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Could these announcers have been more wrong?

Thinking Skins

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I just remember during the game, the announcer just kept talking about how we 'abandoned the run' in our three game losing streak. I just wanted to take the game film and smack him across the forehead with it. I mean, the problem was that we were running too much and abandoned our attempts to pass the ball.

I was just so surprised that he kept saying that over and over again. I would have thought that somebody from FOX would have at least showed him some game logs of our past few games. He sounded like a complete fool.

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I just remember during the game, the announcer just kept talking about how we 'abandoned the run' in our three game losing streak. I just wanted to take the game film and smack him across the forehead with it. I mean, the problem was that we were running too much and abandoned our attempts to pass the ball.

I was just so surprised that he kept saying that over and over again. I would have thought that somebody from FOX would have at least showed him some game logs of our past few games. He sounded like a complete fool.

He's no Baldingleberry. :laugh:

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They were terrible.....making jokes about The Simpsons when critical plays were on the line.

And I hate announcers that never take the clock into consideration. A broadcaster can enhance your excitement for a moment by presenting important moments in a different light.

So here it was......3rd and 6......we will run to keep the clock going......first down and we win.....if they stuff it they get the ball back with :40 seconds left.

And the situation was never discussed. They never talked about timeouts.

Think about the first half. We blew it in time management. Took a timeout when we got out of bounds and then the next play sprinted to the line to spike it with the clock running.

Incredibly this strategy was not discussed.

Why is it everyone likes FOX over CBS???

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