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Hey, check it out. A Seachicken troll sighting.


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Good luck - you will need it.

Tell me about it.

We've already beaten the Seagulls once. You guys have been battle-tested by such juggernauts as the Titans, Green Bay, Houston, 49ers (2x), Cardinals (2x) and Rams (2x).

We should be afraid.

My knees are shaking.

That was sarcasm, in case anyone missed it.


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Well, well, well......if it isn't the Redskins again. Yes, you beat us early in the season and I am not going to use the excuse of well we missed a field goal at the end of the game bs as the reason why we lost the game. I can't even tell ya how many times I have heard that from all your brothers..... Giant fans. How did they do today?

I am not going to issue any stats that are against you that makes the point well were better then you. It is the playoffs and nothing matters that happened in the past - it is all about the now and I am glad we are at home.

Good luck - you will need it.

Please tell me the last time Holmgren beat the Skins?

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Well, well, well......if it isn't the Redskins again. Yes, you beat us early in the season and I am not going to use the excuse of well we missed a field goal at the end of the game bs as the reason why we lost the game. I can't even tell ya how many times I have heard that from all your brothers..... Giant fans. How did they do today?

I am not going to issue any stats that are against you that makes the point well were better then you. It is the playoffs and nothing matters that happened in the past - it is all about the now and I am glad we are at home.

Good luck - you will need it.

Just like the Tampa fans coming here talking smack because they knew in their heart what was going to happen. The only reason you took the time to register and post here is because you are worried to death that this is going to be your last game this year. The Seahawks have no history to discuss, so I really can't compare them to a 3 time Superbowl champion. You do know that don't you?? You do know who the coach was of those teams don't you? We have only beaten you already this year. HTTR

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