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A new Canidate


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With Davis being cut next year, do we make a deal in the offseason for Canidate?A 2nd rounder would do.With Gordon stepping up in Ramland and their cap becoming a problem the Rams will be looking to deal him before he becomes a FA.I think he would flourish in the Fun & Gun.A perfect fit.

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Originally posted by Smooty

With Davis being cut next year, do we make a deal in the offseason for Canidate?A 2nd rounder would do.With Gordon stepping up in Ramland and their cap becoming a problem the Rams will be looking to deal him before he becomes a FA.I think he would flourish in the Fun & Gun.A perfect fit.

That might be intresting, but I doubt they will trade with us, because we are coming up in their rearview mirror with our offense.

I also feel he is injury prone to a degree, but the upside is tremendous!

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If and only if we can't keep Davis, I think it would be a great idea to bring in Candidate. He catches the ball well. The only thing I would be worried about is him holding on to the ball, and not fumbling.

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it just doesn't make sense to me that you would take a risk in trading a high pick for a player at RB who has not been a 16 game starter in the NFL before.............

if we are going to go with someone unproven how about taking that player ourselves in the draft?

and what about Mr. Betts, a recent high pick in his own right?

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Bufford, I'm not so confident about Davis' future here. Given the moderate-or-more wear and tear on him by this stage of his career, his average or below abilities as a receiver, the fact that this offense emphasizes running plays (draws and traps) that do not play to his strengths, and the circumstances of his contract, I can easily see this team conclude that their plans don't include him. RB is also one of the easier spots to fill with talent through the draft.

As for Canidate, I've seen him play live in college when my sister went to UA, and so I've followed him to a degree over the last five years. He's a very explosive runner, who is a lot like Faulk or Barry Sanders in that regard. But whereas those guys were more shifty and make quicker moves, I think Canidate has more outright speed. He's an excellent receiver out of the backfield. He's perfect for draw plays and screens and swing passes, which this offense loves to use.

The problem is that he's had his share of injuries, and he's average in his ability to hold onto the ball. He's also not a power runner like Davis. In other words, unlike Davis, I wouldn't want him plowing into the line on 4th and 1. But then again, that doesn't seem to be Spurrier's preference either.

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I also dont think Davis will be cut. I can see him working well in this offense. After seeing SS turn a bunch of no-names from around the league look like a team who can challenge for the division title, I'm convinced he can make Davis work in his system.

I remember hearing somethign about how a great coach molds his system to his players, not the other way around.

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I think Davis will be cut, mostly because the offense won't center around him. Why pay a guy $5 mill a year if he's just running in open space created by the passing game? Betts could do that.

The only way I see Davis staying is if:

a) The FnG or the QBs flop and we turn to the running game to limit turnovers, a la the Ravens in 2000.

B) Spurrier modifies the FnG to include a power running game. There is some chance of this, as he's already changing some things --- for instance, he talked yesterday about incorporating more motion than he did at UF, as defenses disguise their coverages more effectively in the NFL.

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The problem is that at present, we have zero evidence of Davis' ability to succeed in this scheme, his ability to successfully run draw plays or catch swing passes out of the backfield consistently. And can you imagine him motioning out wide in a formation? I think the opposing defense would laugh and ignore him!

What we do have evidence of at this point is a scheme which does not use power running plays, or run-blocking schemes that utilize drive blocking in the way that favors Davis' skills. We also don't see where this scheme is being adjusted to address our concerns about the way the running game fits with Davis' skills. (What the heck does the increased pre-snap motion have to do with power running anyway?)

Until I seem some change in some or all of the above, I must remain pessimistic about Davis' fit in the new offense.

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look, last year in preseason the Redskins weren't able to run the ball effectively either and yet Davis set the team rushing mark during the regular schedule :)

it may very well be that Davis gets his yards despite the accent on getting the passing game down and the qb competition settled in the preseason this time around.

and if you are Spurrier do you use a proven commodity over and over again in the preseason, learning nothing, while you leave your qb and wr spots, where there are question marks, to play themselves out in games that count?

that doesn't sound like a smart move to me :)

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Originally posted by bulldog

and if you are Spurrier do you use a proven commodity over and over again in the preseason, learning nothing, while you leave your qb and wr spots, where there are question marks, to play themselves out in games that count?

