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USA Today on Spurrier


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My God, the members of the media are fawning all over Steve. Not sure what to think about it, I'm just going to enjoy it.

USA Today

A few snippets:

The new coach of the Washington Redskins prefers to call NFL preseason contests "exhibition" games, which is accurate, if outdated, phraseology. No surprise there, I suppose. When it comes to showing off his offensive prowess, or his ego, is there any greater exhibitionist in all of pro football than Steve Spurrier?
The talk is, "Who will start at quarterback?" Does it matter? Danny Wuerffel, Shane Matthews, Sage Rosenfels or Sonny Jurgensen? Spurrier's the guy. It's his offense, his brains, his moxie on display. They say having a savvy veteran on the field is like having another coach. Well, Spurrier is the Redskins' 12th man playing the most important position. He's that smart, that creative, that unconventionally good. Unfortunately, he knows it. Soon, those who doubt him will, too

Again, I resist buying into the hype, but you can't help but have fun reading it at the same time.

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if David Woodley, Jeff Hostetler, Trent Dilfer and Chris Chandler with their assorted limitations could quarterback teams to a Super Bowl appearance and/or victory I see no reason the Redskins can't get solid quarterbacking out of the set of players they have now on the depth chart for 2002.

I don't think we are going to begin a dynasty with Wuerffel or Matthews, but I don't see why we can't win 9 or 10 games and make the playoffs.

People in the media seem to think with a better defense and Spurrier on the other side of the ball the Redskins are actually going to have a WORSE team than they did in 2001.

I don't see that happening.

You won't see the Redskins give up and quit playing as the team did last year in the first month.

And you won't see them scratching and clawing to score just 7 or 10 points in games against the Cowboys and Eagles :)

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You forgot Jeff George, bulldog. He lost EVERYWHERE except in Minnesota. Not to make excuses for him, because he is a career loser and a cancer. But that system fit him perfectly.

We're not talking about having a 7th round rookie run the system. These are mediocre NFL guys who will be elevated to at least servicable status by the system that they play in. Why is that so hard for opposing fans to understand?

And O&B - Joe may not be the brightest bulb in the world, but he was an excellent starter while here and is a big part of Redskins' lore. I see no reason to pick on him (especially in a 'Skins forum) just because he's kind of dim. He was a hell of a QB. I don't give a damn about his mental capacity, to tell you the truth.

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Growing up Theisman was hero of mine. I am sure he holds a special place in your heart as well. It's just that quote makes me giggle.

One thing though, Joe hasn't had alot of nice things to say about our Ball Coach over the years. True, lately he's getting on the band wagon with the rest of the establishment, but some of us have long memories.

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Everything about our team except the interior O-line is better than last year. We finished strong last year 8-3 over the last 11 games and are off to a hot start this year even if it is preseason. Those 5 games in a row we won, had some tough road games in them. At Philly, and At Denver. Those were no cakewalks.......Unless the media is going by the toughness of our schedule, then I don't see a single reason why we can't at least go 9-7 which would still be better than last year.

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Originally posted by redman

It's primarily his personality, and the fact that writers feel so starved by the "party line" crap (like Marty and Norv always fed them) that they're desperate for someone who's just a little outrageous.

I'm enjoying it too. :)

Redman, you are 100% correct. Our local writer said the exact same thing. Other coaches give the writer so little to work with, while SS is the Mouth of the South.

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