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WP - For Arrington, Timing Is Everything (Player Quotes)


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For Arrington, Timing Is Everything

By Howard Bryant

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, March 7, 2006; Page E05

During the long flight back to Washington after the Washington Redskins' loss to Seattle in an NFC divisional playoff game two months ago, middle linebacker Lemar Marshall sat with LaVar Arrington, who told him that despite a tumultuous season, he wanted to return to the team in 2006.

Three days ago, Redskins safety Ryan Clark, a close friend, spoke to Arrington and did not have the impression that Arrington planned on walking away from the Redskins. At the end of the season, Arrington said he planned on being a Redskin this season.

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So? Big shocker. Lavar may have lied to us. BFD. Do you honestly believe ANYONE in the organization outside of maybe Joe Gibbs actually cares about the average fan?

Come on. I have a major personal investment in the team, it's been in my family for generations and I love them no matter what, but to profess my loyalty for one individual player? Forget it. Don't mean to insult anyone, but I'm not that stupid.

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What I am really anxious to see is the media, who for the last few season has called Lavar Arrington one of the most overrated in the league, now spin this story as if we have lost the best LB in the league....just like the way the media hated Smoot, but suddenly he leaves the Skins and they claim it is a huge loss....just like with Pierce too.

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What I am really anxious to see is the media, who for the last few season has called Lavar Arrington one of the most overrated in the league, now spin this story as if we have lost the best LB in the league....just like the way the media hated Smoot, but suddenly he leaves the Skins and they claim it is a huge loss....just like with Pierce too.

Yes that started on Mike and Mike this morning, when Greeny said that someone was going to get a steal in LA.

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What I am really anxious to see is the media, who for the last few season has called Lavar Arrington one of the most overrated in the league, now spin this story as if we have lost the best LB in the league....just like the way the media hated Smoot, but suddenly he leaves the Skins and they claim it is a huge loss....just like with Pierce too.

Dude, really, who cares about the media? What do they know? A bunch of losers who maybe, AT BEST, made it to 3rd string on their high school team. Being a raging jock sniffer got them a gig at a newspaper or some inconsequential website or something. Who cares what they say or what their opinions are? Really? Why do you even bother?

The only things Mr. Gibbs and Company have done is make, granted sometimes, shaky decisions, that have only turned out for the best. All my eggs are in their basket now. I'm drinking the Kool-Aid. We made it to the second round of the playoffs in year two. Why do people forget that and say, "oh no, some writer on jocksniffer.com thinks we did a bad thing..." So what? Leave it up the professionals. We're gonna be fine. Everything has been planned and re-planned and planned again. Life is gonna be great in Skins land. We have great people running the show. Chill out and drink a little.


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For Arrington, Timing Is Everything

By Howard Bryant

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, March 7, 2006; Page E05

During the long flight back to Washington after the Washington Redskins' loss to Seattle in an NFC divisional playoff game two months ago, middle linebacker Lemar Marshall sat with LaVar Arrington, who told him that despite a tumultuous season, he wanted to return to the team in 2006.

Three days ago, Redskins safety Ryan Clark, a close friend, spoke to Arrington and did not have the impression that Arrington planned on walking away from the Redskins. At the end of the season, Arrington said he planned on being a Redskin this season.

Click on link for full article...

The announcement yesterday that Arrington's six-year tenure as the Redskins' signature player was over after the linebacker bought out his contract for $4 million may have been seismic because of Arrington's stature and popularity

It's $4.4M. Not $4M. Bryant and his idiotic editor knows this, but have willfully chosen to report $4M. If the table was reversed, and the Redskins were paying a $4.4M roster bonus, for instance, would they have reported it as just $4M? Probably not. Bias. Subtle. But it's there.

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I feel kind of ashamed that I didn't know who Joe Gibbs was. All I knew is that everybody was saying last year to just trust him. So we did, and that brought us to the 2nd round of the playoffs.

Media bases their analysis on what they know & what they think (that's never objective). Therefore they do not know everything such as a team's coaching staff does.

As for drinking a little, im gonna go get me a cup of milk :silly:

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The announcement yesterday that Arrington's six-year tenure as the Redskins' signature player was over after the linebacker bought out his contract for $4 million may have been seismic because of Arrington's stature and popularity

It's $4.4M. Not $4M. Bryant and his idiotic editor knows this, but have willfully chosen to report $4M. If the table was reversed, and the Redskins were paying a $4.4M roster bonus, for instance, would they have reported it as just $4M? Probably not. Bias. Subtle. But it's there.

Stop. Who cares. See above.

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I feel kind of ashamed that I didn't know who Joe Gibbs was. All I knew is that everybody was saying last year to just trust him. So we did, and that brought us to the 2nd round of the playoffs.

Media bases their analysis on what they know & what they think (that's never objective). Therefore they do not know everything such as a team's coaching staff does.

As for drinking a little, im gonna go get me a cup of milk :silly:

Enjoy it! And I used to live in Ottawa, so say hey to Parliament Hill for me!

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What I am really anxious to see is the media, who for the last few season has called Lavar Arrington one of the most overrated in the league, now spin this story as if we have lost the best LB in the league....just like the way the media hated Smoot, but suddenly he leaves the Skins and they claim it is a huge loss....just like with Pierce too.

I always enjoy watching them switch gears

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So? Big shocker. Lavar may have lied to us. BFD. Do you honestly believe ANYONE in the organization outside of maybe Joe Gibbs actually cares about the average fan?

Come on. I have a major personal investment in the team, it's been in my family for generations and I love them no matter what, but to profess my loyalty for one individual player? Forget it. Don't mean to insult anyone, but I'm not that stupid.

This is the most agreeable statement I've read about the whole situation. Although I don't live in the area any longer, my family also still holds season tickets and we've seen a lot of great players come and go over the years. I can't think of any time in the last 30+ years where I've begrudged the organization or a player for doing what was in the best interest for the parties involved.

In life, we all make hard choices about where we decide to work, it just isn't that widely reported and the emotional fate of an impassioned fan base doesn't hang in the balance. As much as I'd like to believe that a former employer might miss my services, somehow we both have managed to move on rather successfully.


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