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Wow, I am sorry but this proves that the media hates the Skins


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Hah, I don't have issues...well maybe when it comes to the Skins...

Its okay, I often suffer from them too. My family though I was crazy to cut short a 20 hr drive home 1 hr from my house to watch the second eagles game at a bar, but some people just don't understand.

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No, it is not accurate. When have we ever been STRAPPED for cap space. We sign free agents every year right? STRAPPED implies that we never have any or will never have any again. This guy is a former GM and he should know better.

Right. I can see your point. We just have different conotations for the word strapped i guess. I see strapped to mean We cant address all of our needs at the present time.

"STRAPPED implies that we never have any or will never have any again. "

Where is this implied exactly? Strapped = forever or never?????? You might have to explain that.

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I didnt see this quote as "proof of hatred", but I have to admit to frustration all day while listening to Sirius NFL radio today.

I thought it was pretty much confirmed that the skins will not be anywhere near the forecasted cap trouble due to the restructures?

So all day long I hear analyst after analyst insist that there will be 20 new rookies on the team if there is no CBA and that the skins are in deep trouble way above and beyond any of the other teams.

Did something change after I went to bed last night?

the problem is most national media just believe what other of their ilk spew and never research for their own facts. That's why most are faceless, talentless, opinionated, hacks.... who are a dime a dozen. The national guys usually get it right days after the local guys...... weeks after we know :D

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I don't see any hate what so ever. He corrected your question on being "strapped for cash", that's about it. To me it looks like he is relatively informed on the skins and avoided bashing. He could have said stuff far worse, and fwiw, you have to get to the cap first before you can put any effort in toward free agency.

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New York, NY: Rick, Thanks for doing the chat. Just to clarify your earlier comments on the Redskins Cap. In actuality they are not strapped for Cap space, if you read the recent reports most of the veterans on the team had agreed to restructure contracts prior to the 10pm deadline yesterday, and the skins would have been significantly under the cap if the CBA were not extended. Contrary to most of the medias reporting the Skins had planned for the eventuality that the CBA would not be renewed and set their contracts for the past several years to give them maximum flexibility if something like "bloody Thursday" were to occur. It still baffles me as to why this goes unnoticed and I'm sure we will continue to hear of the redskins "Cap Hell" situation for several more years, even though it has been proven completely inaccurate

Rick Spielman: (4:45 PM ET ) Until all the teams are cleared by the league for cap space and the restructued contracts are approved you can only speculate at what is known at this time

:laugh: This guy is blind.

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I don't see any hate what so ever. He corrected your question on being "strapped for cash", that's about it. To me it looks like he is relatively informed on the skins and avoided bashing. He could have said stuff far worse, and fwiw, you have to get to the cap first before you can put any effort in toward free agency.

You don't say...my mind is blown. :rolleyes:

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the problem is most national media just believe what other of their ilk spew and never research for their own facts. That's why most are faceless, talentless, opinionated, hacks.... who are a dime a dozen. The nation guys usually get it rights days after the local guys...... weeks after we know :D

I tried so hard to get a call into the afternoon blitz today to take Those guys to school today. But as usually, the lines were clogged with Pittsburg and Dallass fans.

What would they have said to a question regarding how they can say with a straight face that we are in deep shizzle while their two minute drill reports the restructures?

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The guy did put a jab at snyder and the skins. He didn't answer the question, though he obviously knew the intent, but instead used a stupid way of analyzing the question to bash snyder. These guys are morons though, if they kept up with the news they'd know that thanks to the restructures we will be under the cap if there is no cba, and if there is a new cba, we don't have to restructure as much. In either case we only have to release 6 guys or so, who were going to be released any way (such as Raymer and Harris). The redskins have a spending reputation and the media is going to do all they can to keep up that hype for the ratings. It's sad that good research and integrity fall to the wayside of ratings and extreme and/or broad speculation.

Mark Brunell for president, 2008!:eaglesuck

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Rick Spielman: (4:45 PM ET ) Until all the teams are cleared by the league for cap space and the restructued contracts are approved you can only speculate at what is known at this time

That is the most retarded thing I have ever seen. Again, this guy is a former GM. No wonder he is now an ANALyst. "Speculate on what is known at this time?" My God, If something is known then you aren't speculating! He doesn't have a very good grasp of the words he uses. Besides, nothing is known at this point anyway. So this D bag should get an account on Extremeskins and post with the ASSHAT Avatar, he would get more accurate info that way.

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Rick Spielman: (4:45 PM ET ) Until all the teams are cleared by the league for cap space and the restructued contracts are approved you can only speculate at what is known at this time

That is the most retarded thing I have ever seen. Again, this guy is a former GM. No wonder he is now an ANALyst. "Speculate on what is known at this time?" My God, If something is known then you aren't speculating! He doesn't have a very good grasp of the words he uses. Besides, nothing is known at this point anyway. So

I would bet if that was directed toward the Steelers it would have been answered differently...and this guy had absolutely zero new info on the CBA.

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