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Intelligent Design questions


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Answer my question.

no not just themselves, ever heard of the first mover argument? Aristotle made it way back. It is not testable, it is not science, YET it reveals or attempts to reveal knowledge about existence. Both groups reveal knowledge about what exists.

Scientists do it through testing (EMPIRICISM)

Philosophers do it through logical arguments

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no not just themselves, ever heard of the first mover argument? Aristotle made it way back. It is not testable, it is not science, YET it reveals or attempts to reveal knowledge about existence. Both groups reveal knowledge about what exists.

So are you saying that Science is revealing aspects of our existence? Or are you saying Science is revealing how we came into existence?

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:doh: Honestly Liberty...why?

Liberty question for ya.

Do you throw rocks at Hornet's nests?

Because you just did. Why are you starting a new thread about an old tired debate. You are never going to get the religious side to agree to the scientific theories.

Personally I don't know why people can't just agree that both sides have merit. Why couldn't life form in the "primordial soup", but the catalyst was created by some outside higher power?

:doh: why...why did I bother to post in here?

"Everytime I get out...they keep bringing me back in"

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no not just themselves, ever heard of the first mover argument? Aristotle made it way back. It is not testable, it is not science, YET it reveals or attempts to reveal knowledge about existence. Both groups reveal knowledge about what exists.

Scientists do it through testing (EMPIRICISM)

Philosophers do it through logical arguments

you are only half right. Scientists also do it with logical arguments...it's how they decide to go about their testing.

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Are you saying logic has no place in the realm of Science?

Oh my I am sick AND dizzy already..... :doh:

It's obvious as a scientist Liberty has ALOT to learn. But cut him some slack...sometimes it takes time to learn.

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I think I kinda understand where Liberty is coming from, but the way he went about it, he ended up debating someone he could probably in the end agree with.

Its kind of irksome when ID proponents try to sell it as "science". If you believe thats what happened cool. I have no argument with you, but don't try to make it come off that scientificly you have evidence of what happened. ID is an attempt to give creationism a scientific underpinning, and its just not there logically or experimentaly.

Does that mean there wasn't creation? Nobody can say right now with any absolute knowledge. I believe based on science and logic there wasn't. Some people believe based through faith that there was. If everyone could agree they don't know, and that the other persons point of view is valid to themselves we could get along soooo much better :)

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I think I kinda understand where Liberty is coming from, but the way he went about it, he ended up debating someone he could probably in the end agree with.

Its kind of irksome when ID proponents try to sell it as "science". If you believe thats what happened cool. I have no argument with you, but don't try to make it come off that scientificly you have evidence of what happened. ID is an attempt to give creationism a scientific underpinning, and its just not there logically or experimentaly.

Does that mean there wasn't creation? Nobody can say right now with any absolute knowledge. I believe based on science and logic there wasn't. Some people believe based through faith that there was. If everyone could agree they don't know, and that the other persons point of view is valid to themselves we could get along soooo much better :)

I agree with this as you know.

I would only add that people who are truly scientific should also hold out the possibility that Science might just give Creationism its underpinnings when it is all said and done.

The fact that many would refuse this as a legitimate possibility yet hold fast to the Big Bang theory as the answer to the beginning shows a bias in the community that supports scientific endeavors.

A true scientist would not say ID will "never" be proven as did Liberty a page or two ago. Of course Liberty says Creationism can not be proven as it is not a testable hypothesis. I say Creationism is proven most every day. And we could go 30 pages from here with arguments from either side, each having weight.

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I think I kinda understand where Liberty is coming from, but the way he went about it, he ended up debating someone he could probably in the end agree with.

Its kind of irksome when ID proponents try to sell it as "science". If you believe thats what happened cool. I have no argument with you, but don't try to make it come off that scientificly you have evidence of what happened. ID is an attempt to give creationism a scientific underpinning, and its just not there logically or experimentaly.

Does that mean there wasn't creation? Nobody can say right now with any absolute knowledge. I believe based on science and logic there wasn't. Some people believe based through faith that there was. If everyone could agree they don't know, and that the other persons point of view is valid to themselves we could get along soooo much better :)

That's what I was trying to say. Either side can't see the logic in the others. It's frustrating. Liberty does go about things the wrong way sometimes. But, he's a young scientist. We all start out that way. But you then learn that science is NEVER exact. There is ALWAYS someone who will try and prove your theory wrong. And that person will have just as much data to back it up. People just need to understand that for the most part, religion is there to explain the unexplanable. Then science came and tried to explain, and did. But, then it came full circle, religion comes back to fill in the holes that science left behind by.

It's a symbiotic relationship.

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Intelligent Design is so controversial because of the implications of its results, very similar to evolution. (oops I mentioned it!):shhh:

From the ID Network page:

The theory of intelligent design (ID) holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID is thus a scientific disagreement with the core claim of evolutionary theory that the apparent design of living systems is an illusion. In a broader sense, Intelligent Design is simply the science of design detection -- how to recognize patterns arranged by an intelligent cause for a purpose. Design detection is used in a number of scientific fields, including anthropology, forensic sciences that seek to explain the cause of events such as a death or fire, cryptanalysis and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). An inference that certain biological information may be the product of an intelligent cause can be tested or evaluated in the same manner as scientists daily test for design in other sciences.

ID is controversial because of the implications of its evidence, rather than the significant weight of its evidence. ID proponents believe science should be conducted objectively, without regard to the implications of its findings. This is particularly necessary in origins science because of its historical (and thus very subjective) nature, and because it is a science that unavoidably impacts religion.

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For the proponents of intelligent design (Creationism) I would like you to:

1. State you hypothesis

2. Make predictions

3. Name some methods of testing the predictions

4. Show some studies/experiments done that support the hypothesis through empirical testing

simple enough right?

Do not mention evolution, just state your scientific theory

Not a proponent but I'll try:

1. God guided Evolution by his loving hand, therefore designing and creating all the wonderful creatures of the world.

2. He will continue to do so according to his will.

3. Cannot test (just like Evolution).

4. Cannot test (just like Evolution).

The best defense of ID is to accept Evolution and say God did it.

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