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Monday September 19th 2005


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I don't know why I thought of this today but I just remembered the euphoria I felt when Moss caught those touchdown passes to beat the boys. At the time I was only hoping to avoid being shutout by the boys. I was so ecstatic I ran into my bedroom and woke my wife up. I was jumping up and down and it took me an hour before I could calm down and go to sleep.

Share with me your reactions when we pulled out that victory.

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i was lying in bed, b/c i had school the next day. It was 13-0 and i was about to give up and go to sleep. I kept saying to myself "we suck, and will never beat them!" "were gonna get shutout again!" I was soo pissed off.

Then i said a prayer to God, begging him that somehow we found a way to win the game. Then i turned my TV back on b/c i couldnt pull away, and just had a feeling something big was about to happen.

Then the clock struck 12:00 midnight. There was only 4 mins left and i thought it was over. Then on 4th and long, I see Moss come down with the TD, and i was like " How did he catch that?" I was excited and was thinking all we needed was one stop to get the ball back.

The stop came and we got the ball back with plenty of time. I thought we would run a few short routes to stop the clock. But on first and ten from our own 30 yard line, i see Brunell throw up a bomb, perfectly placed, and it lands right in Moss's hands, as he sprinted into the endzone. I started jumpin up and down but held my shouting so i didnt wake up my folks.

We made the XP, and stopped them, and won the game, and it was the happiest time of my redskin life. I listened next door, and my brother was banging stuff and throwing stuff b/c he is a boys fan and was pissed off. He came in my room, and was like " Ya'll still suck and will not make the playoffs this year anyway!" "This was ya'lls super bowl."

And the rest as we know it, is history. :)

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My wife had gone to bed at halftime. I was in our basement with the then-new 62" DLP, wondering how such a beautiful TV could show such an ugly broadcast. Then the first bomb to Moss. Oh man, not bad. The second, and complete euphoria as you mentioned. I was jumping up and down like a crazy fool (hmmm) and didn't sleep a wink that night.

That moment last year was perhaps slightly better than the drubbing of the 49ers, and second only to the playoff win and perhaps last game or two to make it into the playoffs.

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best day ever.. i watch the highlight clip of that game almost daily

haha me too... a lot of people crammed into my apt i hadn't really known yet (it was still early in the semester), and afew who had never watched a redskins vs cowboys game with me before.. obviously, i was pissed as hell for much of the game, saying and thinking 'here we again, another game/season of dissapointment' as ravens and cowboy fans were ripping on the redskin fans in the room... then the first santana moss catch happens and of course i get excited, but not too excited because a) we're still down by a touchdown B) i'm a pessimist c) still pissed it took us this long to score a freakin td! then we stop them and i'm thinking 'if we can score another td here....' and then brunell goes deep i stand up out of my chair with my arms in the air (like a touchdown signal) and then he catches it and all hell breaks loose.... me and the other euphoric and more naive redskin fans are screaming for joy jumping up and down, i almost pushed some kid i barely knew into our fishtank (which would have been really bad!) but i'm calming down saying 'knowing our luck, we're going to end up losing' because there was still some time left... all the redskins fans were telling me to shut up and enjoy it, but i couldn't till the clock hit .00... and when it did it was probably the greatest redskins moment of my life... i was makin fun of ravens fans, cowboy fans, i was calling giant fans.. it was awesome!

and from that point on, i am now known as the psycho, bipolar redskins fan to most of those people, but its all good

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I was watching w/ some friends. It was very quite. I was desperately hoping we wouldn't get shut out by the cowgirls. Then one TD came, then another. I literally threw my voice out, and could hardly talk for the next two days. I will never forget that game.

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I was watching the game in my basement then I gave up and went to sleep really pissed off then I just got in bed and had to go to the bathroom. So when I came back I was like maybe they scored. I was watching the first TD drive and when we scored I was going crazy but it was still a long shot to win. Then I dont remember but we got the ball back at the 20. I was so scared but then 80 yarder to Moss. I went nuts and my family all woke up. I couldnt contain myself I had to go crazy.

