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Tonight was the best type of win.....


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I like the fact that we came away with the win of course, yet we still managed to get our tails whipped for a good portion of the game, so now we have specific things to work on and get better at. The win helps the emotions, yet puts our performance in perspective to how the ENTIRE game went.....I hope the players learn from the god awful first half.

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The best type of win is when the Skins manhandle their opponent.

This was an embarrassment and you kind of have to put an asterisk after the word win. If Tee Martin wasn't such a Pop Warner reject, the Steelers would have had the game in the bag.

I agree that it's hopefully a wake-up call for the team. But what are they going to wake up to? The danger is that they may wake up and realize that their offense isn't as good as they thought, and their defense won't be able to save them.

The offensive line ain't good. The quarterbacks are just pathetic. The collection of no-name and retread receivers look OK, and of course Stephen Davis will always be there to save us. Overall, no one is really scared of Spurrier's offense. His scheme is good, but Matthews, Woeful, and Raisinbread just don't have the tools to get the job done.

Seriously, can you think of any starting quarterbacks in the league that you WOULDN'T trade any of our QBs for? OK, maybe not Quincy Carter (is that a speech impediment or is he retarded?), but I'll bet you can't think of many others.

I kinda feel like last season all over again at the QB position. We go into the season knowing we don't have a good QB, but closing our eyes and hoping for the best. These guys aren't good. We're going to have to win in spite of them, not because of them.

I admit that the Steelers are a good team, but they're not that freakin' good. There was some terrible decision-making at the QB position. Isn't the reason that the rag-armed journeymen QBs are supposed to work in this offense because they make good decisions? Some of those throws made me wonder if they're damn colorblind -- couldn't they tell the good guys from the bad guys? Someone get an eye test for them!

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Originally posted by MRMADD


The best type of win is when the Skins manhandle their opponent.

I agree that it's hopefully a wake-up call for the team. But what are they going to wake up to? The danger is that they may wake up and realize that their offense isn't as good as they thought, and their defense won't be able to save them.

Sure feels good to say "I told you so" at the first sign of trouble, doesn't it...feel better now? It must have hurt to have to wait until now to say it..:laugh: :laugh:

The offensive line ain't good. The quarterbacks are just pathetic. The collection of no-name and retread receivers look OK, and of course Stephen Davis will always be there to save us.

Of course, SD wasn't impressive either, but you are more than willing to cut him some slack...the man needs to get cut! He hasn't done ANYTHING this preseason so far!! :gus:

Overall, no one is really scared of Spurrier's offense. His scheme is good, but Matthews, Woeful, and Raisinbread just don't have the tools to get the job done.

Psst...let me tell you a little secret. Kordel sucked as well. Why? How many QBs in this league would have lit up that Pittsburgh defense in the first half last night? I'll help you out..ZERO! They were awesome.

Seriously, can you think of any starting quarterbacks in the league that you WOULDN'T trade any of our QBs for?OK, maybe not Quincy Carter (is that a speech impediment or is he retarded?), but I'll bet you can't think of many others.

Sure! Any one of them that depends completely on their skills at the expense of their brain. The poor performance was a team effort last night. Quit making the QBs the sole scapegoat...I'd rather have any of the three instead of Jeff George, Tony Banks, or any of a dozen others who couldn't figure out SOS' system if they had a decade to learn it...

I kinda feel like last season all over again at the QB position. We go into the season knowing we don't have a good QB, but closing our eyes and hoping for the best. These guys aren't good. We're going to have to win in spite of them, not because of them.

It's good you are keeping hope alive. Marino sucked when he had less than 2.5 seconds to get rid of the ball. Montana sure would have sucked if Jerry Rice and Dwight Clark dropped critical passes for first downs. Elway would have sucked if his receivers quit running their routes on deep throws. Let's not even get started on penalties! But if you want your built-in excuse, and blame the QBs for the problems, have at it!

I admit that the Steelers are a good team, but they're not that freakin' good. There was some terrible decision-making at the QB position.

