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Is ST nice to fans?


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sorry for another ST thread :rolleyes: but i was just wondering if any fans have met ST...and is he nice to fans because on a miami board this guy said that ST was really rude....here's what he said "I met almost the entire 2003 team(not trying to boast)...and all the players, outside of ST, went out of their way to be nice and appreciative. I saw some kid asking ST for an autograph on his hat and ST knocked the hat out of the kids hands and walked away. The kid could not of been older then 12." Of course other canes said that ST was very nice and stuff but I just wanted to know if anyone maybe also had an experience like him where ST was "rude".....personally i can't really imagine ST doing something like that b/c he's always saying how he appreciates the fans and stuff...but then again i've never met him and have a pretty biased opinion of him since i love him :) .........so i'm asking u guys who have....thanks! :D

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Taylor signed a football for me...he seemed like an ok dude. I met Kwame and surprisingly he was really cool, his friend was a total douchebag though. I got a buddy who worked for the Skins security staff and he said the nicest guy on the team last year was Freddie Smoot.

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I seen posted on a Florida State message board that while at the "U" a lady holding a baby asked if she could stand next to ST and get a picture. Well I tell you, and this is the truth, ST snatched the baby away from the lady and drop kicked the baby for a 58 yard FG. He then beat the lady down, like she owed him $83.57, it originally was $50 but interest raised that. ST then brutalized every person, again ecspecially the children, within a 575 ft. radius. His teammates didn't stop him becasue hit 13 consecutive 50 yard plus FG, all with plenty of leg.

Now I ask you, why is Hall still are kicker.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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He was great to me and my 2 1/2 year old son after the Cards game this year. While running off the field he came over to us an stopped said to my son "what up little man" , high fived us, and walked into the tunnel. One interaction but a good one.

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I seen posted on a Florida State message board that while at the "U" a lady holding a baby asked if she could stand next to ST and get a picture. Well I tell you, and this is the truth, ST snatched the baby away from the lady and drop kicked the baby for a 58 yard FG. He then beat the lady down, like she owed him $83.57, it originally was $50 but interest raised that. ST then brutalized every person, again ecspecially the children, within a 575 ft. radius. His teammates didn't stop him becasue hit 13 consecutive 50 yard plus FG, all with plenty of leg.

Now I ask you, why is Hall still are kicker.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

Too much!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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He was great to me and my 2 1/2 year old son after the Cards game this year. While running off the field he came over to us an stopped said to my son "what up little man" , high fived us, and walked into the tunnel. One interaction but a good one.

Man, thats awesome. Lucky for you and your boy!

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i met him after the eagles game, he was the only player on the team to come to the stands and greet all the raging skins fan...he was funny signin autographs slappin people five then he fell over and it was a charley chaplin moment...

after the game i snuck down to the locker room stopped him and got his autograph told him it was a sick swan dive into the endzone on his touchdown...he thanked me...he was the man about it all

this is all true, btw...not like the "sean taylor eats babies" thread

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