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we need a bettis-type RB backup for portis


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he wont start but on 3rd and short,put him in the game so portis can stay healthy down the stretch,and like bettis he could move the pile for more yards.what do you all think? no flaming please.all our RB's are small,that is why i say we need a bettis size 3rd and 1,2or 3 backup.:dallasuck

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bettis is what? 230 240?

Try 275.

As far as a big back is concerned, that would be Nemo and he's already on the roster. Coach Byner thinks alot of him also. Check it out: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=137504

Especially this:

Follow-up from Extremeskins Staff:

At one point you said about Nemo, when he ran you could feel the ground move - does it still move?

Earnest Byner


Oh absolutely. Yes sir, he’s got some hooves on him, I’ll put it that way. Feels like a horse running by you. He’s strong, he’s learning some running techniques, he works on these running techniques that I’ve been teaching him as the year progresses. He’s one of the guys that really really works. He’s going to be hell to deal with, I’m telling you. Whenever he gets on the field, it’s going to be something that we’ll love to see.

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What ever happened to Manuel White? Did we cut him or has he just not shown too much promise? I know he was a beast at UCLA.

Oh yeah, I would much rather have Rock and Nemo as backups to CP than Betts and either. I get disgusted with guys that are constantly injured.

Broughton was better... they kept him... over White...

lol @ Bettis... he like 265.... but could outrun all of us...

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