No question. Kordell Stewart was pathetic out there. How did he get that Pro-Bowl berth anyway?? The Steelers are not THAT good? :laugh: :Laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Isn't the reason that the rag-armed journeymen QBs are supposed to work in this offense because they make good decisions? Some of those throws made me wonder if they're damn colorblind -- couldn't they tell the good guys from the bad guys? Someone get an eye test for them!

While we're doing the blame game, let's discuss WRs that don't run proper routes. Let's talk about Bailey and Smoot getting burned repeatedly. Gawd, they sure sucked out there!! We need to get rid of them ASAP, don't we?:laugh: :laugh:

See how easy it is to whine and cry at the first sign of trouble. Give Spurrier AND Lewis time to adjust accordingly. And while you're at it, give the Pittsburgh defense some well-deserved props!


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This is like criticizing Tiger for not winning a grand slam or every tournament he has entered.

There is a reason that pittsburgh was ranked number one in defense and should have been in the superbowl.....

Its because they are a d@mn good team.

Sorry kids but you can't expect perfection ( well you can if you are ND II) :rolleyes:

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I agree, it was a helluva win. Look, any team the Redskins have fielded since Gibbs left would've rolled over and spread 'em after the first half. You're trying to tell me the Steelers weren't told to pour it on at halftime? Please. In the past, our squad would've mailed it in, the score would've been 63 to 10, and the media would be all over the Skins like bees on honey.

But a funny thing happened on the way out of the tunnel. The team stuck with the HBC. The played all out. They hit hard. They scored, and scored, and scored some more. Oh yeah, and they won.

I'm not sure if you got to watch the game with your own two eyes, but the moment came with a couple minutes left in the 3rd. Steve had a bead on Cowher. Yeah, his QBs blew it early and often, and yeah, it almost looked comical for Matthews to give a D lineman a pick. But by the aforementioned point, SS looked clear and calm. They marched up and down. Third downs? We don't need no stinking third downs. Third down? Try First down. First down. First down. Touchdown.

HBC had 'em all figured out. And you could see the Steelers looking around, like "Naw, this can't be happening". And Cowher is forcing a smile, nah, don't sweat it, just a bump in the road. But fans watching saw a change in the team. They *knew* it could be done. Wait, 24-0, and it can be done? Yep.

I was at the ESPNZone and one lovely aspect was that there were no commercials. Just static camera during commercials - but you could still hear the commentators. They were awful quiet. Silent even, 'cept for when they asked each other if this was happening and shifted uneasily in their seats.

And then, even after a Pitt TD that'd be a backbreaker to any other team, the Skins found a way to stop Tee Martin - he fumbled 'cuz be got b!tchslapped - and everyone knew it was going to happen. It did.

So why is this the best kind of win? Because in the NFL, every team has an off game where mistakes get compounded, fumblitis is rampant, Ds are porous and it's a laugher at the half. But for this team, it'll always be different under the HBC. Make no mistake, that game did not have PreSea intensity - it was tightly contested. And every single man on the roster will know that *any comeback is possible*. S-Dub didn't freak out, he didn't get the deer in the headlights look. He responded, he scored, he won. Period. It was mind-boggling. Think swagger comes from a roster of ProBowlers? I'll direct you to a certain team a certain Beltway franchise fielded a couple years back. No, swagger comes from believeing and having done it before.

The D blew - Marvin all of a sudden realizes he's the second fiddle when it comes to performance. I think that's a good thing; it'll make him hungrier. Special teams was atrocious, and that needs serious work. But overall, see the numerous positives. Because if you can't, you'll never be able to appreciate the really big wins this fall. I'm not blind to the shortcomings. I'm aware of the achievements.


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It's like the ying/yang.....negative v.s. positive.

The Redskins should be somewhat embarrased by their 1st half performance, but should be learning what it's like to come from behind, no matter what team (1st, 2nd or 3rd string) to win.

