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I love Free Agency, but when are we going to take care of our own?


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We have home grown talent RIGHT HERE that seems to leave every offseason or get out of contracts because they are frustrated with new free agents coming in every year, and we spend mega bucks on them. However for the past few years we never lock up or can find money our own young drafted players or "Street" Players which is why i think they take the option of leaving.

For the past six offseasons we have watched a LOT of talent come in with big money signing bonuses and 7 year contracts but could never come up with money for our drafted/undrafted talent until the next offseason when it was seemingly too late and they felt unappreciated or unwanted which is why (not naming any players) they feel they have to leave during the offseason even though we offer them fair contracts.

My whole point is that while were spending all of this money this week with X amount of dollars for X amount of years lets not forget some young home grown talent and lock Sean Taylor, and Chris Cooley up as early as possible so that they wont feel the need to walk out on the organization or give money back to buy their way out of their contracts.

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lets not forget some young home grown talent and lock Sean Taylor up.

Hopefully he doesnt get locked up in jail.

Do you want us to keep guys for sentimental reasons, or do you want the best team? The Redskins are doing what they think will make them better, thats all we can ask, all the other teams are sitting their 30 mil under the cap with the same team they had last year, is that what you want?

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They will be taken care of next season or the after with new contracts as long as they produce and be the team player that the organization wants. Look at what Portis, Cooley and Moss and others did by talking to the players and convincing them to come also.

What did smoot do in Minnesota except get caught with his pants down on the boat?

I will say Pierce did a very admarable job in NY

Coles did us a huge favor!

Shawn Barber has done an OK job and has bounced around

I do think we need some work on the O-Line and the D-Line as with Gibbs in the past these were strong points on the those Superbowl teams!

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We have home grown talent RIGHT HERE that seems to leave every offseason or get out of contracts because they are frustrated with new free agents coming in every year, and we spend mega bucks on them. However for the past few years we never lock up or can find money our own young drafted players or "Street" Players which is why i think they take the option of leaving.

For the past six offseasons we have watched a LOT of talent come in with big money signing bonuses and 7 year contracts but could never come up with money for our drafted/undrafted talent until the next offseason when it was seemingly too late and they felt unappreciated or unwanted which is why (not naming any players) they feel they have to leave during the offseason even though we offer them fair contracts.

My whole point is that while were spending all of this money this week with X amount of dollars for X amount of years lets not forget some young home grown talent and lock Sean Taylor, and Chris Cooley up as early as possible so that they wont feel the need to walk out on the organization or give money back to buy their way out of their contracts.

Main man I feel ya. They believe in paying others but not their own.

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My whole point is that while were spending all of this money this week with X amount of dollars for X amount of years lets not forget some young home grown talent and lock Sean Taylor, and Chris Cooley up as early as possible so that they wont feel the need to walk out on the organization or give money back to buy their way out of their contracts.

Those are two guys who just finished the second year of their rookie contracts. At least let them play another year before talking about getting them more money. Why does it matter where this team spends its money? Are you personally writing the checks? They're doing what they can do build a team, whether through Free Agency or otherwise.

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by bringing in more talent you are actually helping out others on the team...everyones job becomes easier...not to mention..... how many houses/cribs and cars/rides does one player need.....Redskins pay well.....its everyone's dream to become a redskin because we have an owner who dishes out the bling

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For the past six offseasons we have watched a LOT of talent come in with big money signing bonuses and 7 year contracts but could never come up with money for our drafted/undrafted talent until the next offseason when it was seemingly too late and they felt unappreciated or unwanted which is why (not naming any players) they feel they have to leave during the offseason even though we offer them fair contracts.

You mean other than Chris Samuels, Jon Jansen & Lavar Arrington? We offered very good money to Antonio Pierce and Fred Smoot last year. Just as much as we offered to Springs and Washington. Do you think they deserved to be higher paid than players on the roster that are better?

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You mean other than Chris Samuels, Jon Jansen & Lavar Arrington? We offered very good money to Antonio Pierce and Fred Smoot last year. Just as much as we offered to Springs and Washington. Do you think they deserved to be higher paid than players on the roster that are better?


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Ever heard of Chris Cooley?

He's two years into his rookie contract. At least give the team an opportunity to do something about it. Other than Cooley & Taylor, both of whom just finished their second seasons, we haven't had a ton of young, home-grown talent really worth keeping.

We lost one guy who played well with his new team, then go injured. We lost another guy people cried about, who wound up floundering.

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He's two years into his rookie contract. At least give the team an opportunity to do something about it. Other than Cooley & Taylor, both of whom just finished their second seasons, we haven't had a ton of young, home-grown talent really worth keeping.

We lost one guy who played well with his new team, then go injured. We lost another guy people cried about, who wound up floundering.

Carlos Rogers also

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I think it's a bit early to be working out a new contract for Sean Taylor -- let him avoid prison first. I thought they were working with Cooley already, actually. Other than that, who have they left out in the cold? I guess you could argue that about Ryan Clark, but it seems to me that AA is an upgrade, so why wouldn't you upgrade?

Smoot asked for too much and I prefer Rogers and Pierce was a borderline call. He played well for the Giants, but Marshall played well for us (for a lot cheaper), so it's almost a wash.

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Carlos Rogers also

Good point. That makes three.

Many of the others, though, frankly were replaceable and were replaced with better, more suitable talent.

We don't need to keep guys around just to be able to brag about how many guys we keep around. No one really has a true "franchise" player anymore.

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I'm going to miss Clark. AA might be a better player, but I dont think the chemsitry will be the same. I'm not really a big fan of this move...

It bothers me too, and I thought Clark's remarks were understandable in another thread where some people were dumping on him for "ripping" (bull) the 'skins. Though Wilbur58Z did chancge the thread-title from "rip"to "criticize", to his credit.

All the info on AA makes him sound like a great guy too, though.

I really like Clark. But bottom line is it is a business too, and almost always first (there are exceptions believe it or not).

And Heavy Jumbo said it best. Though some (silly people) accuse the attitude as "homerish", the talent evaluators on the team are obviously and logically the ones who know best as a rule. I still have my feelings and opinions, but they are the pros.

And remember, it's not a done deal yet with Clark.

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