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If Portis gets injured this coming season


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Will we still be talking Super Bowl???

The way he makes those great blocks to protect the QB and small 3 yd runs looks like it's bruising. I hope Portis can hold up this coming sesaon.

Can Betts be the man if Portis goes down for the season?? Betts is good but is he a work horse running back??

**prays for the health of all Redskins**

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The good thing about the Saunders hiring is that he will help take some of the load off of Portis and give Betts more responsibility. This should help Portis stay fresher towards the end of the season. To answer your question, I think we would still be productive with Betts in the backfield, but clearly not as much without Portis.

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Will we still be talking Super Bowl???

The way he makes those great blocks to protect the QB and small 3 yd runs looks like it's bruising. I hope Portis can hold up this coming sesaon.

Can Betts be the man if Portis goes down for the season?? Betts is good but is he a work horse running back??

**prays for the health of all Redskins**

Lets stay optimistic now! Nothing negative during the offseason.

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I want to see Nemo in action. I'm looking foward to seeing Saunder's comments on him and some training camp stories. Rock, Betts, and Nemo all backing Portis should be a good bunch to lay down some defenses. Like SKINZ33 said, instead of handing it off to Betts to give Portis a breather, we'll incorporate our back ups a little more to give Portis a REST, not just a breath...That'll keep him from getting worn down and lessen the likely hood of (God forbid) he getting injured.

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are we already talking superbowl?

theres a lot more to be worried about before worrying about a portis injury ruining superbowl hopes...

the cap, the draft, free agency, training camp, brunells health, learning the saunders system...

and i'm sure i'm forgetting a few things here, thats just off the top of my head.

I don't see where people are thinking we'll have a free ride to the playoffs next year and are even talking superbowl.

this year, we had the element of suprise, we started off hot, suprised some people, then were written off halfway through, then snuck up on people at the end.

next year we're gonna have targets on our backs all the way through. It's not going to be easy.

Anyone who's talking superbowl/next years playoffs already is naive.

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I think Al Saunders understands the type of Running that Gibbs EXPECTS. Ladell Betts is a suitable Running Back, Portis's demise may bring a HUGE FA pay day for Betts. He is an undersized North and South runner. I think since he is usually fresh coming off thebench, he hits the holes so fast. However, 3rd and 1 will NOT be a problem. He is like a smaller Stephen Davis. He runs similar to Davis. But anyway, back to the question. I think with the weaponry we have, we could survive w/o Portis... The quesiton is what will happen when Santana Moss goes down? Then we are pretty much done.

Gibbs For Life!!!

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I don't think Betts can be the man.....I would like to see them move Betts and get something in return for him before he enters free agency.

If Fred Taylor gets cut I would make a move for him. He is injury prone so I doubt any team views him as a full time player but he can give Portis 10-15 quality runs a game in relief and can step in in case of injury...

Another possibility could be Najeh Davenport. He's a big back who at the very least can be a short yardage guy to take some of the load off of Portis and has the upside that he may be able to perform at a high level if Portis went down. I beleive he had a few 100 yards games when Ahmen went down two seasons ago and had 2 tds in the first half of his 1st start this season before getting hurt.

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If Portis goes down long term we are screwed. Betts is a capable 3-4 game back but he can never stay healthy and is no where near the back CP is. Don't get me wrong I like Ladell getting 10 or so carries a game and he's a solid back up but there is a big difference in being a solid back up and a franchise back.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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this year, we had the element of suprise, we started off hot, suprised some people, then were written off halfway through, then snuck up on people at the end.

next year we're gonna have targets on our backs all the way through. It's not going to be easy.

This is a good point.

The same could be said about Seattle though and they did just fine, making it to the Super Bowl for the first time in their franchise history.

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Will we still be talking Super Bowl???

The way he makes those great blocks to protect the QB and small 3 yd runs looks like it's bruising. I hope Portis can hold up this coming sesaon.

Can Betts be the man if Portis goes down for the season?? Betts is good but is he a work horse running back??

**prays for the health of all Redskins**

Your right, we should sign Shawn Alexander as a quality backup for Clinton.

Oh wait, salary cap....we need another idea.

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If we keep Betts and Cartwright...yes. Don't get me wrong, I still think Portis is not only the most underrated back in the league, but one of the top 5 atleast(finished 4th in the NFL last season). I just think that if need be, Betts and Cart have shown they are ready whenever their number is called, to get in the game and pump out the yards.

Betts is a great receiver for a RB, and cartwright(especially in St.Louis) proved that he can come cold off the bench and break a long run at any time.

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