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Opposing Team Fans... Lets talk Skins/Hawks


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Interested in hearing thoughts on the game from our knowledgable fans (insert joke here) from other teams.

Predictions, gameplans, impressions, etc.

Given how much Seattle struggled against the cowboys and giants, I'm just not all that scared. Sure Seattle is a good team and can win, but I like our chances.

I think we can grind it out with Portis against their front 7. They are a good blitzing team, but I don't think they've really been tested against a ball control offense. The way we've been running it lately, Clinton should have a good day. This should eat up clock and keep their offense off the field.

Seattle does have an explosive offense, and they are going to get theirs... you can only hope to contain them. Our D has done an excellent job these past 6 weeks, but we've also not played an offense as explosive as Seattle's.

If we can hold the Seahawks to 21 points, I think we win.

my prediction is:

Redskins 24

Seattle 21


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I think Seattle should be the favorite but would not be surprised by a Skins victory. Seattle has went 8-0 at home this year. I keep seeing the "who have they played" argument but, seriously, you can only play who is on your schedule. People said the same thing about the Eagles last year before the playoffs.

My concerns for the Skins are injuries and playing a third must win game in a row, on the road. In the NFL, oftentimes, the best team doesn't win. The team who is less injured does. Without a 100 percent Portis, I doubt your ability to really put the Seattle defense in a bad position.

Now, if the Redskins come out and take control of the game with a 7-0 lead and you can play Gibbs type ball, you have better than a 50/50 chance of winning.

If Seattle jumps ahead and you are forced to become one dimensional, the game could become a laugher. Brunnell has had a fantastic year but he has looked like the 04 Brunnell in the last few weeks.

My prediction is:

Seattle 27

Skins 17

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Nice to see you got my message in the the other thread.:) Obviously, I'm not an opposing team fan but I'll give you my impressions nonetheless.

On defense, I think having Shawn Springs back should help. Additionally, Lavar was not playing the first time we went up against them, so I'm thinking that will help as well, perhaps preventing Shaun Alexander from breaking any longer runs like he did in the first game.

Our offense has me concerned. First, as has been stated ad nauseum in various threads in the Stadium, Brunell is playing injured (i.e., like he did last year when he was hurt), and that's not good. Hopefully, we can find a way to get the ball into the hands of Moss on reverses, screens, whatever...just get it to him. I am also concerned with the running game in that if Portis keeps going in and out there will be no continuity. Hopefully he can take the hits and keep going. If not, let Betts and Rock carry the load, I'm confident they can do the job. Let the linemen get comfortable with their running style. As for Cooley, he remains our only other passing threat and he needs to find a way to escape the man coverage he has been seeing recently. If he can do that, he'll do OK. If not, sneak some more plays in for Mike Sellers and bash them. :)

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Don't worry too much about our offense China. Gibbs went into a shell offensively against the Bucs because the way our defense was playing... there was no need to take ANY risk with a two touchdown lead. He turned out to be correct.

Our O looked fine against Dallas, NYG, and looked fine against Philly. All 3 have very solid defenses... as good if not better than Seattle's.


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I don't think your offense looked good against Philly. Actually, it looked horrible. It benefitted from turnovers from your great defense. If you get turnovers, you will stay in and perhaps control the game. BTW, Philly's defense is nowhere near the Seahawks.

Everyone is underestimating the defense. They led the league in sacks and were high up in turnovers. Don't look at defensive rankings that JUST go on yards given up.

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I don't think your offense looked good against Philly. Actually, it looked horrible. It benefitted from turnovers from your great defense. If you get turnovers, you will stay in and perhaps control the game. BTW, Philly's defense is nowhere near the Seahawks.

Everyone is underestimating the defense. They led the league in sacks and were high up in turnovers. Don't look at defensive rankings that JUST go on yards given up.

Westy you just think the Seahawks are all that on Defense because what they did to you on Monday Night. :)

The Seahawks defense was built from the ground up to stop the pass and compete in the NFC West. They are small and quick, with aggressive LB's and Safeties. The Eagels gameplan with a crappy QB played right into their hands.

