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Warrick Holdman re-signs. Talk about HOLDMAN HERE. (MERGED)


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I think Pierce was groomed more by Shotty and Marvin Lewis' staff than Dale Lindsey. I still don't think Dale Lindsey is that great of a coach, otherwise he would be a coordinator somewhere else. Not saying he isnl;t good out evaulting and coaching, just saying I think that he is getting far too much credit for the perfomace of Washington, Pierce and Marshall. Just my $.02

I'm not so sure of this. I think Pierce really came into his own under Lindsey. I also think we're looking at the beginnings of something great with Marshall- he was making superb decisions last year. I just can't discount it happening pretty much across the board (except for, err, Holdman).

This next year will be telling. How will we adapt to life after LaVar in the LB corps? If Holdman is the answer to the question, I'm worried. I'm guessing he's not (or at least, he's only a small part of the answer), and I'm not overly concerned.

Just because Lindsey might be a good LB coach under Greg Williams doesn't mean he'll be a good defensive coordinator. Right now, we have pieces that largely worked for us. Our D-Line came through towards the end of last year in a big way (e.g. Philip Daniels). I'm not trying to champion Lindsey as a Marvin Lewis or anything like that, but I think at this point I'd judge him as good, with the caveat that we'll see what he does to adapt this year. I'm also interested to see if we will get better DL performance (and personnel).

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I think he did not contain last year, which caused some big runs, but Dale Lindsey said he can play better, I think the coaches know best so I am willing to give him another chance.:logo:

Holdman was signed back only because he played here. Anyone can do what he did. Virtually nothing. Damn they should let me come try out. LOL I'm far removed from playing but whew Holdman stinks.

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I say we get rid of Dale Lindsey. What has he done who has he produced??

Both Dale and Holdman are a joke!! Why are we messing with these clowns?

I hope ur kidding. This guy has gotten All-pro performances out of two guys that went UNDRAFTED! Not to mention the fact that he's turned Marcus Washington into one of the NFL's best. If anything, he is UNDER-rated. :notworthy.

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Ok, so this is what I learned from reading this thread.

- Everyone here knows better than Gibbs and Williams that Lindsey is absolutely no good and should be fired. - He is only reponsible for Lavar leaving and not for the success of our other LB's.

- Because Warrick Holdman has been re-signed he is automatically guarenteed the starting job.

- There's no way Chris Clemons will be successful because he's coming off a knee injury, yet these same people thought that Lavar would have been a star last year had he been the full time starter coming off a knee injury.

Does anyone remember last year when we discussed who would win the MLB spot? - We signed Brian Allen and drafted McCune, so many assumed that meant one of them would get the job. - Brian Allen was cut and McCune put on the practice squad and the job was given to the best player.

We need to realize that Holdman is being given an opportunity to make the team, not the starting job. If he turns himself around and plays like Marshall did there in 2004 will we be happy? - Most Redskins fans should be. If he doesn't he'll be a back up or be cut. - Same for Clemons - if he's healed 100% and learns where to be, he could win the job, if not he'll probably be used like he was last year.

Everybody just needs to relax. The season doesn't start tomorrow.

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I would expect Holdman to play better this year considering last year was his 3rd defensive system in 3 or 4 years. The one thing I'm sure Gregg Williams will make certain is improved is Holdman's tackling and being where he's supposed to be.

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"I would expect Holdman to play better this year considering last year was his 3rd defensive system in 3 or 4 years."

shhhh...only ex-Chicago Bears connected to the coaching staff are allowed maneuvering room to progress from mediocrity to mediocrity+......

"Everybody just needs to relax. The season doesn't start tomorrow."

Dr phil speaks!

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No, Donita, I worry over your football history not because you think Holdman is a bum, but, because the statements you make show no reflection with shared history of people who have followed the sport. As I've agreed, Holdman was not very good for us a year ago. You've taken that as your entire basis for living as it relates to considering what Holdman is, has been or could be. That's either a reflection of limited knowledge, or, abject idiocy.

While I certainly suspect you wish I had more respect for your views on the game, and feel your evaluation of Holdman as a potential player for us should be more valuable to me than it is, I can't go there with you, because, as the staff knows exactly what Holdman is, felt, as you, he struggled last year and may not be ideal this year, and brought him back, likely with the type of contract that could find him cut in August if he doesn't show some of his previous form. The feeling is we're not tied into Holdman. He is a player of some ability who's proven it over time. And, if he fails, you cut him in August. If he succeeds, you smile and feel glad you brought him back.

The only acceptable answer isn't the one you've concluded, but, neither is it the unintelligent drivel you have offered instead. No one has yet suggested Holdman is a sure fire success for us, or, even that the team was desperate to retain his services. We have, however, countered your viewpoint that perhaps there's more to Holdman than you are apparently aware of, and, evidently -- your own words -- willing to consider.

So, when you offer a point of view that you admit won't actually take into account very much of the facts you can't really expect others to sit back and thank you, can you?

Whether Holdman rebounds or not is certainly an open question. You may fairly conclude he won't rebound. I just can't really take you seriously when you do so suggesting Holdman lacks the talent Pierce and Marshall had, or, that he's never shown anything. When you make false statements of that sort, it is difficult to agree with your conclusion, no matter how reasonable the conclusion may or may not be.

Importantly though, let me counter your question as to the right answer with this. Why is it the only apparent right answer is for a fan of the Redskins to openly dismiss a player the coaching staff went out and retained? I mean, why allow them to have a point of view?

Art, I am coming to the conclusion that you have problem. And that's fine because I understand it when you get to be a Mod or whatever you are and you think that no one else has any recollection of football or Holdman for that matter except you. And you go on to dismiss what everyone else thinks. Which is totally outrageous when the feedback from the other posters tell me that about 85% of the people in this thread would agree the Holdman was bum last year and they refuse to believe that he is the best option we have. If that is the case, we are in trouble.

Either way I am going to agree to disagree with you and leave the matter alone because I really can care less if you respect my views or not because I thought the beauty of this forum was that you see the other side and other views. You are just another example of what happens when someone intelligently or in more that one line, say they disagree with something that this great coaching staff and FO has done. :rolleyes:

Now, there is nothing that you can say that will lead me to believe that Holdman will be any better then he was last year because as I said before I believe (based on history that you obviously think I know nothing about) his best game was left in Chicago and Cleveland. "Unintelligent drivel"??? Give me a break man. Just because I disagree and quite eloquently if I might add and you have thousands of more posts doesn't make my argument and less concrete then yours. It just makes it different. So let me give you some advise, perhaps you should work on your "unintelligent drivel" about Holdman and agree to let his play or his making the team for that matter have the final say on the subject.

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