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Ever wonder how James Thrash is doing?

Die Hard

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and what have we been saying for months now? That Thrash is still raw and in addition to being inconsistent in his route running also has questionable hands.

He looked like a million dollars here the last half of last season, because he was seemingly the only receiver that was healthy, under age 35 or that didn't have a severe attitude problem.

To me Thrash is the classic #3 receiver that works hard to get the most out of limited ability. He is fast but does not have a natural feel for the game or the position.

Contrast that with Henry Ellard or James Lofton that were effective long after their top line speed was gone in the NFL.

That is the difference between a player who stays in the league for 7 or 8 years and one that plays for 14 or 15 years.

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I just posted over there stating pretty much what you just said, BD. We'll see if they jump all over me for it.


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I still like Thrash and kinda wished he would of stayed in DC so we didn't have to draft a WR and had Westbroke, Lockett and Thrash as our guys.

I even more wish that he didn't go to another NFC East team like Philly, Cincy would of worked for me, we never play those guys.


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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler:

Forget the football banter, check out that picture.

And to think we made fun of those guys in college.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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