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What we could have done after 9/11


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After 9/11 America had an opportunity to rally the world. We had everybody's support.... We could have done so many different and very useful things.

Instead we poured billions into bureaucracies, attacked Iraq, etc.

The funny part is, that even in the face of such MONUMENTAL FAILURES many people are still oblivious to their existence. They keep saying things like "what would YOU have done???"

Well, let's tell them. What would YOU have done for the best of the country after 9/11? Clearly Afganistan is toast - now what?

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Reform the UN

Perhaps we could have used the momentum to reform the UN. Or better yet, we could have used the opportunity to create another UN-type organization. NATO - like organization to fight Terror. This would allow us to get all the countries we do not like out of the picture. It would also create a powerful international organization that US would lead, albeit unofficially.

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Invest in technology

The new type of warfare requires new technology. Terrorists are needles in haystacks - and weapons we currently have are pretty much a bunch of smart missles that can destroy haystacks from miles away.

Investment in following technologies could be beneficial:

  1. detection of radioctive materials (from space?)
  2. ubran warfare
  3. associative knowledge systems (for integration and association of data between agencies - humans simply cannot do this, too much data)
  4. facial/emotional recognition (airport security, non-intrusive lie detection, etc)

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Monitor/Import Scientists

There are a lot of poor brilliant scientists in this world. Former USSR immediately comes to mind - but there are plenty of other countries where very smart people are in very poor shape. Most of them do not want to kill people. But they also need to feed their families. The LEAST we can do is make sure most brilliant of these scienitsts do not fall into hands of our enemies.

The best, of course, would be to set up programs where we can import them into the US. We save them, they do not go working for Iran, AND we get their brains working for US. Also, this could be done under a very sexy humanitarian flag, something like: "This is a multinational effort to help advance humanity". You know, Matrix-style "I protect what matters most" type thing.

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This thread is funny

Reform the UN? Why would anybody reform the UN since it is operating as intended?

WOW, are you serious?

There are many, many problems with the UN.

Are you aware that things you are not aware of may still exist? :laugh:

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Ummm, how about getting Bin Laden for one. That should have been our FIRST priority.

Second, securing our country by shoring up the ports and borders

Third, using all the good will and sympathy to garner world support against terrorism. Acting like a diplomat and using the UN platform to get things which are of strategic intrest to us.

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What exactly do you mean by "reform"?

It's an impotent body with little to no real power.

Exactly, which is why I was surprised when Darth mentioned that UN functions as intented.

It seems UN has too many members, too much bureauracy, lack of standards, lack of leadership.

Okay, so reforming the UN would not work. What about the second part of my suggestion?

We could have used the momentum of 9/11 to create a powerful and streamlined NATO-type organization to fight terrorism. We could have sidestepped the UN, creating a powerful international organization with strong US leadership.

(it seems in order for other countries to buy into this we'd have to display strong anti-terrorist yet humanitarian inclination while carefully masking our always-present economic and strategic interests in such organization)

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Thinking in "conventional" terms...

If Bin Laden was the perpetrator, then hunt him down and capture him...

Then probably developed a massive program to infiltrate and destroy terrorist organizations and cells.

And undertaken a set goal of resolving Palestine since that appears to be an issue that causes much of the "outrage."

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What exactly do you mean by "reform"?

It's an impotent body with little to no real power.

One way to reform the UN would be to adhere to a more strict interpretation of the original charter. Here is part of what it states:

To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and

If they want to encourage human rights for women, and religious rights for everyone, wouldn't that contradict the fact that certain member countries have no fundamental women's rights or religious freedom?

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