Everyone says it's just pre season, but a smart coach will build confidence in players as well as his system. Hopefully the defense is humbled by the 1st half in which they found that they have much to build on.

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It's way too early to panic. It's way too early to think we are going to the superbowl. The Steelers Defense is supposed to be either the best or second best in the league. I would expect 30 other teams to struggle against them as well. They win because of their defense. Not becaue of Kordell. He sucks anyway, they looked much better when Batch came in.

Our defense will probably be one of the best, but they need time to learn from Marvin and Marvin to learn them. The Steelers are pretty much established.

Calm Down..... every thing will be ok.

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I think that the comeback win here will benefit everyone on the redskins, it will cause the 1st stringers to work that much harder to prove the nay sayers wrong and it allowed the 2nd stringers to have their time in the sun. Redskins needed this badly after the way the first two games went, I didn't think so at first but the more I look at the situation the better it seems. Go LAVAR!!!!

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<<Sure feels good to say "I told you so" at the first sign of trouble, doesn't it...feel better now? It must have hurt to have to wait until now to say it.. >> GatorRob

LOL... I've always been cautiously optimistic about the Skins chances this year. You guys, however, are what Alan Greenspan might call 'irrationally exhuberant'.

Seriously, can you think of any starting quarterbacks in the league that you WOULDN'T trade any of our QBs for?OK, maybe not Quincy Carter (is that a speech impediment or is he retarded?), but I'll bet you can't think of many others.

<<Sure! Any one of them that depends completely on their skills at the expense of their brain. The poor performance was a team effort last night. Quit making the QBs the sole scapegoat...I'd rather have any of the three instead of Jeff George, Tony Banks, or any of a dozen others who couldn't figure out SOS' system if they had a decade to learn it... >>

Go back and read the question again. I said, can you think of any STARTING QBs that you WOULDN'T trade these guys for? Jeff George and Tony Banks aren't starting QBs. Be a little creative and I'm sure you'll find one: how 'bout Gus Frerotte? The truth is that these guys wouldn't start on ANY other team. That's a fact -- no other team wanted them!

<<It's good you are keeping hope alive. Marino sucked when he had less than 2.5 seconds to get rid of the ball. Montana sure would have sucked if Jerry Rice and Dwight Clark dropped critical passes for first downs. Elway would have sucked if his receivers quit running their routes on deep throws. Let's not even get started on penalties! But if you want your built-in excuse, and blame the QBs for the problems, have at it! >> GatorRob

Marino, Montana, and Elway? Rice and Clark? Man, I think you had your TV on ESPN Classic, not the Skins-Steelers preseason game.

<<While we're doing the blame game, let's discuss WRs that don't run proper routes. Let's talk about Bailey and Smoot getting burned repeatedly. Gawd, they sure sucked out there!! We need to get rid of them ASAP, don't we? >>GatorRob

Now you're sounding like Jeff George! Leadership is meaningless, right? The QB isn't responsible for LEADING the offense, right? Face it: the QB is supposed to lead the team -- that's why those intangibles that guys like Marino, Elway, and Montana had were so important.

<<See how easy it is to whine and cry at the first sign of trouble. >> GatorRob

Who's whining? You seem awfully defensive about the Gator QBs. Look, everyone here is pulling for them, because we don't have any choice. But these guys have proven to be below-average NFL QBs. You've got to expect a little criticism when they stink it up.

<<This is like criticizing Tiger for not winning a grand slam or every tournament he has entered. >> Navy Dave

No it isn't. No one expects perfection -- I think the most optimistic people around here are shooting for 10-6.

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MRMADD Your comments are so stupid you make me want to change my handle just to distance myself from you.

No one wanted Brady, and Kurt Warner was stocking grocerys before joining the rams. Montana was passed on by every team in the draft, remember the knock on him? WEAK ARM. Shall I go on? How about Trent Dilfer? Cut by Tampa and all he did was win the superbowl. More? :shootinth

I suppose this post should have gone on your "QB" thread but since you continue to spread your pessimism about our personell here, I figured what the hell.

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