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Giant's Free agency vs. Skin's Free agency


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hmmm... notice how the giants are beefin up their secondary: Demps, Madison, Mcquarters. I know they got gaps to fill but can this maybe be related to our new acquisitions? Are they afraid of the skin's td trio! Afraid of a NFC East title change? Admit it Giants ur scared......BOO!

:gaintsuck :dallasuck :eaglesuck

Yea I've been suspecting that too.:laugh: Good post.

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It doesnt matter. We all know that our trio will be unstoppable. they are just so scared that they are scrambilling to catch up however they can. Unfortunatly for them, we already won.

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

i agree you trio could be very good but you forget the one weakness is the guy that has to get them the ball. Go with campbell he will be much better than burnell maybe not this year but down the road.

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First I'd like to say congrats on your free agent pickups. No matter what people say about you guys overpaying or underpaying for talent, nobody can argue you guys picked up alot of talented players.

As far as the Giants go, we were slated for a secondary overall. Will Allen was not going to be back. Will Peterson's career might be over with his second back injury in 3 years. FS needed to be upgraded as Brent Alexander was just not cutting it anymore.

I like the signing of Madison, McQuarters and Demps. Add them to our promising young SS Girbil Wilson and CB Corey Webster, we will be much improved in the secondary.

That is an old set of CBs they have there.

Madison is only 31, McQuarters is 29 and Corey Webster is 24.

I think both our teams addressed needs for our teams and will make our matchups next year that much more interesting.


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hmmm... notice how the giants are beefin up their secondary: Demps, Madison, Mcquarters. I know they got gaps to fill but can this maybe be related to our new acquisitions? Are they afraid of the skin's td trio! Afraid of a NFC East title change? Admit it Giants ur scared......BOO!

:gaintsuck :dallasuck :eaglesuck

I think these moves should be referred to the "Will Allen Memorial Telethon."

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the Giants are stupid they have a great saftey in Gibril Wilson and then they bring in McQuarters and Demps okay for what? They have corners so what are the really doing and i bet R.W. McQuarters will be cut in training camp
R.W is going to be a nickel back/punt returner. Webster and Madison our starting CBs. Demps are FS and Wilson are SS. Can any of you skins fans give a bit of info on demps? Never seen him play much but u skins fans must have. What does he do well, or what does he stink at. That kind of a thing.
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Damn it's been a while. Anyway, Madison is getting up there in age, along with the other two, but he is the more solid CB out of the trio. But, he is slower, and doesn't have the same impact he once had.

McQwarters, is a good return man, his cover abilities have never been great, but he has speed. He jumps on double moves a lot, which Santana is GREAT at.

Demps, well yeah, nuff said.

:eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck :wewantd:

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the Giants are stupid they have a great saftey in Gibril Wilson and then they bring in McQuarters and Demps okay for what? They have corners so what are the really doing and i bet R.W. McQuarters will be cut in training camp

Obviously you have forgotten last year when the Skins lined up their 3rd, 4th and 5th CBs at times because of injuries. These are good signings by them especially at the price.

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R.W is going to be a nickel back/punt returner. Webster and Madison our starting CBs. Demps are FS and Wilson are SS. Can any of you skins fans give a bit of info on demps? Never seen him play much but u skins fans must have. What does he do well, or what does he stink at. That kind of a thing.

Ok... sorry if I'm the first to show you this...


The Giants made some good moves but they'll need to infuse their corners with youth soon. 30 is right around the mark where most corners fall off or move to safety. Only the exceptional corners can hack it for longer than that (Madison/Springs.)

It'll be a good battle, all the teams should be strong in the East next year.

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Ok... sorry if I'm the first to show you this...


The Giants made some good moves but they'll need to infuse their corners with youth soon. 30 is right around the mark where most corners fall off or move to safety. Only the exceptional corners can hack it for longer than that (Madison/Springs.)

It'll be a good battle, all the teams should be strong in the East next year.

Ugh...that was terrible. You need to put a disclaimer on that link. I think I'm going to be sick :puke:

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Alright, I won't click that link because now I'm scared...you can never tell what you'll turn up on the internet, and I'm at work. I think the Giants are just trying to fill holes, their secondary was piss poor last season. You may be on to something though...Skins signing Randle El and Lloyd, the cowboys look like they are 75% certain they're getting TO (why else would they cut their other cry baby, wanna be diva, "me" above the team, reciever?), and surely the iggles are going to do something at reciever - right iggles? You are going to at least try to field a competiteve team this year....right? All secondaries need to be stout, the NFC East is looking pretty damn good in 06.

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To me they are smart moves. If your divisonal rival gets 2 new WR's, Got to beef up the sec. But its cool that they have to keep up with us.

I think they are still having nightmares about Steve Smith torching them at home.

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