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How is everyone taking it at work today??

Guest peele

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It didn’t hit me till I walked out of the house this morning that I was gonna hear a lot of crap from EVERYONE at work. Today was their turn to pour salt on MY wound. I just didn’t expect the oldest person in my bldg to be the first one to start. A 65 yr old Afghani woman started making fun of me. Followed by my boss, some mailroom bums & my old coworkers even called me up to laugh in my ear. The cowboy fans, the giant fans, haven’t heard from the Eagle fans yet, all sent me emails or text messages to tell me how much my Skins suck.

My response is only that at least we were one of the best 8 teams in the league & we crushed all their teams. I warned them that they better watch out for next season cause we’re coming back harder.

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Dude, I'm fine. I have fans of the Raiders, Giants, Eagles, Cowboys and Ravens all around here. I have no problem asking them, "So, when does your team play next?"

I'm happy with where we're at, and where we'll be next season and beyond for that matter. I was told that after the game and yesterday, players were already coming to Gibbs talking about offseason training. Gibbs didn't say a word, they just came up to him. That leads me to believe that this team is ready to take it to the next level. And if we can keep this team intact, or atleast the bulk of it, the NFCE will have a big problem on their hands. That problem will be known as the Redskins!!

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I'm doing fine. I paid out the bet to my co-worker (diehard Seahawks fan). It was a great season compared to what most people thought we would do. This season restored my faith in Gibbs and the future of the Redskins. We have a lot to be proud of as a team and a lot to look forward to next year.

Hail to the Redskins!

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I have the day off to recover and fully dwell on what happened, which are kinda contradictory :( .

But I'm exited about the direction we're headed, and also consumed with curiosity about exactly what it is we will do in off-season, and even how the board will react.


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What really kills me are the Skin haters. There are some dudes at my job, that aren't fans of any one team, but cheer for any team that plays against us. I don't understand the psychology & don't care to, but I REALLY, REALLY dislike these people.

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I work with a Raiders fan, a Vikings fan, a Dolphins fan, a Cowboys fan, 2 Eagles fans, & several Steelers fans. The Raiders, Vikings, & Dolphins fans greeted me first with "How 'bout them Redskins? LOL" I responded with, "Who did ya'll play this weekend? Oh yeah, I forgot...LOL" I'd say I handled it well. ;)

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What really kills me are the Skin haters. There are some dudes at my job, that aren't fans of any one team, but cheer for any team that plays against us. I don't understand the psychology & don't care to, but I REALLY, REALLY dislike these people.

Yeah, I get the same reaction from people who really don't watch football. They just have this "Don't get your hopes up, I told you so" mentality about the Redskins or any home team, for that matter.

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just about everthing is plastered with redskins are losers crap.


Thats kinda funny. I'm glad I work in a somewhat professional office (more women than men really) cause in my old office, that would have totally happend to me. :laugh:

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