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OT: Steroids


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I read in the Print edition of the sporting news that a lot of major league baseball players sought out this guy at Penn State that is considered the foremost authority on steroids. The guy (I cant remember his name) said that the players are offering him money to tell them how to beat the steroid tests. He declined, but said that steroids are in ALL the major sports. He listed the reasons as being that there are steroids that can be swept out of you system in 2 days and others that when taken with masking agents will not appear in the tests.

I thought it was very interesting. My brother played 6 years in the minors and I can name a ton of big leaguers that I personally know that are on steroids.

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The article says that if players know they are going to be randomly checked, they will use the appropriate measure to make sure they don't get caught. The most common according to this guy is that the players use them all through the off season and then quit a week before spring training.

One thing I know for a fact.... In the minor leagues, the players are drug tested, but team monitors the results. They only do something to the offenders if they want to.

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Then you can random test in the offseason too. Yes, that's more difficult, but after all it's the threat of the testing that's important.

Also, MLB should institute a policy that says that any player who is found to be using or have used steroids will have his career statistics wiped from the record books and is persona non grata at all league events.

I'm convinced that Barry Bonds is using them, and I think all of his glorious records are absolutely bogus as a result.

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I'm convinced that Barry Bonds is using them, and I think all of his glorious records are absolutely bogus as a result.

No doubt. And anybody that thinks McGwire wasn't is fooling themselves. He was so full of juice it looked like he was about to explode.

Pretty soon baseball will be over and done with anyway. Let 'em strike, filthy drug using jizzbags.

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A little OT on the OT, but Steroids are just one stop on the evolutionary ladder (I'm not condoning the use of them, but they are inevitable). Mankind has always had a desire to improve upon the original design.

What are we gonna do with all those records when cybernetics and biomedical engineering collide? When we are half machine, half human? When genetic engineering is common practice? The day is coming and is sooner than you think.

What happens to sports when our brains are aided by quantam chip implants that allow us to process billions of calculations per second? When our body has more metal than flesh? When we are all exactly equal physically and mentally?

To me, these are much more interesting questions. Besides baseball sucks :puke:


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Everybody in Pro Sports has considered using Steroids and the majority try them. The smaller majority would be suspected of utilizing the benefits of performance enhancing drugs. The ones that dont take them are the minority.

There are test out there that will determine the amount of androgenic hormones that are in your system, without the capability to mask test results. The thing is, nobody will allow that kind of testing for a number of reasons. The main reason would be that they would have to drawl blood and nobody is going to allow that for testing purposes only. Usually a Fit For Duty program includes an accross the board screen, with positive results confirmed with additional, more accurate values.

The testing that the players are consenting to is a urine screen and is very maskable.


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