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Duke-UNC lovefest


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When I was 5, Coach K caused my grandfather to have a fatal heart attack. I've hated him ever since. (Coach K, I mean.) :silly:
Did Coach K shoot JFK?
The whole Cold War thing? Coach K's fault.
Coach K is responsible for global warming. That B*stard!

Coach K came over this morning and kicked my dog. Then he went back to the office to work on his gameplan some more.

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The secret to beating JJ Reddick:

If you put someone right on him when he takes a 3 point shot and isn't left wide open, HE WILL MISS

That's why he will have a HARD TIME in the NBA, because he will not have Coach K to help set up those screens that Duke is known for to help him get so wide opened. You have to play man-to-man in the NBA, no zone defenses

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Seriously, 3 channels devoted to this game? :doh: I turned it on ESPN and thought it was already the NCAA championship game with all the coverage they have on this game. I realize this is the best rivalry in college basketball ..but come on. Watching Hubert Davis and Jason Williams :jerk: each other off is awful. Anyway, just thought I'd share my :2cents: .

Little did I know that moving to NC was going to mean no seats at any casual dining spots with an effing TV on this night.. (or any other when Duke or UNC are playing)

God Help Us All..... Is it September yet?


Basketball sucks unless its a couple little people in a pickup game with a regulation net! :laugh:

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look past the rivalry and the fact that espn busts a nut every time they play. The games are always good to watch, strictly from a basketball standpoint.

I don't know why basketball fans can't put down their biases and just appreciate good basketball.

Agree and last night was no different.

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Seriously, 3 channels devoted to this game? :doh: I turned it on ESPN and thought it was already the NCAA championship game with all the coverage they have on this game. I realize this is the best rivalry in college basketball ..but come on. Watching Hubert Davis and Jason Williams :jerk: each other off is awful. Anyway, just thought I'd share my :2cents: .

Explain to my why ESPN is kissing Duke's you-know-what with all those different cameras dedicated to that school's unique offerings? :wtf:

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I think last night with Duke losing its second straight game and losing at home, it means the NCAA tournament next week is gonna be a great one. It's wide open, IMO. Even before Duke losing twice this week, I believed they were vulnerable and not as good as their record. They have had problems this year with teams they normally crush.

I wasn't too thrilled with the fact that they showed UNC-Duke coverage on every station, but it is the biggest rivalry in college basketball and both games were close with the away team winning both times. Two great programs going at it.

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YES!!!! **** DOOK!

Nice job Tyler Hansbrough!!!!! ACC MVP!!

and yes, JJ is a fag.

It's pretty sad when a 31 year old man resorts to saying "JJ is a fag" like he is in middle school or something. How long did it take you to come up with that one buddy.

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