, I almost got arrested for obscenity. :)

I consider myself a very loyal fellow, but that doesn't mean I'm blind. I've followed the 'Skins for 25 years. If I wasn't loyal, I'd be a Pats fan right now.

It's what's in a man's heart that counts, not what comes out of his mouth.

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Straight up, you can find a few posts of mine CLEARLY DEFINING THE OBJECTIVES OF THE TEAM AND THE COACH!

Now as far as HOW to get mad and HOW I DEAL with it, I find it strange that you immediately bring up the most familiar names on the board to FOLLOW. Well and good for you, but have you considered what NavyDave, or Fitzman or some others have said or how they take things.

You grabbed the most obvious topic and ran with it and when you encountered a bump (me ) in the road, you slammed me.

Subtly saying "personal". I made a statement and How YOU took it may be more like what should be noted. I took nothing personal as much as I am as observant as you in a game or for that matter on the very topic you brought up (not even past 48 hours of fans having experienced something more than likely they didn't like. Slamming people on their road to recovery, anger or at their heat of the moment isn't a good idea. yes asking about team loyalty is foolish after a game like that (mainly offensively).

The defense actually came through in the second half and I NOTED THAT IN TWO OTHER POST WHILE AND AFTER THE GAME.

Thanks for the negative profiling and like I said FU*K you!


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Originally posted by indyskinsfan


Straight up, you can find a few posts of mine CLEARLY DEFINING THE OBJECTIVES OF THE TEAM AND THE COACH!

Now as far as HOW to get mad and HOW I DEAL with it, I find it strange that you immediately bring up the most familiar names on the board to FOLLOW. Well and good for you, but have you considered what NavyDave, or Fitzman or some others have said or how they take things.

You grabbed the most obvious topic and ran with it and when you encountered a bump (me ) in the road, you slammed me.

Subtly saying "personal". I made a statement and How YOU took it may be more like what should be noted. I took nothing personal as much as I am as observant as you in a game or for that matter on the very topic you brought up (not even past 48 hours of fans having experienced something more than likely they didn't like. Slamming people on their road to recovery, anger or at their heat of the moment isn't a good idea. yes asking about team loyalty is foolish after a game like that (mainly offensively).

The defense actually came through in the second half and I NOTED THAT IN TWO OTHER POST WHILE AND AFTER THE GAME.

Thanks for the negative profiling and like I said FU*K you!


Indy, calm down fella. No need for the rash outburst. Obviously you felt like this thread was directed at you, but it wasn't. I was more or less making a statement, but you must have felt a little guilty and assumed responsibility. As far as choosing "familiar names on the board" to follow, that's not the case at all. I mentioned a couple people that I believe add valuable conversation to the board and avoid the "see, I told you Snyder sucks" topics. Wouldn't you consider yourself a familiar name on the board? Did you get a little upset cause I left you out Indy? There there guy, it's gonna be ok.

And as far as ending your post with "FU", I've always viewed that as submission at the recognition of defeat. Thanks.

And shamaran, thanks for the young shmuck comment. I will avoid any comments regarding your age in respect for all others on this board. But can't you just guess what I'm thinking?

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