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Dream interpretation


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I dunno. Are you a Space Monkey? :)

No. It just seems as though you get a kick out of making fun of the staples of my childhood. And you keep using this smiley :geek: while you're doing it.

What are you gonna come out with next? Wrestling is fake? There was no fruit juice in Sunny D? The Smurfs were all gay?

Come on man. Tell me my mom never loved me if you want, but lay off the important stuff. ;)

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Actually the Smurfs were Communists, Papa was a Soviet commisar, and Smurfette,...well she was very busy.


How could they have been communists? Only one of them, the baker dude, had a job! And they all had houses that were exactly the same, and....and....Damn it! They WERE communists! :doh:

But hey, wrestling's real and Sunny D is 10% fruit juice, so there! ;)

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I havn't had this dream for years, but I used to have re-occurring dreams that weren't necessarily about anything the same but in the dreams there always came a time when all my teeth started falling out. Any ideas?

1) you love candy/sweets, and you fear what your mama always told you when you were a kid.

2) you are self-conscious about talking too much. You fear you may talk your teeth right out of your mouth.

3) you brush your teeth too many times in the day and are really teeth-conscious. One of those flossers-at-your-desk kinda people.

4) It has nothing to do with teeth. It's lack of sex. :silly:

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I havn't had this dream for years, but I used to have re-occurring dreams that weren't necessarily about anything the same but in the dreams there always came a time when all my teeth started falling out. Any ideas?

Clearly you are a philanthropist. You are always willing to provide for those less fortunate than you -- even when it comes to something as important as your teeth.

In most of those dreams, you were probably visiting the great state of West Virginia, when suddenly you realized "these people need my teeth more than I do."

And that, sir, is the God's honest tooth. :doh:

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