However, I think they are undersized, and we should be able to run the ball against them. I don't think they can handle a smashmouth team. :2cents:

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Westy you just think the Seahawks are all that on Defense because what they did to you on Monday Night. :)

zoony, you've known me a long time. Do you honestly think I ever make an assessment based off of one game? :laugh:

Listen, I honestly wouldn't mind seeing a Skins victory. I just like good clean football. If the Skins are able to run it down Seattles throat, I'll be impressed and give mucho kudos.

I think you are just buying into arguments that others have posted and not posting many original thoughts of your own. Rocky Bernard is a monster DT. I think he will give the interior of your line fits throughout the game. Winstrom is a two way DE. Not just a pass rusher. Tatupu is as smash mouth as they come at MLB.

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I think you are just buying into arguments that others have posted and not posting many original thoughts of your own. .


I have been saying the same thing since Monday when I began discussing this game. The FACT is, Seattle has not had to play smashmouth teams i.e. Pittsburgh, Washington, Jacksonville... wait a minute they did play Wash and Jacksonville... they lost both times :laugh:

The are a very good defense against the pass, no doubt. They get after the quarterback and their LB's are very quick and very athletic. They force turnovers in the passing game and get sacks. I am not denying this. We saw what they did to Philly... the Seahawks probably had that game circled since September when they saw Philly's run/pass ratio.

But if you want to mistake their D for a bruising, punishing defense that can beat teams up... sorry, I just don't see it. If that makes me 'unoriginal', so be it.

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If you had to describe their defense, I don't think physical or smashmouth would be the first words out of anyone's mouth. All I am saying is lets not underestimate them and keep repeating "RAWWWWR, PORTIS IS GONNA RUN WILD!! THEY ARE WEAK!!!" when logic and video tells us differently.

Good luck in the game.

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Also... we had 141 yards rushing in our first contest, and we dominated in TOP. And if you've watched the 'Skins you'd know our running game is the best it has been since Gibbs has returned... much better than it was in week 4.

I do agree with you though... we can't get behind early. That will make us one dimensional i.e. Philly and it will be a long day.


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It is completely understandable that the Seahawks are favored. They have been on a long winning streak before that Packer game in which they didn't really try anyway. And they are home. But by 9? I take the Redskins with the points. Straight up? I think this is the best chance that we have ever seen to have the two wildcard teams in the NFC Championship Game. The Seahawks while having a solid D, do not have the D that Tampa Bay does. I think the Redskins move the ball on them. At the same time, the Seahawks don't have the O the Bucs have. They will move the ball on the Skins. It is going to come down to turnovers. The Skins have been creating a lot of those lately. I really feel an upset here.

Redskins 27

Seahawks 23

And I think the Redskins will be going to Carolina for the NFC Championship Game.

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I don't think your offense looked good against Philly. Actually, it looked horrible. It benefitted from turnovers from your great defense. If you get turnovers, you will stay in and perhaps control the game. BTW, Philly's defense is nowhere near the Seahawks.

Everyone is underestimating the defense. They led the league in sacks and were high up in turnovers. Don't look at defensive rankings that JUST go on yards given up.

But again--if we played San Fran/St. Louis/Houston/Arizona twice a year, we'd lead the league in sacks too

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You guys have tricked me and manipulated me. Sometimes, I'll be thinking about the Skins and actually feel good for Gibbs, since he seems like a good guy.....or maybe think it won't be so horrible if they keep winning....

Then I snap out of it and am like, "What the **** are you thinking, moron!?!?!" :laugh:

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But again--if we played San Fran/St. Louis/Houston/Arizona twice a year, we'd lead the league in sacks too
I tried to make the point last week that just because we played a "soft" schedule, it does not mean the Seahawks are a soft team. The odd thing about the pregame talk was that many Skins fans on ES were saying the same stuff before the week 4 game, but came away after the game saying the Hawks were more physical than they expected. I think the SOS was just too attractive as an argument for many fans here to take the Seahawks seriously.
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