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I don't know why I thought of this today but I just remembered the euphoria I felt when Moss caught those touchdown passes to beat the boys. At the time I was only hoping to avoid being shutout by the boys. I was so ecstatic I ran into my bedroom and woke my wife up. I was jumping up and down and it took me an hour before I could calm down and go to sleep.

Share with me your reactions when we pulled out that victory.

I was CURSING LOUDLY at the 'skins and Brunell earlier in the game. And then went nuts once the those TD's were scored.

It was the biggest moment of the season in my opinion, because we got over the Dallas curse. Also, that night validated Gibbs's pickups of Brunell and Moss.

What a great night.

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I was watching it in my living room with my younger brother. I was so pissed because I some friends out here who are Boys fans and they're really obnoxious about it, and I knew I was going to hear it from them again. I pretty much figured the game was over, but then Brunell scrambles to turn a 3 & 27 into a 4th & 2. I still have hope, but once we got to 4th and whatever it was, I was being pretty realistic thinking the game was over, I just wanted us to keep fighting. I started to get a little excited when we got the first TD. I called my friend in New York, who was in bed, and I ask if we should kick it onside. I'll never forget him saying, "Who cares! The game's over." When we got the ball back, and hit Santana for that TD, my brother and I went absolutely nuts. Jumping up and down, screaming, just total euphoria. My friend calls me from New York laughing. I'll never forget how good that phone call to my cowboy loving friends was. They didn't even answer, one of their husbands (who's a Steelers fan) answered because he knew what kind of crap I got from them.

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I fell asleep and woke up while the ball to Moss for the first TD in the air and all of a sudden I wasnt tired anymore. I manage to stay up the rest of the game. Then another TD. I started jumping and running around the house. The best part was seeing Gibbs and the team celebrate on the sidelines.

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Guest santana4prez

My parents had a party at our place and friends from both their works were their. When the score hit 13-0 my best friend a cowpuke fan was jumping up and down talking back and forth in my face.Then the clock was wasting down I went to watch the game in my room b/c I was tired of people who dont care about the game are joking around when my team is down. I was watching the game and then my brother and my mom came in the room with me. Im watching and cussing b/c of the score then Santana pulls in the 4th down TD. I was like damn we have a shot.

Then we hold them we get the ball back and then when Brunell threw that bomb i was like pleaseeeee , then they flipped the camera angle to Santana and Im like hes got it hes got it b/c I saw the seperation, when he caught it i was jumping up and down , but my dad walked in the room right after they had scored he said he was in the hallway and closed his eyes and prayed b/c he wanted this game but also knew i wanted it too ( I have been a Skins fan since 1996 and had never seen the Skins beat the Boys in Texas Stadium) When he was praying he heard us screaming up and down then opened his eyes and came in the room.

The funny thing was were all in my room and all the guests out in the Living room, lolllllllll.:helmet: HTTR

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had a buncha people over, including some members here. We were all down, were eating pizza and drinking beer as expected, suddenly the first Moss td happened. We all jumped up and were in shock. Then the next Moss td happens, and we are all flipping out. The final score 14-13, we are jumping off the celings. The guys who live in the apartment across the hall just all walked into our place too cheering. Then I look off our balcony, we are lighting off fireworks, you hear fireworks everywhere else. You see people running around the parking lots screaming. A cop is wondering what is going on, someone tells him the story, he just drives off.

Of course, many choruses of HTTR from our balcony as well as others!

