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Why does everyone assume our offense is horrible?


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This is really starting to annoy me. Pretty much everywhere you read on opinions about tommorow's game states that the Seahawks are likely to win, because the Redskins offense just isn't good enough. They all say that our offense is way too banged up, and that we simply lack enough offensive firepower to proceed. And to back that up, they point to our atrocious offensive performance vs. Tampa Bay to show that we can't get it done. They assume that our offensive performance vs. Tampa Bay was representative of what we can do.

Huh? Just one week ago we were the "Red-Hot Redskins" who had won 5 straight, and had just put up over 30 points for three straight games. We managed more points against Cowboys then the Panthers did the very next week. Everybody knew our defense was our strength, but nobody talked about our offense as a huge responsibility. But now, everyone seems to have forgotten about that run, and now assume that the last game against Tampa Bay's #1 defense is representative of how good our offense is. Everyone seems to have forgotten that we finished with a respectable ranking of #11 for our offense.

For whatever reasons, sometimes teams don't perform well on offense(or defense for that matter). The Giants with the #4 offense fell flat against Carolina, but I bet next season you won't hear about how offense is a big weakness for them. We held the Cowboys under 14 points twice, but overall thier offense was good this season. On two occasions the Chiefs were held to 10 points or below, but they finished with the #1 offense. We had a horrible offensive perfromance vs. Arizona, but then we scored over 30 points in the next three games. Sometimes your offensive game plan just doesn't work and you get shut down. This can especially happen when playing elite defenses such as Tampa Bay. But that doesn't mean next game your offense will be bad.

I agree that our offense is a concern, and it is questionable if Brunell is healthy enough, and if not if Ramsey can get the job done. But looking at our overall performance this season there is no question our offense is capable of doing great things. But everyone simply seems to believe that Tampa Bay game is reperesentative, and many commentators say that we have no chance of winning this game because our offense is so bad. I don't mind if they pick against the Redskins for good reasons, but I think this is plain and simple ignorance on the part of the Media.

I am really starting to think there is no point to listening to these so called "football experts" and "analysts". You may as well read Pittman4Two's analysis, you'd learn just as much and at least you'd be entertained in the process.

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I think that many are looking at the combination of Brunell's knee and Portis' shoulders being banged up over the past few weeks. Granted, Brunell is supposedly feeling much better, but I haven't heard too much on Portis' shoulders.... Ramsey can get the job done at QB, but if Portis isn't between 80 - 100%, then the Skins will likely have a lot trouble. Sellers, Cartwright and Betts haven't really shown the ability to carry the running game, although I love watching them work, especially Sellers....

Our offense is dinged up, not horrible...the question is how healthy and productive can they be......

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Maybe it's me I don't know but our offense did not look that bad against the Bucs on a couple of drives. This team can produce when they really have too. I think you going to see a better offense output this week simply because they are not facing a defense that is on The Bucs level.

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I love how NOT ONE mediot...even ex-football players...acknowledged the fact that the Skins went into "eat the clock" mode seemingly before half-time. After half-time they DEFINITELY were just trying to avoid any mistakes that might cost them the game. It infuriated me at the time, but unless I am crazy, that's exactly what they were doing. Nobody seems to be acknowledging this...they seem to have the 'college mentality' that you have to bury the opponent for the win to be 'real'.

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I agree with the author of this thread except that the fact that we only have TWO credible passing threats (Moss & Cooley) means that our offense can be substantialy contained on days where others don't step up to the plate (like thrash, jacobs, sellers, royal, & even portis out of the backfield). That's what's hurt our offense the last 2 weeks. The defenses have basically double covered both moss & cooley and bet that we don't have any other options. If Gibbs has picked this trend up (I suspect that he has given his pedigree), then look for royal, sellers, & other receivers to open up the offense early. That in turn will open up running lanes for Portis, Betts, & the rock.

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I agree with the author of this thread except that the fact that we only have TWO credible passing threats (Moss & Cooley) means that our offense can be substantialy contained on days where others don't step up to the plate (like thrash, jacobs, sellers, royal, & even portis out of the backfield). That's what's hurt our offense the last 2 weeks. The defenses have basically double covered both moss & cooley and bet that we don't have any other options. If Gibbs has picked this trend up (I suspect that he has given his pedigree), then look for royal, sellers, & other receivers to open up the offense early. That in turn will open up running lanes for Portis, Betts, & the rock.

We've still had some sucsess this season even when it is only Moss and Cooley catching balls. Our big problem last game I think was too much predictability in our playcalling- we repeatedly saw the whole gut,gut,pass,punt routine. That could be due to the fact that we were ahead the whole game, but I think the Bucs simply have such a good defense that they will punish you if you are predictable.

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