I would totally agree with you except for two considerations:

1) what I've said about Spurrier's scheme and Davis' characterisitics and strengths as a runner remain true, regardless of how much or how little the team decides to practice running in the preseason;

2) the struggles we've had on the o-line is such that our ability to get continuity there are at a premium. That means to me that it's just as important for them to work on run-blocking for the benefit of themselves and the RB's as it is to work on pass blocking for the benefit of the QB's and WR's. And everything I've ever read about o-linemen says that they like to go back to good, old-fashioned straight up run blocking to establish a rhythm for themselves when they're struggling. But three games into the pre-season we still don't see very many running plays being called during games. And that matches up with every training camp report we read on the subject about play distribution during practice.

Anyway, I continue to wonder and, unfortunately, have doubts about Davis in this offense.

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Davis is gone.Bye-Bye.His open market value will be higher than what the Redskins can offer next year.Davis and the skins know this.Betts???Hey I love Davis and what he brings but it is just the reality of the cap.Trung will concentrate if he is the starter.

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When SD played full-back under Norval's system, in Terry Allen's last year, he was a more than adequate receiver out of the backfield. He surprised many people with his soft hands. It was that year that he got his toughness inside the tackles, from all of the lead blocking...but he also developed his pass catching abilities.

I think he'll stay...I think he'll do well catching in the flats. He'll also get over 1200 yards rushing.


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Honestly, I do see Davis being in a Trotter position for us. His ability and value to the team is unquestioned. But, he's playing a position that probably isn't as crucial to the success of the offense as others and we'll have to make a hard decision on where to spend cap dollars.

Who's more important, Davis or Jansen? Davis or Smoot? Davis or Bailey? Davis or Samuels? Davis or Gardner perhaps? Davis may be productive and have a big year for us. But, the question will immediately become, whether many backs of lesser ability and cost could fill a similar role.

It'll be interesting early on to watch how Davis is used and to judge where he stand with us. Last year he became CRUCIAL to our success. The moment Marty left, that was thrown into question in some ways.

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I don't understand how loosing Davis is not being veiwed as catistrophic. It seem not to be a huge loss to most people. This is a huge mistake. In the last 3 years, he is second in rushing yards, and second in rushing TDs. Betts can't replace Davis, Trung can't replace Davis, no one can replace Davis. I also don't understand where the idea the Davis can't catch comes from. If we loose Davis, 90% chance he's an Eagle, and seeing he in green and white busting out yards on his true home, would bring tears to my eyes.

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Originally posted by panel

I don't understand how loosing Davis is not being veiwed as catistrophic. It seem not to be a huge loss to most people. This is a huge mistake. In the last 3 years, he is second in rushing yards, and second in rushing TDs. Betts can't replace Davis, Trung can't replace Davis, no one can replace Davis. I also don't understand where the idea the Davis can't catch comes from. If we loose Davis, 90% chance he's an Eagle, and seeing he in green and white busting out yards on his true home, would bring tears to my eyes.

It is not a good feeling.LOsing the only above average offensive player we have causes stress among the faithful.Davis being cut becomes reality next year for many reasons.

1)Young stars are coming up for FA in the next 1-2 yrsJansen,Smoot,Bailey,Samuels.Lavar is locked up until 2007 thank God but u know he will want a new deal with a couple more pro bowls.He would deserve it.

2)What if DW or Shane has a monster type year.We are going to resign them right?

3)If the system works many WR,QB,RB may look at DC when they wouldn't have before.I want to have the ability to pursue who we want.

What type of new deal do you think Davis would get from us or the open market?6-7mil

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And you guys still want Candidate?

From kffl.com

"The Post Dispatch reports St. Louis Rams coach Mike Martz was disappointed in the play of backup RBs Trung Canidate and Lamar Gordon Thursday night. "I'm very disappointed in our backup running backs," Martz said. "I never, ever really call anybody out like this publicly, but I'm just sorely disappointed in the way both those guys played." Gordon carried eight times for five yards, and caught five passes for just 16 yards. "

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Do you really want this guy? I bet we could have him if we did.

Rams | Backup RBs Disappoint - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)

23:05 PT: The Post Dispatch reports St. Louis Rams coach Mike Martz was disappointed in the play of backup RBs Trung Canidate and Lamar Gordon Thursday night. "I'm very disappointed in our backup running backs," Martz said. "I never, ever really call anybody out like this publicly, but I'm just sorely disappointed in the way both those guys played." Gordon carried eight times for five yards, and caught five passes for just 16 yards.

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