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wassup all my extremeskins brothas. i've been a member for a while but this is my first post, i couldn't resist this one. you guys are funny though. now, down to business. we all know how the first 3 quarters went. i must admit that i gave up hope, and i apologize to you all, it will never happen again. that was a first for me because ever since reggie miller did what he did to the knicks, i've been a believer that "it ain't over til it's over" especially when it comes to the redskins. some might even call me naive, but i never think a skins game is over til the last whistle blows. that being said, after the first touchdown i was still pissed, thkining "well it's about time." but i still didn't have any hope. i preparing myself for all the trash that i was gonna have to listen to at work the next day. then it hit me. i said to myself "Mel, this isn't like you." and i stood up and did what i always do at then end of a close game. i put on every piece of redskin paraphernalia i have and started jumping up and down rootin my team on. my friends in the room must've fed off my enthusiasm and they started to do the same. since we were on defense and i had on a clinton portis jersy, i handed my friend my darrel green jersey and told him to put it on and handle the defense (don't ask why, it just made sense at the time). then we got the ball back. now i gotta admit, i was against starting mark brunnel, but since he was in the game at the time, i started repeating the same few phrases out loud. it went something like "come on brunnel, don't make gibbs look stupid" "show them why you're starting" "make my man look good" and for gibbs it was "show them why you're in the hall of fame." now i was thinking we were gonna march down the field and score but to my surprise we picked up 70 yards in one play instead of 10, and i went crazy yelling everything that came to mind, and. for the rest of the game i was thinkin "don't blow it." once the final second ran off the clock i went outside and walked around the block yelling for all the redskins fans to join me and asking where were all the cowboy fans. i was walkin in the middle of the street and i flagged down every car that went by with my redskins blanket tryin to get them to honk at me. a few people came to there porches but none joined my parade in the middle of the street. after i walked for 2 or 3 blocks i stood in the middle of my own block until my father came out and got me. the next day at work had to be one of my best days ever. and i can honestly say that i think i have generally been in a good mood because of that night ever since. i don't think i've came down off that high yet. with the exception of our last superbowl win, this is my greatest moment as a redskins fan. HTTR!!!!!

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I don't know why I thought of this today but I just remembered the euphoria I felt when Moss caught those touchdown passes to beat the boys. At the time I was only hoping to avoid being shutout by the boys. I was so ecstatic I ran into my bedroom and woke my wife up. I was jumping up and down and it took me an hour before I could calm down and go to sleep.

Share with me your reactions when we pulled out that victory.

I broke three chairs in my house that night. I will never forget that day. I still have the video clips at home, and all my text messages to all my friends saved.

14-13 4 Life.


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wassup all my extremeskins brothas. i've been a member for a while but this is my first post, i couldn't resist this one. you guys are funny though. now, down to business. we all know how the first 3 quarters went. i must admit that i gave up hope, and i apologize to you all, it will never happen again. that was a first for me because ever since reggie miller did what he did to the knicks, i've been a believer that "it ain't over til it's over" especially when it comes to the redskins. some might even call me naive, but i never think a skins game is over til the last whistle blows. that being said, after the first touchdown i was still pissed, thkining "well it's about time." but i still didn't have any hope. i preparing myself for all the trash that i was gonna have to listen to at work the next day. then it hit me. i said to myself "Mel, this isn't like you." and i stood up and did what i always do at then end of a close game. i put on every piece of redskin paraphernalia i have and started jumping up and down rootin my team on. my friends in the room must've fed off my enthusiasm and they started to do the same. since we were on defense and i had on a clinton portis jersy, i handed my friend my darrel green jersey and told him to put it on and handle the defense (don't ask why, it just made sense at the time). then we got the ball back. now i gotta admit, i was against starting mark brunnel, but since he was in the game at the time, i started repeating the same few phrases out loud. it went something like "come on brunnel, don't make gibbs look stupid" "show them why you're starting" "make my man look good" and for gibbs it was "show them why you're in the hall of fame." now i was thinking we were gonna march down the field and score but to my surprise we picked up 70 yards in one play instead of 10, and i went crazy yelling everything that came to mind, and. for the rest of the game i was thinkin "don't blow it." once the final second ran off the clock i went outside and walked around the block yelling for all the redskins fans to join me and asking where were all the cowboy fans. i was walkin in the middle of the street and i flagged down every car that went by with my redskins blanket tryin to get them to honk at me. a few people came to there porches but none joined my parade in the middle of the street. after i walked for 2 or 3 blocks i stood in the middle of my own block until my father came out and got me. the next day at work had to be one of my best days ever. and i can honestly say that i think i have generally been in a good mood because of that night ever since. i don't think i've came down off that high yet. with the exception of our last superbowl win, this is my greatest moment as a redskins fan. HTTR!!!!!

Looooonnng Post man lol....


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