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Top 5 Softest players in the NFL...2005


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gonzalez heap crumpler witten shockey

(cant add cooley due to being on taylors team)

well....sean's taken on FBs before but who knows...maybe he really would've gone for the legs....but i think he would hit right on.......he plays with no fear and no consideration for his body
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This thread gives other teams reason to say we are not as knowledgeable as other teams fans...

Steve McNair soft? This man has taken a beating over the years, and now that he is getting older, its catching up with him.

Peyton Manning? How many games straight has he played in now?

Shaun Alexander? I would love to have that soft RB on my team. I guess he got his yards playing against H.S. defenses.

Troy Aikman? This guys came back after concussion after concussion. Unbelievable someone would say his name.

I don't know how many "soft" players are out there anymore, because you do gotta be a man to play in this league. If you are scared or soft, your not going to make it.

Most Coaches don't want their QB to take on a LB straight on, that's just stupid. And really since 2000 with the Rams WR's, its been taught for them to get down, not to fight for yards, you risk less injury and less chance of losing the ball.

I have respect for anyone that can make it out there and make a living playing Pro Football, to me, there are really no soft players.

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I'm only going to go after players that are supposed to be good.

My 5 softest:

1. Randy Moss- Mr. "I dont go over the middle" I know recievers that are afraid to go over the middle but this guy proclaimed it.

2. Charles Woodson- Beyond being injured by a gust of wind, Woodson is afraid to even look at a guy to tackle him, he's just there to intercept passes and occasionally have the ball carrier stumble over him.

3. Michael Vick- He didnt used to be soft but a broken leg and other minor injuries everw week stopped Vick from running like he used to, he is scared of being hit, he has gone from amazing sprinting dangerous QB to a timid wanna be pocket passer who slides and runs out of bounds where he once would have gone for 10 more yards. Why is he in the pro bowl???

4. Fred Taylor- The Jaguar's runningback is talented yes however he is also terrified of hitting anybody head on, it isnt like he doesnt have the size at 6'1 232, but he has on many occasions clearly run away from contact purposely.

Fine, I'll add a player that isnt supposed to be good, I just dont like

5. J.J. Arrington- I agree with everyone who put this guy, he would be the #1 softy if he were considered good but he sucks.

Top 5 Tough-mofo's:

1. Hines Ward- I have never seen a single person take so bad of a beating and not even get up slowly, jump to his feet and run back to the huddle for the next play while SMILING. He is one tough SOB.

2. Brian Urlacher- Lots of people talk down Urlacher and say he is greatly overrated. Those people havent watched a guy who knocks out a pulling guard, then a fullback, then knock the runningback out of his shoes.

3. Sean Taylor- A human projectile, hits anything he can as hard as he can whenever he can, despite whether its Crayton or his own teammate. Gets hurt, plays through it.

4. Byron Leftwich- The only reason he isnt on top is because he is a QB and doesnt hit every play. Anyone who like myself was watching the broken leg Marshall game knows just how tough this guy is, he is the toughest QB in the NFL.

5. Mike Sellers- okay my homerism choice but he played this season with a couple of cracked ribs after the oakland game, and was just a non stop source of gigantic painful looking hits on special teams, and who can forget that hit on Dawkins?

Top 5 Durable players:

1. Curtis Martin- Okay his durability is going out but what was the streak he had going? 10 straight 1000 yard seasons? That is amazing.

2. Brett Favre- Say what you want about his skills, he played what...92' to last year without ever missing a game? Something rediculous like that, he is the Cal Ripken of football.

3. Hines Ward- Just as he is the toughest, he is durable. I dont think he has ever been injured. Ever.

4. Zach Thomas- Nobody likes the Dolphins, however Zach Thomas has been raking in over 100 tackles per year for like...10 years or something. Linebackers usually fall apart doing that much but not this guy he's always just there.

5. Tiki Barber- Sorry folks, cant remember the last time he really got hurt.

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Okay, I appologize. ;) Perhaps I came across a little aggressive. That was because the term "soft" is relative. It can mean different things to different people. So, if my opinion is someone is "soft" because of whatever reason, that should be cool.

Also, people are entitled to give their opinions about what ever I say. But you have to be careful how you put things. And for that, I appologize to you Smash.

Its all good in da skinshood.... :point2sky

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Funny to read a bunch of guys who have never played a down of NFL football talk about how soft these guys are. I'd be willing to bet any of these supposedly "soft" guys could lay most of you posters out. :laugh:

ummm...and how do you know who played where and did what with there life? :rolleyes:

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Im sorry but you dont get the NFL rushing title by getting arm tackled and taken down by the 1st or 2nd guy you come in contat with.

you do if you play in the NFC West. He's fast, nimble and elusive.... but he is super soft like a pillow....

he never blocks.... when he's tried he whiffs.

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2004 sdg | 15 | 339 1335 3.9 17 | 53 441 8.3 1

with a 3.9 yards per carry average, that is a very tough 1300 yards.

You apparently haven't watched LT very closely over his career or you would have seen how hard this guy runs. Heck, you had to of seen him run through Ryan Clark to win that game this year

Everyone knows he is very productive, I know this was a bit of a stretch.

I can see that loss cut me deep -- after all this time I still try to make this biased argument about him being soft. I guess I'll have to remember where he was when the playoffs started.


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1. Eli Manning

3. Keyshawn Johnson

5. Michael Pittman (can't deal with a little spit in the face, he shouldn't call others names.)

You cant be serious about this can you? I wonder if you even know what posistions they play.

Keyshawn goes over the middle alot, something that WR hate to do, but he does it, and he is going to take his hits from it.

Michael Pittman? A little spit in the face huh? Someone walks up to you and spits in your face, what are you going to do, just walk away? yeah.

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1. Terry Glenn ( I mean...come on)

2. Peyton Manning (when he gets hit, he folds simple as that)

3. Any WR on the colts or rams (they're taught to fall to the ground...enough said)

4. Does Shaun Alexander remind anyone of a RB version of Jerry Rice? I bet he scotchgaurds his jersey like Rice did.

5. Neon Deion = wimp , old broken down Deion actually made tackles

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I don't know how many "soft" players are out there anymore, because you do gotta be a man to play in this league. If you are scared or soft, your not going to make it.

Most Coaches don't want their QB to take on a LB straight on, that's just stupid. And really since 2000 with the Rams WR's, its been taught for them to get down, not to fight for yards, you risk less injury and less chance of losing the ball.

I have respect for anyone that can make it out there and make a living playing Pro Football, to me, there are really no soft players.

So you would call Plaxico quitting on his team in the playoffs . . . showing toughness?? Expand your definition of soft to include the mental aspect of the game and you'll see what the thread's all about.

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Helloooo Peyton Manning doesn't get touched EVER. He doesn't have to wash his jersey for the entire season. This colts Oline was on pace to break the 91 Skins sack record. But when he does get pressured and sacked he folds. I find that to be weak.

I'm a little prejudice tho. I HATE Peyton. HATE HIM. When all is going well he's the man. When it's not, they have "protection problems" and "he's trying to be a good teammate". Anybody who has played at any level in sports would confront a teammate like Manning. His body language reminds me of spoiled brat. He throws hissyfits on the field and shows up teammates but he's the goldenboy and this is never discussed. Hate HIM!

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Wayne, Stokely, Harrison, Bruce, Holt all fall to their knees on crossing patterns and curl patterns where their backs are to the D. They never make a move let alone attempt to go upfield for fear of getting JACKED UP

I believe Wayne is the exception. Dude has taken so many nasty (and some cheap *cough*Mike Peterson*cough*) hits the past few years it's not even funny which also proves his durability.

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