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Heavy Jumbo

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100% ripoff. Right down to the last detail.

Somebody spent a very long time copying all the information we had.. right down to the last detail.

And since ES is incorporated... I'm wondering how this is going to play out.


"What's up Halpert...still queer?" - Todd Packer

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100% ripoff. Right down to the last detail.

Somebody spent a very long time copying all the information we had.. right down to the last detail.

And since ES is incorporated... I'm wondering how this is going to play out.


I thought it looked pretty great :).

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100% ripoff. Right down to the last detail.

Somebody spent a very long time copying all the information we had.. right down to the last detail.

And since ES is incorporated... I'm wondering how this is going to play out.

I don't believe being incorporated gives you any protection in that area. But if that interface had unique aspects and was COPYRIGHTED, then you would have something to go on. I have run a fantasy football/baseball service since the late 80's. I personally invented many of the aspects of the game you see today. They were regularly ripped off, and nothing I could do. I was incorporated, but no copyrights on those specific elements. Back before internet support, I created a complete automated keypress callin system. We even had one company copy THAT - right down to every one of our options and our unique terminology. Again, nothing we could do. But I have no complaints. We are still going strong, and none of them are in business. Of course the large corporate games that have sprung up everywhere (ESPN, Sportsline, etc) have also freely utilized many of my original ideas, and have made a ton more on them that I ever did or will. Still, no gripes. It has provided a decent income for us and still does. Also, we have met tons of great people that have become close friends. I just figure that there is no need to be greedy - we do fine. And I know what I accomplished, and so do many folks close to me. I live happily with all of this. Not sure I would have if I had become embroiled in years-long fights over intellectual rights.

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I don't believe being incorporated gives you any protection in that area. But if that interface had unique aspects and was COPYRIGHTED, then you would have something to go on. I have run a fantasy football/baseball service since the late 80's. I personally invented many of the aspects of the game you see today. They were regularly ripped off, and nothing I could do. I was incorporated, but no copyrights on those specific elements. Back before internet support, I created a complete automated keypress callin system. We even had one company copy THAT - right down to every one of our options and our unique terminology. Again, nothing we could do. But I have no complaints. We are still going strong, and none of them are in business. Of course the large corporate games that have sprung up everywhere (ESPN, Sportsline, etc) have also freely utilized many of my original ideas, and have made a ton more on them that I ever did or will. Still, no gripes. It has provided a decent income for us and still does. Also, we have met tons of great people that have become close friends. I just figure that there is no need to be greedy - we do fine. And I know what I accomplished, and so do many folks close to me. I live happily with all of this. Not sure I would have if I had become embroiled in years-long fights over intellectual rights.

I guess we'll see won't we :)

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